WWE SmackDown Results – Samoa Joe Returns, WWE Title Match, Tag Team Main Event, Becky Lynch, More


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE SmackDown Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.

– Tonight's WWE SmackDown opens live from the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia as Tom Phillips welcomes us. He joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. They hype tonight 's main event – Randy Orton and The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy.

– We go right to the ring and out comes WWE AJ Styles Champion as the announcers hype Styles' Crown Jewel match against Daniel Bryan on Friday.

AJ looks to take the mic but fans start singing his name. AJ gets a big pop from the Atlanta crowd as he is wearing his custom shirt for the city. AJ says he needs to get something off his chest. He calls Bryan to the ring and Bryan 's music hits to a pop. Bryan makes his way out as the "yes!" singing starts up.

Fans do dueling songs as they meet in the middle of the ring. AJ wants to apologize Bryan says they are fighting for the same prize. Bryan goes on about being a man and a competitor. Bryan says when he looks at AJ right now however, he is the WWE Title, not a man or a respected colleague. Bryan says he has never been wrestled again, he has never been wrestled again, he has thought of the WWE Title, and now is the only thing standing in his way. Bryan says it's nothing personal but he's going to take the title from AJ and he's going to do it on Friday at Crown Jewel. Some Crown Jewel boo fans. AJ says that's good to know but Bryan did not let him finish.

AJ says he's sorry because he lied to Bryan last week. The pele kick was not an accident, it was meant for Bryan. AJ says it's nothing personal but he looks forward to doing it again this Friday. Bryan acts surprised. Bryan says he feels like he is hitting AJ on purpose. AJ asks what's stopping him. AJ says they do not have to wait until Crown Jewel, he will defend the title right here, right now in Atlanta. Fans pop as they get ready to fight. SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon.

Shane says we're seeing this before, we're fighting against it, and it's not happening. But this is SmackDown and he's back. Shane announces Bryan vs. Styles in the Crown Jewel title match here tonight in Atlanta. A "yes!" singing starts up. Shane says that match is happening right now. He calls for a referee. Tom says Crown Jewel is coming early. AJ and Bryan in the middle of the ring as we go to commercial.

WWE Title Match: Daniel Bryan Vs. AJ Styles

Back from the break and we get formal ring introductions from Greg Hamilton. They hold each other and trade holds the bell rings. Bryan takes AJ in a hold and stomps on his arm. Bryan focuses on the left arm. AJ dumps Bryan to the apron. Bryan taunts AJ and comes back in through the ropes. Fans sing for AJ as they lock up again. Bryan takes it to the corner. They break goal Bryan shoves AJ. AJ shoves back. Bryan shoves him again. AJ with another shove. Bryan grabs the left arm and goes to work on it, sending AJ to the arm-first turnbuckles.

Bryan with kicks to the arm now. AJ turns around with a chop in the corner. Bryan counters a move in the corner and they run the ropes together. AJ nails a dropkick and Bryan goes to the floor for a breather. AJ launches himself to the floor with a forearm goal Bryan moves. Bryan goes back in the ring and runs the ropes, nailing to suicide AJ to the barrier. Bryan clutches his knee on the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break Bryan is hitting "yes!" kicks while AJ is on his knees. AJ catches a kick and nails to a Dragon Screw leg whip. AJ focuses on the leg now as fans sing his name. AJ drops to DDT on the left knee and continues working it over. AJ keeps Bryan down in the world. Bryan turns it into an armbar attempt but AJ resists. AJ slams Bryan on the knees and kicks his leg out. AJ talks some trash while kicking Bryan into the corner. AJ slams Bryan's knee into his own knee again.

Bryan backs into the corner but AJ stays on top of him. Bryan fights back with uppercuts now but AJ kicks the leg again. AJ slams the knee back to the top turnbuckle and Bryan goes back down, clutching his knee. AJ drops an elbow on the knee and keeps Bryan grounded in the middle of the ring again. Bryan tries to break free and does. Bryan rocks AJ on the corner with strikes. Bryan runs into an elbow. AJ goes for the moonsault into a reverse DDT but it's blocked. Bryan with knees to the face before AJ on his neck. Bryan with more "yes!" kicks now. Bryan drops AJ with the last kick. Bryan starts a "yes!" singing as he waits for AJ to get up.

Bryan loads with the knee AJ goal jumps up and nails a dropkick. AJ springboards up goal Bryan shoves him into the top turnbuckle. Bryan climbs up while AJ is on top facing the crowd. Bryan goes for the super back suplex goal AJ counters in mid-air and lands on top of Bryan. Both Superstars try to recover the market.

Back from the break and Bryan goes for the Yes Lock on the champion. AJ makes the save by getting to the bottom rope. AJ ends up suplexing Bryan from the ring to the floor while he's on the apron. Bryan lands hard on his knees and clutches it. AJ slams the knee into the announce table now. Bryan counters and whips in the steel ring steps. Bryan brings AJ back into the ring at the 8 count. Bryan limps around as some fans start booing. Bryan nails the big running knee to the face in the corner.

Bryan backs up and delivers another running knee in the corner. Bryan takes AJ to the top turnbuckle and tries to hit the hurricanrana goal AJ counters. Bryan counters that and powers up, pulling up and sending AJ to the mat with the hurricanrana. More back and forth now. Bryan AJ kicks while AJ is on the apron. Bryan uses the ropes to work on the injured left arm. Bryan with more kicks now but AJ nails another Dragon Screw, this time using the ropes. Bryan goes down the ring as AJ gets a breather on the floor. AJ springboards in for the Phenomenal Forearm but it's blocked. Bryan goes to the armbar in the middle of the ring but AJ resists.

Bryan turns that into the Yes Lock. The referee checks on AJ but he powers out. Bryan turns that into a triangle. AJ looks to be fading as Bryan tries to complete the hold. Singing fans for AJ. AJ Powers up and nails a Clash Styles in the middle of the ring for a pop. AJ applies the Calf Crusher as Bryan reaches for the bottom rope. AJ keeps it locked, and Bryan taps for the finish.

Winner: AJ Styles

– After the match, Styles recovers as his music hits. Styles raises the title as the referee raises his arm. Bryan recovers and jumpers himself up as AJ looks on. Bryan extends his hand for a shake and AJ shakes his hand. They embrace and AJ raises Bryan's arm. Samoa Joe hits the ring out of nowhere AJ from behind. Bryan leaves the ring as Joe unloads on AJ and drops him in the middle of the ring with the Coquina Clutch. Bryan runs back and forth on Joe to break the hold. Joe takes the leg out and works it over. Joe with the Coquina Clutch on Bryan now.

– The announcers of the WWE World Cup tournament at Crown Jewel. We go backstage to a cryptic promo from Jeff Hardy, who says he will prove that he is the best in the world. We cut to a backstage promo from The Miz next. Not only is he the best husband, father and reality TV star in the world, he's the best WWE Superstar in the world and he will prove it on Friday. Miz and Randy Orton vs. Still to come Hardy and Rey Mysterio.

Halloween decorations for tonight 's Trick or Street Fight. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see stills from Evolution.

– SmackDown General Manager Paige is backstage with Charlotte Flair. She gives Flair props for the Last Woman Standing match with SmackDown Women's Becky Lynch Champion and says it could have gone either way. Paige asks Flair if she will be the Captain for the Women's Team SmackDown at WWE Survivor Series goal Flair declines the offer. Paige tells Flair to think about it and she says she will.

– The announcers hype Crown Jewel and lead us to a video package for DX vs. The Brothers of Destruction.

Trick or Street Fight: Big E vs. Cesaro

The New Day – Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. We hear Big E's intro but the music for The Brood starts up. The Brood is from the Era Attitude and was made up of Gangrel, Christian and WWE Hall of Famer Edge. Out next are SmackDown Team Champions Tag The Bar, Cesaro and Sheamus, with Big Show. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and The New Day While Cesaro has been chosen to represent his team. Big E blocks a candy corn kendo stick shot and unloads on Cesaro with it. We see a table leaning in the corner. There are pumpkins all around the ring on the apron. Cesaro counters a move and a big brawl breaks out in the ring with both teams.

Show looks to double chokeslam Kofi and Woods but he pushes them over the top rope instead of they tried a double clothesline. Big E and Sheamus send Big E to the floor next. Sheamus grabs the pancake tray and throws it in Kofi's face. Sheamus with a rolling senton to Kofi on the floor. Show forces Woods to Bob for a bucket at ringside. Cesaro drives Big E kicks out at the top of the ring Big E kicks out at 2. Cesaro tries to suplex Big E through the table in the corner Big E blocks it twice. Big E suplex Cesaro on top of the pumpkin stack in the middle of the ring.

Sheamus enters the ring and nails Big E Sheamus tries to get Big E through the table. Big Sheamus through the table. Woods runs in and kicks Show, stopping him from coming in from the apron. Show grabs Kofi at ringside but Woods comes over to assist. Show grabs them both but they spit the Brood mist in his face. This leads to Cesaro and Big E going back and forth in the middle of the ring again. Big E spits the mist on Cesaro and drops him for the pin to win.

Winner: Big E

– After the match, The New Day celebrates up the ramp. Show and Cesaro are covered in red mist.

– The announcers hype the World Cup tournament at Crown Jewel again. Shane McMahon is backstage with Jeff Hardy and The Miz, asking who will become the best in the world on Friday. Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio are also in the back with Shane. Rey knows how to vicious and intimidating Orton can be, and Orton does strike fear in the other Superstars, but Rey is here to represent for everyone who has been looked down upon. Orton says he is vicious and he will show Rey just how vicious he can be tonight. Orton says he will show Rey why he should have never come back to WWE. Jeff has words for Miz and says he will show everyone what he can be – the best. Miz mocks Hardy and says Hardy will crash and burn in their first round match. Miz says he has not gotten around. Miz Knocks Rey and Hardy are looking for you. Shane says he's calling them here for a reason, so they'll understand the gravity of the situation because he does not want to be a believer at RAW Superstar is the best in the world. Shane says if one of these SmackDown Superstars loses to a RAW Superstar in the final World Cup, they will be fired from SmackDown.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. R-Truth

We go to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura. Tom says this will be a title match that's incorrect as it was previously announced as non-title. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and SmackDown Paige is backstage with AJ Styles. Styles wants Samoa Joe for Crown Jewel and Paige makes the match. We go back to the ring and we come R-Truth with Carmella. Back to the match Truth gets the upper hand and sends Nakamura to the floor over the top rope. Carmella enters the ring and dances with Truth as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Nakamura has turned it around. Nakamura drops on a knee and covers Truth for a 2 count. Nakamura keeps Truth grounded in the middle of the ring with a submission now. Truth makes a comeback and drops Nakamura with a big scissors kick a Carmella cheers him on. Truth does the split and takes out Nakamura as he gets back up. Truth covers for another close 2 count.

Nakamura catches kick and drops Truth. Truth whips Nakamura to the corner but Nakamura counters. Nakamura with a big kick to the back of the neck. Nakamura positions Truth on the top turnbuckle and drives his knee into the ribs. Nakamura with a 2 count as Truth gets his foot on the bottom rope. Truth counters a move Nakamura goal drops with an elbow to the back of the neck. Nakamura with another shot to the back of the neck. Nakamura charges in Kinshasa for the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

– After the match, Nakamura stands tall and raises the title as his music hits.

– We see Becky Lynch backstage. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and the announcers briefly discuss Evolution.

– We go to the ring and go out SmackDown Women 's Champion Becky Lynch to a pop. Tom Becky vs hypes. RAW Women's Ronda Rousey Champion for the upcoming WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view.

Becky says she won. She was folded up on a stack of chairs Evolution but she won. Becky says she is the last woman standing and when Evolution was over, there was only one woman who saw the main hand – her. Becky says defeating Charlotte Flair, the most decorated woman in history, proves she is the man. That goes for RAW and SmackDown. Becky says she will go and smack the heads off everyone there if she has to.

Becky asks what's next for her and raises Ronda Rousey. Becky says the other women who Rousey has stepped into the ring with Rousey. Becky says she did not come to talk or talk about a TV show reality, she is going to Survivor Series to rip Ronda's arm off. Becky drops the mic and raises the title as her music hits.

– The announcers hype the Crown Jewel card again. Tom leads to a video package for Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman for the vacant WWE Universal Title.

The Miz vs. Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio

We go to the ring for tonight 's main event and out first comes The Miz. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Triple H's tweet on a custom WWE Title to the Boston Red Sox MLB World Series win. We cut backstage to a promo from Samoa Joe. Joe asks AJ if he really thought they were done. Joe talks about AJ's family again and says he'll be right in their final chapter, which has AJ choked out and Joe raising the WWE Title above his head – the end. We go back to the ring for the main event and The Miz waits as a partner Randy Orton makes his way out. Jeff Hardy is out first for his team. Rey Mysterio is out last. Rey hits the corners to pose as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Hardy starts off with Orton, going back and forth. Hardy slams Orton's head into the turnbuckles several times. Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate but stops when Miz runs in. Hardy Miz drops and leg drops him. Another Twist of Fate attempt. Hardy goes to the top Miz pushes him off while Orton has the referee distracted. Rey runs over to warn Miz. The referee is distracted with Rey and Orton again, allowing him to get more shots in on Hardy. Orton goes back to work on Hardy and keeps him down.

Miz tags in and stomps Hardy. Miz loads in with a big boot for the face for a 2 count. Orton ends up getting cheap shots on Hardy while the referee is distracted. Miz keeps Hardy down in the corner and shows off for some boos. Orton tags back in slingshots Hardy under the bottom rope. Fans try to get rid of Hardy as Orton keeps control. Orton uses the bottom rope on Hardy's neck again. Hardy tries to scramble for a tag Orton stomps away on him. Orton sneaks in a thumb to the eye. Orton dropkicks him for a 2 count.

Hardy eventually boots Orton and nails at Whisper In the Wind. Fans rally for Hardy again as Rey waits for the tag. Rey finally gets the tag and launches Himself in as Miz also comes in. Uncounted with DDT for a count. Miz catches Rey in a backbreaker and then hits a neckbreaker for a close pin attempt. Rey and Miz go back and forth with counters now. Hardy tags can not get it. Rey sends Miz into the turnbuckles. Jeff follows up with Poetry In Motion. Rey sends Miz into the ropes again and nails 619. Hardy goes to the top and hits the Swanton Bomb on Miz for the pin to win.

Winners: Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio

– After the match, Orton immediately hits the ring Hardy with the RKO. Rey flies Orton's goal takes him out of the air with another big RKO. Orton stands tall to a mixed reaction now. Orton then grabs Miz and drops him with the RKO. Orton's music hits as we go to replays. Orton poses in the corner as SmackDown goes off the air.

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