WWE Raw results, recap, notes: Hell in a Cell's Go in home show offers highlights


Throughout the construction of the pay-per-view of Hell in a Cell Sunday, more memorable moments than the viral events, the Monday's episode of Raw has for the most part been delivered. In fact, watching and playing the role of a PPV show was a big reason why WWE overcame some big missteps – including the continually funny use of the police in the screenplay The Shield – for to prepare well the Roman scene of Sunday Reigns vs. Braun Strowman and Ronda Rousey against Alexa Bliss.

Meanwhile, the three-hour show also produced strong moments, including a Kevin Owens promo that correctly explained his motives and the continued use of traditional managers. There was all this, plus a pair of specials of the legends Triple H and Mick Foley, to start with.

Roman Reigns takes revenge on Braun Strowman

The second half of Raw saw Strowman enter what he called big dog hunting after Raw's general manager, Baron Corbin, told him that commissioner Stephanie McMahon wanted Strowman to win the Reigns championship on Sunday. Hell in a Cell. Strowman then destroyed the backstage looking for Reigns and threatened several WWE employees, including a producer that he held at his throat before throwing himself on a crate.

In the last segment of the show, Strowman called Reigns to face him as a man. He added that on Sunday he "takes the title and sends Roman Reigns to hell and he will never come back." Out came Reigns to deal with Strowman on the stage. After a connected Superman punch, Strowman repeatedly launched Reigns into the video wall. Strowman then placed Reigns at the top of the table until a reversal saw the all-around champion end the show by hitting a Samoan drop across the scene adjacent to the table.

With Reigns's dialogue kept to a minimum and Strowman perfectly setting the table a threat behind the scenes, it's hard to argue how the series ended as a powerful stimulant for the kind of violence to be expected on Sunday. The high closing position perfectly hit the mark and added another highlight to the growing rivalry Reigns-Strowman. In addition, do not remind the audience that Strowman had already cashed his wallet Money in the Bank weeks in advance for a title shot that he had probably already won, which it's turned out to be the best solution. Quality: B +

The shield escapes arrest by foiling Baron Corbin

Raw began with Strowman, joined by Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler, saying that he "feasted on the bloody carcasses of The Shield" after the attack last week. He added that Reigns has his dogs, but Strowman has "my dogs of war". The trio was standing in the ring while the majority of the cloakroom's heels lined it. Naturally, The Shield went through the crowd to get out of the ring with ease. Dean Ambrose then pulled out a bag revealing three ax handles that helped them defeat Jinder Mahal in the ring as Strowman, McIntyre and Ziggler sprang from the stage.

Later behind the scenes, a group of police offers confronted The Shield before Corbin came to plead that we did not need to repeat last week. Corbin offered that if The Shield dropped his weapons, they could avoid being arrested again. "I want you to participate in Raw and not destroy everything," he said. Corbin added that if the trio did not leave the premises, they would lose their titles and go to prison. All three cooperated without problem.

Team Championship – Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre (c) Def. The B-Team via pinfall: In spite of a series of labels and amusements near the falls, Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel remained empty in their contractual revenge. The arrival took place when McIntyre distracted the referee to allow Ziggler to reap Dallas' eyes. The duo then hit their Claymore / ZigZag double finisher before McIntyre got the pin. Ambrose and Rollins then challenged Corbin by attacking from behind. But after throwing McIntyre on the ground, Rollins' attempt was not successful when McIntyre pulled Ziggler out to save him.

Confronted with Corbin, Rollins accused him of arresting them last week. Corbin replied by saying that he was trying to prevent it until Rollins accused him of falsifying a police report. He then brought a sheriff to read his rights on Corbin and issue a warrant for arrest against him. Corbin agreed to speak privately and Rollins told the sheriff not to press. Later in the locker room, Corbin told an angry Ziggler that New Orleans was headed by a Napoleonic code where "the law gets complicated". Corbin concluded by telling Ziggler and McIntyre that they were defending their titles on Sunday against Rollins and Ambrose because Stephanie McMahon wants the series to be huge.

While Raw deserves praise for how the Reigns-Strowman and Shield scenarios have been well established throughout the series, the fragile nature of the police scenarios has fallen flat for the second week in a row. If fans were led to believe last Monday that The Shield could be arrested for such comical reasons, should they be so quick to accept that Rollins could use the services of an officer to blackmail his boss? Overall, the final result of a team all-star game is a good result. But, unfortunately, it was difficult to get there with an overbooked story. Quality: C

Kevin Owens explains his barbaric actions

His match against Tyler Breeze never officially started as Owens jumped before the bell and then hit a stiff bomb. Owens then explained why he had left Raw two weeks ago, and revealed that he only agreed to Corbin's request to come back with the stipulation that he would not be held accountable for who he had hurt in the show. Calling "the real MVP of Raw," Owens blamed his recent actions on "sick maniac" Bobby Lashley for "intentionally" hurting his friend Sami Zayn. He also described the shield as embarrassing and said that he was just doing his job to help Strowman attack them last week. "I can do what I want, when I want and nobody can do anything about it," he said. Owens' manic promo concluded with him saying that Raw is still the Kevin Owens Show and you can expect three things: anarchy, agony and destruction.

While it's hard to forgive and forget so quickly the creativity of the recent KO release and its anti-climatic return the following week, give credit to WWE for its efforts in this segment. Not only did Owens deal with all the holes associated with his scenario, but he also did a good job of linking them together. He also came back in terms of boastful heel sadistic that he exploits the best. Provided he gets the best of Lashley in the long run, it is possible that this angle has gone from zero to hero before our eyes. Quality: B +

What happened to Raw?

Nikki Bella defeated Ruby Riott via pinfall: A social media video released Monday morning showed that the Bella Twins were entering their locker room to see that they had been hit by graffiti by the Riott Brigade. Nikki released her anger throughout the match in two rounds, repelling the outside interference of Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan. The arrival took place when Nikki caught a Riott Kick and chose the team leader in a firefighter portage. Just as Brie was preventing Morgan from interfering by pulling her out of the ring, Nikki was hitting the Rack Attack 2.0 for the pin.

AOP def Ronnie Ace and Nathan Bradley via pinfall: With new manager Drake Maverick coming back – without a tactical jacket – by their side, Akam & Rezar were presented for the first time as "AOP" and not Authors of Pain. The ensuing squash match against a local talent pair was as fast as it was violent. Seeking to send a message to the rest of the locker room, AOP hits a Super Collider before Rezar secures the pin.

Triple H responds to The Undertaker: A week after the "Deadman" faced Shawn Michaels, Triple H entered the ring for a rebuttal in his second promo in three weeks as WWE continued to make his Super Show-Down match a priority. After entering the babyface cheers and singing his name, the Triple H promo was short and focused, focusing on how Undertaker "lost respect for himself" by not showing up to face Triple H this week. "Deadman, you said one thing last week that was true -" Now, it's personal, "said Triple H." So, in Melbourne, with the little respect I've left him, Deadman, I'll belittle you. "He dropped the microphone and stared intently at the camera as his face was beating, the material was not great but the delivery allowed the chains to move.

Management for Bobby Lashley ?: A video shoot earlier in the day showed Lashley loops in the gym with low weights while healing a rib injury. 205 Lio Rush then appeared as his possible new hype by saying, "This man smells of money and he looks like money." Happy with what he heard, Lashley asked him to continue.

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable def. The Ascension via pinfall: In their second team match, the story of an overly anxious Gable, who threatened to steal the series, continued to play out. Gable signed up to open the match, while Roode was ready to start. He did the same before the finish as Roode prepared his final blow. Gable hit Viktor with a German suplex and a 1-2-3 bridge. After first making a face, Roode gave in and celebrated with his new teammate.

Ronda Rousey & Natalya def. Mickie James and Alexa Bliss via pinfall: The final version of the remake of the Raw female title between Rousey and Bliss is complete after this entertaining match that saw Bliss constantly making fun of Rousey's manners. Bliss tried on Natalya's armor as a way to taunt Rousey and was almost stuck after a roll. After Bliss responded by slapping Rousey, a lawsuit ensued, Bliss ending up on the wrong side of a Hart attack as Natalya lifted her up to have Rousey hit a clothesline in honor of Natalya's late father, Jim. Neidhart. Rousey sold a rib injury after a beating out of the ring. After making a tapping of James through an armband, Rousey's celebration was interrupted by Bliss's super kick to the ribs. After the match, an angry Rousey told Charly Caruso backstage that she would not pull out of Sunday's match and that she never retired from a fight in her life. "It's not because I've never been hurt, but because the worst day I'm always the best," Rousey said.

Mick Foley announces his role in the main event of Hell in a Cell: Following a previous video package celebrating the 20th anniversary of his epic match against HIAC against The Undertaker, Foley interrupted Elias on guitar in the ring. Elias, annoyed, attacked Foley verbally by calling him "a broken man who sings the same sad song, it's been 20 years and he hardly remembers words". Foley responded with a moving speech that ended with him, revealing that he had asked Stephanie McMahon to return for Sunday's PPV. "How can I feel alive as I was 20 years ago when I was almost dead?" He asked. Foley stated that he would serve as a guest referee for Reigns vs.. Strowman. After Elias ordered him to leave, Foley said that McMahon had allowed him to play a game as GM for the good old days, and he had booked Elias against Finn Balor at that time.

Finn Balor def. Elias via pinfall: This last-minute match ended after Balor missed a failed knockout attempt on the first rope and took Elias into an inner cradle for the 1-2-3. Raw's announcer, Michael Cole, described the win as "a must win" for Balor in a statement that could not be more true.

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