WWE Raw results, recap, ranks: Survivor Series build kicks, tag team picture clears up


The month of November has arrived, so it's every year, the WWE entertainers fans in Europe. Raw on Monday night emanated from Manchester, England, just three days after the controversial Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia. With Crown Jewel out of the way now, we're on a one-way road to Survivor Series, which is a mere 13 days away. There's a bit of "Big Five" shows of the year, and Monday's raw ahead of some of the bigger issues that have been looms ahead.

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Survivor Series (finally) takes center stage

Acting general manager Corbin Baron was out to begin Raw this week, his brave strode to the crown of the world. The entire Raw roster was on the stage, signaling that it was indeed. Flanked by security surrounding the ring for his own safety, presumably as protection from an angry Monster Among Men, Corbin arrogantly explained that it is normal to have security for someone as high-profile as he is. The general manager said that he will be traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series matches men and women of both brands, and he also revealed that commissioner Stephanie McMahon will be on Shane McMahon "stealing" the World Cup at Crown Jewel.

Corbin proclaimed that he would be serving as the captain of the Raw Survivor Series men's team, though he will not actually compete in the match. Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and Braun Strowman, who he said he needs to learn to respect the needs of nonetheless. Next, it's time to move on to the women's team, and the captain of the females from the Raw side is Alexa Bliss. In the ring, Bliss told the women on the stage that she will be watching all of their matches very closely, and will not accept failure. The former premiere of women's championship, who has won the title of the game between Sasha Banks, Bayley and Natalya against the Riott Squad.

Before Bliss could start the women's match, however, Kurt Angle's music interrupted. He is reminded of the last year he has been running Team Raw to victory, and he wants to go on Survivor Series again this year. He received an initial pushback from Corbin, but then he did it. After being goaded a bit, Corbin finally gives in and accepted the challenge. Blow then tried to restart the women's match once again, but this time was interrupted by her Mixed Match Match partner partner Strowman, who is trying to get away from it? in pursuit. Backstage, Strowman grabbed a producer and told him that he happens to see Corbin, to get him to know, he's going to, of course, "get these hands."

Strowman continued his pursuit of Corbin backstage, Corlin denied to Charly Caruso that he was in hiding. Corbin was able to escape, though. Caruso caught up with Corbin in the backstage area, and he said that he needs to be informed that he needs to be informed. Instead, Drew McIntyre will be taking his place. Corbin fled in the car, with Strowman just barely missing him. The stakes for the match are changed to Angle requiring to defeat McIntyre to become team captain.

Drew McIntyre def. Kurt Angle via submission: In the ultimate sign of disrespect, McIntyre hit the Angle Slam before making Angle tap to his own Ankle Lock signing move. Corbin is still the captain of the Raw Survivor Series team, thanks to McIntyre's brutality.

If you could not say that WWE is trying to piece together Survivor Series – one of its biggest pay-per-views of the year – last minute because they spend so much time hyping up the proof you need. It's disappointing because, Survivor Series could be one of the most entertaining shows of the year. Instead, we're left with incomplete teams on the fly. If there was any positive emerge from all of this on Monday, it's clear there are plans to keep McIntyre at the forefront of the biggest angles on Raw. Grade: D

Fate of the Raw tag team

We have been wondering about the status of the Raw Tag Team Championships, and Seth Rollins made a way out of the ring in an attempt to clear everything up, carrying both the intercontinental championship and Both of the tag team titles. Rollins was displeased with a lot that's been going on in WWE lately, including Brock Lesnar being a global champion and not in attendance once again. The intercontinental field admits that Dean Ambrose was in the building somewhere, though he did not have the guts to come give him answers. Rollins was set to relinquish the tag team championship in the wake of Shield brethren Ambrose turning on him, but acting GM Corbin had another plan. From backstage, Corbin told Rollins that he and Ambrose must defend the titles against AOP, even though it was clear this was a handicap match defense for Rollins as Ambrose would not be coming to help save the championship.

Raw Tag Team Championship – AOP def. Seth Rollins (c) via pinfall to win the titles: Rollins put in a valiant effort by himself, but in the end, the two monsters we just too much and were able to finally capture their first taste of roster gold. After the match, Ambrose made his way through the crowd to a chorus of boos. He entered the ring and asked Rollins if he still wanted to know why he was going to be there, but instead of providing an explanation, Ambrose planted with the author of a relationship with Dirty Deeds and walked up the ramp. After recovering, Rollins staggered his way back up the ramp following the punishment he had just been through.

This may seem simple, but when it came to it, it was the only logical answer to what would become of the tag team. Ambrose's betrayal of Rollins after they captured the championship. Now all parties can move on, with Rollins and Ambrose's personal feud heating up with the IC championship right in the middle, and AOP can begin its reign of terror in the division tag – which, quite frankly, is something that should have been set in motion much earlier than this. Win-win here for everyone involved. Grade: B

Ronda Rousey responds to Becky Lynch

Ahead of their champion vs. champion showdown at Survivor Series, SmackDown women's champion Lynch fired the first shot at Raw women's field Rousey last Tuesday on SmackDown Live, informing the train UFC women's bantamweight titleholder that she plans to take her arm. Monday on Raw, it was Rousey's shot to return fire. Rousey said it was so cute, and it's easy to see why everyone loves her because of her perseverance. The Raw women's field admits that she respects Lynch, but warned not to mistake her respect for weakness. Rousey wants a challenge in two weeks, so Lynch had better bring everything – all the anger and the angst – that she has to Survivor Series. A fired up, intense Rousey stared directly into the camera and declared that while Lynch can refer to herself as "the man," she is a "natural born killer" and the "baddest bitch on the planet" before slamming the microphone. Nia Jax's music hit the spot for her upcoming match with Ember Moon, and in the ring, she commended the promo that Rousey just cut. She also reminded her, though, that after she makes Lynch tap at Survivor Series, she'll be waiting for her next challenger following her battle royal win at Evolution.

This was an OK response from Rousey with little time to build this feud. Rousey has been void of a lot of criticism since the beginning of this year, and rightfully so; she's taken to mostly everything like a fish to water, especially in the ring. If there is one area she's struggling in, though, it's the fact that her more intense promos sometimes come across as too forced and awkward. Unfortunately, that's what it's all about for the most part on Monday night. Still, that does not negate the fact that it should be anticipated that it should be anticipated that it will survive, and that it would be more likely to be shaping up. t get Grade: C +

What else happened on Raw?

  • Sasha Banks, Bayley & Natalya vs. Riott Squad ended in a no contest: This two-segment Evolution six-woman bout had no definitive winner. Natalya donned the sunglass of her late father, Jim "The Anvil", and Ruby Riott snapped the shades in half of Natalya looked on. Riott Squad Escaped Up The Ramp While Banks and Bayley consoled a sobbing Natalya on the outside during the awkward ending.
  • Apollo Crews def. Jinder Mahal via pinfall: Crews got the win following the moonsault standing. The commentators were raving about the victory, noting Crews had just defeated a WWE champion. Something more prevalent could be in the cards for this incredible athlete.
  • Elias def. Dolph Ziggler via pinfall: Ziggler was out in the final World Cup final at Crown Jewel, but was interrupted by Elias, who was massively over with the British crowd. Elias trolled Ziggler with a song before he was summoned down to the ring, and the match was on. Elias picked up the 1-2-3 after the Drift Away.
  • Nia Jax def. Ember Moon via pinfall: Jax earned the win after a Samoan Drop as they are cleared up again. After the win, Tamina Snuka once again emerged, and she Jax proceeded to beat down Moon, finally declaring their alliance. The setup for heel Jax vs. babyface Rousey for the Raw
  • Bobby Lashley def. Finn Balor via pinfall: Lashley got the pin after planting Balor with a facebuster. Following the tip, McIntyre made his way to the main event and helped Balor to his feet, only to take him out with the Claymore Kick.

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