WWE Raw Results, Recap, Notes: Dean Ambrose Takes the Hard Decision to End the Show


Despite all the glaring flaws and inconsistency of Raw during the hangover that followed SummerSlam, Monday's episode was marked by the refreshing narrative of consistent storytelling, writing strong and the type of physical struggle. No, it was not necessarily an award-winning television show or episode we will remember again in the years to come. The three hours and more of sports entertainment seemed to present a noticeable change in terms of quality and the feeling the time invested would be worth it.

This week's commitment to telling the story of The Shield and the potential of Dean Ambrose's stubborn heels, suggested for a long time, not only reserved the series, but also offered Raw an exciting base through segments interspersed.

Less than two weeks away from the Super Show-Down in Australia, it's still too early to tell if WWE's Australian foray will look more like a real pay-off or a glorious house show than the Greatest Royal Rumble in April . Anyway, episodes such as Monday give back a little confidence that the trip to get there could be quite entertaining, whatever.

Dean Ambrose chooses to stay with The Shield

Raw has been meeting with Commissioner Stephanie McMahon, reprimanding Acting Director General Baron Corbin for being awarded a title last week. After Corbin blamed everything on The Shield, McMahon told him that "mistakes are tolerated but excuses never are." She then told him to find two partners and to take up business against the shield or that Kurt Angle's vacation could end. In the ring, Dean Ambrose called his Shield brothers "the three WWE draft horses, they lost some battles but they never lost the war and are still standing". Corbin, who quickly welcomed Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, and Drew McIntyre, began to expose what they saw as "cracks in the shield." The stubs quickly targeted Ambrose and attempted to tip Dean disposable into believing that the Shield was only using it.

Later backstage, Ziggler dubbed on the field for Ambrose to turn around telling him to give a signal during the main event and "we'll take care of the rest". To counter the heel efforts, Rollins made a similar call to McIntyre while trying to convince him that Strowman and Ziggler were using it. McIntyre sold the uncertainty by precipitating a Ziggler arriving late. The best pitch, however, came later from McIntyre when he approached Ambrose and reminded him of how Rollins had previously stabbed him in the back by breaking the shield at the start.

The shield def. Baron Corbin & AOP via pinfall: Corbin revealed Akam and Rezar as his mystery partners, giving way to a six-player game that took the last 30 minutes of the series. With Strowman, Ziggler and McIntyre observing chairs on the stage, the match was marked by a series of falls, big spots and a fun confrontation between Reigns and Rezar. The six heels worked together at various points to distract the shield. After Ambrose transported his team late, the finish occurred following a wild sequence in which Reigns rescued Ambrose from the AOP finisher and Rollins hit two suicide dives. Ambrose then hit Corbin with Dirty Deeds before Reigns hit his spear. After the match, Ambrose was sitting alone on the floor and after a long pause during which he was considering turning on the shield, he entered the ring to join his fists and kiss them.

Team Championship – Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre (c) Def. The rebirth via pinfall: Earlier in the series, the champions were pushed to the limit in their largely unilateral match that could contain almost all the highlights of Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson in one game. The Revival has seen more than six spectacular falls following movements, including a Dawson Northern Lights suplex, a Wilder springboard shoulder, a Dawson powerbomb and a tandem superplex / top splash. Their title hopes came to an end late when Wilder ate a Zig Zag / Claymore combo for 1-2-3.

Fair play at the WWE to keep the suspense for a possible heel of Ambrose that lasts three hours. Even though the result was never achieved, the final segment avoided being an annoying hustle and bustle at how intense and exciting the match was. The Ambrose Credit for selling its uncertainty so strong thanks to what has been well written throughout the series. WWE creatively invented Rollins' old-fashioned heel ways and adopted a credible angle that McIntyre was as "used" by his friends as Ambrose. Would the gain from a real turnaround have made this moment go from very good to excellent? No question. But enough seeds have been planted to stay tuned for the future.

The team title match was fun and electric, and it offered legitimate hints for a possible title change. Not only did The Revival greatly benefit from Ziggler's impeccable sales, but the duo raised their game to such a level that it was difficult to get out of the game without wondering when their turn will come. Previously known for their chemical style and style of recovery, Wilder and Dawson have both used this match to show how much they can work individually with one big shot after the other. Their performance was so strong, in fact, the abrupt end of the match was difficult to live. Grade: B +

What happened to Raw?

  • Finn Balor def. Jinder Mahal via pinfall: Fun match with the finish used as advertising for season 2 of the Mixed Match Challenge thanks to Bayley in the corner of Balor and Alicia Fox joining Mahal. Bayley has already repaid Sunil Singh by grabbing Mahal's leg under the rope to slow him down. She then knocked out an attacking Fox before putting a Bayley-to-Belly on Singh on the floor. The action has sufficiently distracted Mahal for Balor to bring him back to victory. After the match, Mahal hit Singh and threw him into the ring before Fox reminded him of his new peaceful behavior and the trio started singing while sitting in the ring.
  • The Riott Squad defeated The Bella Twins & Natalya via pinfall: With Ronda Rousey on a media tour, the heels got the upper hand despite a legitimate injury to Liv Morgan after Brie Bella kicked him several times. (Ruby Riott later appeared to provide Brie with the "reception" of two extra stiff forearms in the face.) The babyfaces trio recorded the match's place when they combined on a three-sided suplex, but the team was not able to play. Natalya applied her Sharpshooter on Sarah Logan, but Riott struck her in the face. She would add a Riott Kick to secure the 1-2-3.
  • Konnor def. Chad Gable via pinfall: The pre-game promotional videos of both teams showed how Gable faced a daunting challenge. Gable replied by saying that he would remember his new partner thinking "WWBRD: what would Bobby Roode do?" Gable missed a late twilight and Konnor countered with a suplex at the head of the needle for the pin.
  • Triple H cuts the promo on The Undertaker: Before arriving behind the scenes of the limo, Triple H gave Charly Caruso a reaction to Undertaker's comments last week that he has become too corporate. "If Undertaker worries about a suit, he has already lost," said Triple H. "We will not fight in costume, we will not fight in a boardroom. As for his awareness, I sold it a long time ago.Anyone who is honest with himself can feel it look, it's been happening for a while now.When it comes to The Undertaker , the end is near. "
  • Bobby Lashley def. Elias via disqualification: A brief edition of "The Kevin Owens Show" before the game allowed Elias to host KO on guitar while Lio Rush greeted and heckled him by presenting an extra seat. Rush announced the departure of Lashley, a native of Denver, and the brief match that followed ended abruptly after Owens chased Rush around the ring and accidentally stumbled on Lashley before the DQ. Owens and Elias eventually trapped Rush inside the ring until Lashley intercepted a powerbomb pop-up to rescue his manager. Later, a Lashley-Owens match was booked for next week.
  • Nia Jax def. Alicia Fox via pinfall: A dominant victory for Jax seemed to be reserved for nothing more than to nominate his nomination at the price of the game changer player. Ember Moon, who was in the corner of Jax, hit the ball on Mickie James. Jax secured the pin after a fall from Samoan.

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