WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Brock Lesnar Attacks, DX – Brothers Of Destruction, Crown Jewel Hype


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE Monday Night RAW Viewing Party. Tonight’s show comes from the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, NC.

– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a video package looking at last week’s segment with Roman Reigns announcing his battle with leukemia.

– We’re live from the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina as JoJo introduces Acting RAW General Manager Baron Corbin, who is in the ring.

Corbin, who is holding the vacant WWE Universal Title, says last week was one of the most emotional nights of his career. Corbin says that was last week and life moves on. Fans boo him. Corbin respects Reigns personally but professionally, he hopes Reigns doesn’t come back to RAW. Corbin says we all know the title looks good on him. Corbin says Reigns made his job very difficult which is why… the music interrupts and out comes Brock Lesnar to a big pop. Paul Heyman is with him. Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. He’s joined by Corey Graves and Renee Young.

Corbin tells the crowd to give it up for Lesnar. Corbin hypes The Beast vs. The Monster at WWE Crown Jewel but Heyman hushes him up, telling him to stop so he can do his own shtick. The advocate does the grand introduction for his client. Heyman says history will be made once again at Crown Jewel when his client takes the title back home and places it over his massive shoulders. Heyman says in order to do that, Lesnar has to beat Braun Strowman. Heyman has a heads up for us – Lesnar will beat Braun. That’s not a prediction, it’s a spoiler, a guarantee. Heyman says he couldn’t be more right about this match if it were pre-determined. Heyman goes on about the match but the music interrupts and out comes Strowman to a pop.

Strowman marches to the ring as Lesnar stares him down. Braun takes the mic and says he’s going to become champion on Friday because Lesnar is going to get these hands. Strowman drops the mic and stares Lesnar down. Strowman pushes Corbin out of the way and stares Lesnar down again. Corbin attacks Strowman from behind but Strowman powerslams him. Lesnar laughs. Fans chant “get these hands” now. Lesnar grabs the title and poses with it as Strowman slams Corbin again. Stroman yells at Lesnar about how that’s his future. Fans chant “one more time” and Strowman delivers a third powerslam to Corbin. Strowman turns around but Lesnar sneaks up behind him. Strowman turns back around and Lesnar drops him with the F5 to a mixed reaction. Lesnar stands tall over Strowman with the title as his music hits. Lesnar and Heyman leave the ring. Strowman gets up and he’s not happy.

– The announcers talk about what happened with new RAW Tag Team Champions Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins last week. Ambrose and the WWE Intercontinental Champion will be here tonight. Also, DX and The Brothers of Destruction are here. Also, a ten-woman match with Natalya, Bayley, Sasha Banks and WWE Hall of Famers Trish Stratus & Lita teaming to face The Riott Squad, Alicia Fox and Mickie James.

Finn Balor vs. Bobby Lashley

We go to the ring and out comes Finn Balor to a pop. Balor stops and throws a “too sweet” taunt to Baron Corbin as he’s helped up the ramp by referees. Balor hits the ring and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a quick video package of stills from Evolution. Cole mentions how Balor was in attendance for Evolution. We see highlights from last week’s match that led to this rematch. Out next comes Lio Rush. Rush takes the mic on the stage and knocks Balor, saying he just got lucky last week and didn’t deserve the win. Rush calls it a fluke and says Balor knows it. Rush goes on and knocks Balor, then the people of Charlotte. Rush calls on everyone to stand and help him welcome his man… Lashley, Lashley, Lashley. Out comes Bobby Lashley marching to the ring.

The bell rings and Lashley rams Balor back into the corner. Lashley rams Balor into another corner and hits him with shoulder thrusts. Lashley slams Balor as Rush starts chanting his name on the mic. Lashley keeps control while Rush keeps running his mouth. Balor eventually dropkicks Lashley and sends him out of the ring. Balor runs the ropes and nails a big dive, taking Lashley back down. Balor clutches his back after the landing as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Lashley has control of Balor in the middle of the ring while Rush chants his name. Balor fights up from a hold but Lashley slams him face-first. Lashley dominates Balor and grounds him again. Balor fights up again but Lashley knees him and rocks him into the corner. Lashley charges but runs into boots. Balor looks to mount some offense now, taking Lashley off his feet as fans pop. Lashley comes right back and goes for a powerbomb but Balor fights while up in the air. Balor counters and takes Lashley back down. Balor with a big chop in the corner. Lashley catches Balor mid-move and drives him into the mat for another 2 count.

Rush chants Lashley’s name some more as Lashley looks to finish Balor. Balor with a Slingblade and another big shot into the corner. Rush distracts Balor from the floor. Balor goes to the top for Coup de Grace but Rush shoves him. Balor manages to drop Lashley with a kick after ducking a shot. Balor goes back to the top for another Coup de Grace attempt but Rush stops it once again. The referee calls the match.

Winner by DQ: Finn Balor

– After the match, fans chant “you suck” at Rush. A referee checks on Balor on the outside but Lashley comes and grabs him. Lashley drives Balor into the barrier and the apron a few times as fans boo. Rush chants his name. Lashley brings Balor back into the ring and manhandles him with a Full Nelson. Rush talks trash to Balor while Lashley holds him up. Lashley drops Balor to the mat but holds him so Rush can slap him. Lashley poses and Rush chants his name some more as the music hits.

– Still to come, a look at Evolution. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see Bobby Lashley walking with Lio Rush backstage. Baron Corbin wants to see them and they walk into the trainer’s room to find him. Corbin gives them props for what they just did to Finn Balor. Corbin says Lashley is one of the best in the world and he will have the chance to prove it. Corbin says Lashley has officially qualified for the World Cup tournament at Crown Jewel on Friday. Lashley asks who will he be replacing? Corbin says he’s replacing someone who didn’t qualify – John Cena.

– We see stills from Nikki Bella’s loss to RAW Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey at Evolution. We also see post-Evolution video of SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch interrupting an interview with Rousey. Cole reveals Rousey vs. Lynch for the WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view on November 18.

Trish Stratus, Lita, Sasha Banks, Bayley and Natalya vs. The Riott Squad, Mickie James and Alicia Fox

We go to the ring and out first are WWE Hall of Famers Trish Stratus and Lita. Natalya joins them on the stage. Sasha Banks is out next, followed by Bayley. They all head to the ring together and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Alicia Fox and Mickie James with Alexa Bliss on the stage. The Riott Squad is out next – Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan and Ruby Riott. Trish starts off with Logan and they go at it. Trish gets the upperhand and in comes Liv. Trish keeps control and tags in Lita. Lita jumps off Trish’s back and hits the clothesline to Liv in the corner. Lita keeps control of Liv and drops her with a DDT for a 2 count. The Riott Squad tries to make the save but Bayley and Banks take them down on the outside. We go to commercial with The Riott Squad down at ringside as Trish, Lita and Natalya look on from their corner.
Back from the break and Fox gets double teamed by Banks and Bayley. Trish tags in to double team Fox with Banks. Trish with a 2 count. Fox ends up turning it around on Banks after she came back in, following interference from Mickie. Fox with a 2 count on Banks. Mickie tags in and keeps Banks grounded while talking trash.

Logan ends up in the ring with shots to Banks but Banks rolls her up out of nowhere for a 2 count. Logan comes right back with a dropkick out of nowhere for a 2 count. Logan smiles as she keeps Banks grounded now. Banks looks for a tag but Logan rams her back into the corner. Ruby tags in and stomps away on Banks in the corner. Ruby argues with the referee while her partners beat on Banks in the corner. Banks tries for a tag again but Ruby slams her back. Ruby knocks Lita off the apron with a cheap shot. Ruby argues with Trish before going back to work on Banks. Ruby mocks Banks. Banks side-steps and Ruby runs into her partners in the corner.

Fox comes back in and drops Trish and Bayley off the apron after missing Sasha. Natalya finally gets the tag and she unloads on Fox. Natalya with her signature moves and the basement dropkick. Natalya with a spinning lariat for a 2 count as Logan breaks the pin. Trish takes Logan down. Mickie goes to the top but Trish brings her down with a scissors. Banks leaps off the top with knees to Mickie. Liv and Ruby come in to deck Trish and Banks as they celebrate. Bayley and Lita make the save and hit a double Twist of Fate on Ruby and Liv. Bayley goes to the top and drops a big elbow on Ruby. Lita goes to the top and hits the Litasault on Liv for a pop. Fox grabs Lita but Lita counters and Natalya follows-up with the Hart Attack. Natalya with a 2 count on Fox. Natalya applies the Sharpshooter to Fox in the middle of the ring and she taps out.

Winners: Natalya, Lita, Trish Stratus, Sasha Banks and Bayley

– After the match, the winners stand tall as Natalya’s music hits. The Riott Squad recovers on the outside.

– The announcers show us stills from the 20-woman Battle Royal at Evolution, which saw Nia Jax win to earn a future RAW Women’s Title shot. Kayla Braxton is backstage with Jax now. Braxton asks when Jax plans on challenging Ronda Rousey. Jax says Rousey has Becky Lynch at Survivor Series but she will be waiting for her after she makes Becky tap to prove that RAW has the superior women’s division. Kayla introduces Ember Moon next. She talks about going at it with Jax in the Battle Royal. Moon says she had lightning in a bottle last night but… Jax interrupts and gives Moon props but says Braxton should be asking her more about facing Rousey. Moon and Jax have some words. Moon challenges Jax to a match and Jax accepts. Jax says she beat Moon last night and will do it again tonight. Jax walks off.

– The announcers talk about Jax and Tamina Snuka paying tribute to Roman Reigns in the Battle Royal at Evolution. We see footage of Dean Ambrose turning on Seth Rollins after their RAW Tag Team Title win on last week’s show. Ambrose and Rollins will be here tonight.

– Cole leads us to a video package on DX vs. The Brothers of Destruction at Crown Jewel. Both teams will be here tonight.

– We briefly hear Elias in the ring with his guitar. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see more stills from Evolution.

– We go to the ring and Elias is out with his guitar. Elias says he’s the truth and what he says will set us free. He goes on and reminds us that WWE stands for Walk With Elias. Elias lets out a “Wooo!” as we’re in Flair Country tonight.

Elias says he came to Charlotte early today because WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair wanted to hang out with him. Elias claims Flair said Elias is his favorite. Elias says Flair gave him props for what he did to Baron Corbin last week. Elias shows us a replay of the guitar shot to Corbin and says this one is for Ric. Elias says as much as it hurts him to break one of his beautiful guitars, that one felt good. He planned on singing a song to Corbin tonight but he probably can’t make it out here because of what Braun Strowman did to him earlier. Elias says he can’t let this song go and can’t let Corbin off that easy so he’s headed to the back to bring the music to Corbin’s face. Elias leaves the ring with his guitar and heads to the back.

The camera cuts backstage for the announcers. We see Dana Brooke stop Elias in the back. She asks him to play her a song and he says no. Elias keeps walking and knocks on Corbin’s door. Corbin yells from the other side and isn’t opening the door, no matter who it is. Elias does his usual shtick about keeping your mouth shut and silencing your cellphone. He starts playing the song outside of Corbin’s door. The song takes shots at Corbin. Corbin comes out and Elias keeps playing. He calls Corbin “Stephanie’s little b—h” as Corbin goes back inside. Jinder Mahal suddenly attacks out of nowhere and destroys Elias. Corbin comes back and says it looks like Jinder just tuned Elias up. Corbin says Elias better get to the ring for his encore because he’s in action next. We go to commercial.

Elias vs. Jinder Mahal

Back from the break and the bell rings. Elias locks up with Jinder Mahal as The Singh Brothers look on from the outside. Elias looks to take control but he’s selling the beatdown from earlier. Jinder slams Elias to the mat and kicks him in the injured ribs. Jinder stomps away in the corner now. Jinder keeps control and grounds Elias in the middle of the ring now.

Jinder with an abdominal stretch to Elias now, keeping focus on the ribs. Jinder with a waistlock but Elias fights out with elbows. They trade strikes in the middle of the ring now. Elias blocks a counter in the corner and mule kicks Jinder away. Elias unloads in the corner as the referee warns him and fans cheer him on. Jinder counters and scoops Elias on his shoulders but Elias slides out. Elias with a knee and a Drift Away for the pin.

Winner: Elias

– After the match, Elias recovers and clutches his ribs as his music plays.

– The announcers show us a replay of the opening segment with Corbin, Strowman and Lesnar. The announcers hype Crown Jewel.

– Still to come, a special look at WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle ahead of the World Cup. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see some of the mainstream media attention given to Evolution.

– The announcers hype Crown Jewel and the World Cup tournament. The brackets are: WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley and WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle vs. Dolph Ziggler on the RAW side, plus Jeff Hardy vs. The Miz and Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton on the SmackDown side. Cole leads us to a video package on Angle. We also get a video of Angle at the gym, talking about how he will win the tournament. Angle isn’t coming to Crown Jewel to prove he has one more match, he’s coming to once again prove he’s the best in the world.

The Ascension vs. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable vs. The Authors of Pain

We go to the ring and The Ascension waits, Konnor and Viktor. Out next comes Chad Gable and Bobby Roode. We get a sidebar video from earlier today with Roode and Gable showing their friendship. Out next comes Akam and Rezar, The Authors of Pain. They are led to the ring by WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick.

Roode, Gable, Konnor and Viktor all attack Akam and Rezar on the outside before they can enter the ring. They destroy the two big men at ringside. The referee tries to restore order as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Konnor dominates Gable for a close 2 count. Akam comes in and faces off with Konnor. Gable drops Konnor and sends Akam over the top rope. Viktor tags in but Gable counters him. Roode tags in for the double team neckbreaker on Viktor for the quick pin out of nowhere.

Winners: Chad Gable and Bobby Roode

– After the match, Akam and Rezar enter the ring to start destroying the other Superstars. Drake enters the ring to watch the destruction. They hit the Super Collider on Gable and Roode. Akam and Rezar stand tall with Drake as their music hits.

– Cole talks about Roman Reigns’ fight with leukemia. We see footage of Reigns and other WWE Superstars visiting Children’s Health in Dallas, Texas last month. We see several of the young cancer patients from the hospital sending well wishes to Reigns. Cole sends support to Reigns as we hear a “Roman” chant break out in the arena. Cole talks about how Dean Ambrose turned on Seth Rollins last week. We see a video package on The Shield with footage from last week’s show. Ambrose and Rollins are here tonight. Rollins wants answers. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see more stills from Evolution.

– We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental & RAW Tag Team Champion Seth Rollins. He is not carrying the tag team belt.

Rollins says this has been a week with a rollercoaster full of emotions. He thanks everyone for the support they have sent to Roman Reigns this week, calling it beautiful. A “thank you Roman” chant starts up. Rollins says the positivity makes him smile, it makes him happy. What also makes him happy is the fact that he became RAW Tag Team Champion again last week but he’s sad that he’s not out here celebrating with his friend and partner Dean Ambrose. Fans boo Ambrose’s name. Rollins says that’s not possible because Ambrose turned his back on The Shield, on everyone. Rollins says maybe what he did 4 years ago caused Ambrose to finally lash out. Rollins feels frustrated and confused. He says the only person that has the answers is Ambrose but Ambrose is the kind of guy who won’t be found if he doesn’t want to be found.

Rollins says he didn’t call or text because he knew for sure that he would be able to find Ambrose at RAW tonight. Rollins says as a friend and a brother, he is calling Ambrose to the ring to tell us why. Rollins says Ambrose wanted the spotlight and now he can have it. The music hits and Rollins looks but Ambrose isn’t there. Ambrose finally appears up in the crowd, like The Shield did. Rollins says Ambrose is mocking The Shield. He calls Ambrose to the ring to give him the answers he deserves like a man. Rollins says at least when he put the knife in Ambrose’s back he had the decency to look him in the eye and tell him why he was doing it. Rollins gets upset and tells Ambrose to come to the ring and face him like a man.

Ambrose, who does not have a tag team belt either, looks to take the mic from the steps in the crowd but he changes his mind to some boos. A “you sold out” chant starts up. Rollins says Ambrose really is a cold-hearted bastard. Rollins says Ambrose spat on The Shield during their emotional night. Somehow, some way, Ambrose made it all about him on the night Reigns went to battle leukemia. Rollins goes on and says he is fixed on Ambrose for as long as he lives and he will make Ambrose’s life a living hell. Rollins says maybe it wasn’t a nickname, maybe Ambrose really is a soul-less lunatic. Ambrose looks to take the mic again but doesn’t. Rollins says Ambrose can stay up there because he’s coming up to beat him within an inch of his life. Rollins leaves the ring but Ambrose walks away. Rollins watches from ringside and fumes. Rollins returns to the ring and grabs his title as his music hits.

– Charly Caruso is backstage with Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush, asking about his spot in the World Cup and what it would mean to be the best in the world with a tournament win. Rush praises Lashley and mentions how he’s a former MMA champion. Rush says Seth Rollins doesn’t stand a chance against Lashley, especially in the state of mind we just saw him in. Rush goes on about how Lashley is money and says Lashley will prove that he is the best in the world. They walk off.

– The announcers take another look at the World Cup brackets and hype Crown Jewel on the WWE Network. Cole leads us to a video package for DX vs. The Brothers of Destruction. Both teams will be here tonight.

Nia Jax vs. Ember Moon

We go to the ring and out comes Nia Jax. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Jax waits in the ring as Ember Moon makes her way out. The bell rings and Moon nails a dropkick to start. Moon looks to mount more offense and sends Jax into the corner. Moon goes to the top but Jax cuts her off with a forearm to the jaw. Jax places Moon on her shoulders but Moon slides out. Moon fights back but Jax levels her. Jax keeps control and drops an elbow in the middle of the ring. Jax with a 2 count. Jax with a big lariat before keeping Moon locked in a bear hug.

Jax ends up running into the ring post after Moon moves out of the way. Moon climbs to the second turnbuckle and leaps out to the floor, taking Jax back down. The referee counts as they are both down on the outside. They return to the ring but the music interrupts and out comes Tamina Snuka.

Jax and Moon stare her down. Jax takes advantage and drops Moon. Jax nails the leg drop and covers Moon for the pin.

Winner: Nia Jax

– After the match, Jax and Snuka stare each other down . Snuka steps up on the apron but jumps back down as Jax’s music hits. The staredown continues.

– The announcers hype Crown Jewel again and go over the card.

– Still to come, the RAW debut of The Lucha House Party. We go to commercial.

The Lucha House Party vs. The Revival

Back from the break and out comes The Lucha House Party for their RAW debut – Kalisto and Gran Metalik with Lince Dorado. The Revival, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder, wait in the ring. Dash starts off with Kalisto and starts beating on him.

Kalisto turns it around and dropkicks Dawson as he runs in. Dorado tags in and helps unload. They take The Revival down on the floor at the same time. They return to the ring and do the “lucha!” chant now. Dash comes back in and turns it around on Kalisto. Dawson tags in and keeps the attack going on Kalisto. Dawson with a snap suplex before keeping Kalisto grounded. Kalisto ends up fighting off both opponents. Dawson drops Dorado off the apron to prevent the tag.

Dawson floors Kalisto with a big forearm. Dawson has words with Metalik, who taunts him from the floor. Dawson turns around to a Salida del Sol from Kalisto. Dorado springboards in and takes out Dash as he charges in. Kalisto covers Dawson for the pin to win.

Winners: The Lucha House Party

– After the match, the lucha stars head to the back as their music plays. We go to replays.

– Still to come, Dolph Ziggler will address the World Cup. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see more stills from Evolution.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Apollo Crews

We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler with Drew McIntyre. Ziggler takes the mic to address the World Cup tournament on Friday at Crown Jewel. Ziggler says he knows he has his eye on the prize. He asks McIntyre what he’s most looking forward to on Friday. Drew says now that they have finally broken The Shield, he will be watching one match on Friday – Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman for the WWE Universal Title. Ziggler knows the winner will have a Claymore Kick in his future. Ziggler brings up how WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle said he will win the World Cup. Ziggler says most people know he’s looked up to Angle for most of his life for what Angle did for collegiate wrestling and what he did in the Olympics. Fans interrupt with a USA chant. Ziggler says without guys like Kurt Angle, guys like Dolph Ziggler wouldn’t exist in WWE. Ziggler says he will cement his legacy by winning the World Cup. Ziggler goes on about how he’s the best and says he is the best in the world. He tosses the mic and out comes his opponent, Apollo Crews. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and they’re going at it already. Crews drops Ziggler with an enziguri. Crews with more offense and counters. Crews clotheslines Ziggler and drops him with another enziguri for a close 2 count.

Crews goes to the top but Ziggler knocks him to the mat. Ziggler rolls Crews up in the corner for a close 2 count. Ziggler argues with the referee about the count. Ziggler yells at Crews to get up and do something. Crews blocks a superkick but Ziggler blocks an enziguri. Crews overpowers and slams Ziggler. Crews presses Ziggler high in the air and holds him, then drops him to the mat. Crews with a standing moonsault for a close 2 count as McIntyre looks on.

Crews goes to the top but Ziggler runs up and grabs him. Crews shoves Ziggler back to the mat. Crews leaps out with a Frogsplash but Ziggler gets his knees up and Crews lands hard. Ziggler nails a superkick for the pin to win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

– After the match, McIntyre enters the ring and disrespects Crews while he’s down. McIntyre raises Ziggler’s arm as the music plays. They leave the ring.

– We see a clip from the recent cemetery video with The Brothers of Destruction taunting DX. Both teams will be here next. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes The Brothers of Destruction, Kane and The Undertaker.

The lights stay low and fans chant for Taker as he takes the mic. Taker says it’s not easy to heed his call, to say goodbye, to reach the end, but when The Reaper calls – it’s your time to go, no matter how hard you fight. Kane also speaks and Taker says they will take the battered souls of DX to the fiery gates of hell for the first and last time at Crown Jewel on Friday. Taker says it won’t be a quick death, it will be slow, agonizing pain. It won’t just be the end of an era, it will be the end of DX’s error. Taker says but that is Friday. He calls DX to the ring now so they can take their souls for eternity, so they can never… Rest. In. Peace. The music hits and out comes DX.

Triple H comes out by himself and throws glowsticks to the crowd. He acts like Michaels is missing. Triple H plays like he’s going to the back to get WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels. Kane is tired of waiting and he goes up the ramp. Michaels comes from behind in the ring and drops Taker with Sweet Chin Music. HBK exits the ring as Kane comes back in to stand by Taker. DX taunts them from ringside but Taker sits straight up out of nowhere. DX changes their attitudes as they look on at the ring, looking a little worried now. Taker’s music hits as he stands tall with Kane in the ring. Taker cuts his own throat and RAW goes off the air.

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