WWE News: Triple H announces NXT UK goals ahead of UK wrestling premiere | WWE | sport


The all-new WWE brand will air its first episode on October 17th at 8:00 pm (ET / 3:00 pm ET) and will feature the country's best male and female competitors, such as British champion NXT Pete Dunne, Toni Storm Noam Dar, and others.

The founder and main producer of NXT, Triple H, is very ambitious and confident about the future of its creation. He would like the show to be broadcast live in prime time.

WWE's executive vice president of talent, live events and creation told Express Sport: "I think all of this is progressing. For me, this is no different from the other brands we have.

"I think everything depends on the public, everything will depend on how it has been taken.

"As we move forward with these, we are obviously going to expand beyond our current position and do shows outside of downtown. [territories, such as] London obviously.

"Outside of this region, we go to Scotland, Wales, to move things.

"Ideally, I would like to have live content coming from here. You know that what I like about it, it is also the possibility to broadcast it in prime time here.

"The beauty of [WWE] Network is that you watch it whenever you want, but if you want to watch it when it goes on the air and you follow social events, it's here in prime time.

"If we organize special events from here, TakeOver or Pay-Per-Views programs; as you want to call, they would be in prime time from here. So for me, it's the goal. "

Triple H's main priority, however, is to market NXT UK and diversify globally to introduce the product to a global audience.

And so, the 14-time world champion would have the chance to fulfill his long-term goal of offering a new career choice to promising and exciting talents that do not necessarily have to surrender to WWE's flagship brands, RAW and Smackdown.

The Game wants NXT UK to stand out as a unique and lucrative brand, even if it never matches the level of RAW or Smackdown.

The king of kings added: "But it is to give visibility to this brand. And for me, this is the first step in what we've talked about, global diversification and the creation of this global system and presence that can create a clear path and a career path.

"My long-term goal would be to make a career choice for people who wish to have a career option, for people for whom they did not necessarily have to go to RAW or Smackdown, if you want see there a preview. meaning, and be able to have a very viable and lucrative career.

"Whether you want to be part of the NXT system in the world and over a 10-year career, a 15-year career has spanned multiple territories and has acquired a vast array of experiences and a very successful career. rewarding.

"Even if he has never reached the level of RAW or Smackdown, but still remains his own brand, he remains very lucrative, remains all he can be.

"Because there is talent that I want to be able to give them this platform."

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