WWE Raw Results: Bayley finally turns heel and bigger takeaways | Bleacher's report


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    Credit: WWE.com

    The June 25 episode of Raw brought with it a main event, the last chapter of the nascent rivalry between Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley and the long-awaited turn of one of the most important figures of the Revolution women.

    Bayley went on Sasha Banks and raised what should have been an episode of Raw to an episode worthy of interest.

    What has joined Bayley's change of attitude as the biggest message to remember from Monday's broadcast?

    Discover below.

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    For nearly six months, fans are anxiously waiting for Bayley to attack his best friend Sasha Banks and start a heel round that will refresh his character.

    After a ton of patience from them, these fans were rewarded Monday night with a heel that saw Bayley bully Banks, referring to years of frustration and heartache while talking trash to the Boss and telling the multi-female champion, & # 39; ss – t!

    It was a defining moment in Bayley's WWE-wide journey and the one that absolutely had to happen.

    WWE Creative could very easily have run Banks and followed the predictable route. Bayley would have stayed exactly the same. She would have been the friendly heroine to really hit a deal with the hearings from the main list and would probably have continued to struggle creatively.

    As a stub, however, the creative avenues that the writing team can take on are wide open.

    No longer wanting to sit down and let everyone take his kindness and his love of the fight for granted, Bayley exploded.

    Where the story goes from here should have really excited fans.

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    Who would have thought that a program opposing Roman Reigns to Bobby Lashley would give Reigns some life and give Lashley a second chance to impress the WWE Universe on his return?

    As Monday evening shows, Lashley presents Reigns with a legitimate challenge to No. 1 competitor's throne. In what has been his best performance at the mic so far – though it's not much – Lashley has expressed the same exhaustion with the place of Reigns in the main event that the fans have for years.

    Reigns fought back, reminding those same fans that the last time Lashley was in the main event, he took off.

    The verbal exchange played well with the audience and, for the first time, a Lashley-Reigns match was like the one the fans were really interested in seeing.

    There is still a lot of time left to WWE Creative to ruin the construction of the match, but it can be comforting to know that he hit the right deal Monday night. There is now a real anticipation for a match between two guys who do not have the most explosive personalities.

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    Pain's authors came back on television this week and destroyed two unknown competitors in a fun demolition. Then, in a moment that suggested that Vince McMahon never watched a single episode of NXT, Akam and Rezar were eliminated from the ring by Titus Worldwide, who hired massive heels in a backstage promo earlier in the night.

    It was a moment of deafness that would only hurt The Authors of Pain rather than help them get into the main race.

    In NXT, the team was fearless, dominant, destructive and seemingly insurmountable. Making them run by a C-level team that has not been able to establish some dynamics or even win more than what they lose is a slap in the face.

    They will probably beat Titus O 'Neil and Apollo Crews when the time comes, but it will probably be a more competitive match than it should be, and that' s where the problem lies: the authors should dominate on the way to their eventual title opportunity.

    Do not fight with a team like Titus Worldwide who has no real credibility with fans.

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    Seth Rollins and Dolph Ziggler tore the house at the main event of the Intercontinental Championship, delivering a fantastic match marked only by the finish, which saw Drew McIntyre interfere and result in disqualification.

    Roman Reigns carried out the rescue, held alongside Rollins and watched Ziggler celebrated as he had won the match, a flashing smile while maintaining his title. The event hinted at a very high-level team match at one point, which would do wonders to elevate the credibility of Ziggler and McIntyre as a unit.

    Rollins and Ziggler are two of the most consistent workers in the industry. Contrasting them with each other is a smart way to ensure the quality of the ring product while helping to enhance the prestige of the intercontinental championship.

    McIntyre has been touted as an unstoppable force since returning from injury. Putting him on the ring with Reigns, who is seen as the best star of the Raw brand, will only force fans to accept the Scots as a legitimate competitor worthy of a major event.

    A hot heel act, two of the most popular stars on the list and a lot of time between now and SummerSlam to tell their stories should help make quality television on Monday night.

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