WWE SmackDown Results – The Miz & Maryse Premiere, New Contenders # 1, Rusev Day Drama, More


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE SmackDown Viewer. The show tonight comes from the Ford Center in Evansville, Indiana.

– WWE SmackDown opens tonight with a limousine pulling in the back. The Miz and Maryse go out first. Maryse returns to bring out their daughter. They head to the arena and tonight's show will feature a first party for their new "Miz & Mrs" show on the USA network

– We're live from the Ford Center in Evansville, Indiana while Tom Phillips welcomes us. He is joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton.

– We go straight to the ring while Randy Orton gets out. They broadcast a video showing Jeff Hardy's WWE United States loss to Shinsuke Nakamura at Extreme Rules, with Orton returning that night.

Orton smiles on the ring now that some boo fans. Orton says that he has heard all of our theories about why he did what he did – unfinished business with Hardy from years ago, the SmackDown Top 10 list that does not have it. never disturbed. Orton says that's not why. He did it because of the fans. Orton says that he's broken his ass for 16 years for the fans. Think about it. When he started his career, who is around now, was it then? No one. Orton says that he's the only constant at WWE. Every Superstar who goes down the aisle eats at the table, but he still does not have the respect that he deserves. Why is that? Because he does not wear face painting, because he does not change his merchandise colors, because he does not show up just for the season WrestleMania or because he does not jump off the cages and ladders, that's why the fans do not respect him? Orton says that he's not an indie darling of bingo halls and he has not stolen a hand gesture (too sweet). Is this the reason why fans do not respect it?

Orton continues and says that he began his career as a Legend Killer, but 16 years later, he finally realized who is the real Legend Killer – every one of the fans. Orton says that he will not let them win or beat him, because he's now the legend. Orton will make a point of destroying all the Superstars set up by the fans on a pedestal, starting with Hardy. Orton says that's why Hardy is not here tonight and when he's done with him, Hardy will never come back. Orton says he's going to end Hardy's career. Orton continues and says that we can call it as we want, but the only name that counts are the three most devastating letters of the company – RKO. Orton drops microphone and heads back without music

– Commentators talk about the pay-per-view of WWE Evolution before sending us to a commercial break

– back from the break and we see a video on RAW's Announcement Evolution . Tom congratulates all the women's division

Rusev against Andrade "Cien" Almas

We go to the ring and leave Rusev with Lana. We are seeing backstage videos from earlier today with Lana and Zelina Vega arguing to put this match in place. Andrade "Cien" Almas came out with Vega. Fans sing Rusev's feast at the sound of the bell. No English Aiden at ringside tonight. The bell rings and they lock

Rusev dominates very early and sends Almas to the carpet. Almas turns him over and puts on the strings with Vega to taunt Rusev. They go out and return while Rusev takes control after a kick from Almas. Rusev with a suplex for a quick 1 count. Rusev sends Almas to the floor for a break with Vega. Lana joins Rusev in the ring to pose as fans cheering. Vega checks Almas on the outside as we go to the publicity.

No more back and forth after the break. Rusev arrives with a series of kicks and a big shot in the corner. Lana encourages Rusev. Almas tries to turn the tide, but Rusev levels him with another big kick for a pin attempt. Rusev ends up missing the Machka Kick. Rusev slams and unloads but Almas fights him. Rusev blocks the DDT Hammerlock but Almas stuns him.

Almas goes to get the double knees but Rusev cuts him with a big Machka Kick. Lana and Almas encourage their Superstars. The fans are singing for Rusev's party. Vega and Lana argue at the edge of the ring now that the crowd appears. Vega decorates Lana in the mouth first. Lana approaches Vega on the ground and they fight. Aiden sinks and pulls Lana from Vega. This turns around as Vega jumps on Aiden's back and Lana goes down. Rusev sees this and he is not happy. Almas takes advantage of the distraction and hits the DDT Hammerlock for the pin

Winner: Andrade "Cien" Almas

– After the match, Almas hits the ground and climbs the ramp with Vega as she throws his arm. Lana enters the ring to check Rusev. The English look down and feel bad about what happened.

– Still to come, the first for "Miz & Mrs." with The Miz and Maryse

– R-Truth is backstage preparing his first match since WrestleMania 34, against Samoa Joe. Tye Dillinger is with him. Tye talks about the truth and goes away. We return to advertising

– Back from the break and Lana talks with Aiden English behind the scenes. English says that he did all this for Rusev and Lana but Rusev will not return his calls, what should he do? Lana may say that Rusev did not want to speak English. Rusev paces his back, but he stops and interrupts them, saying that it is enough and maybe none of them is good enough for Rusev Day.

R-Truth vs. Samoa Joe

We go to the ring and go out R-Truth rapper. Samoa Joe is next

The bell rings and Joe goes straight to work on the truth with strikes. Truth blocks a shot and kicks the jaw. The truth with another jump shot in the corner. The truth keeps control with a faster offense. Joe avoids the kick of scissors and connects with a whim.

Joe keeps control and grabs the Truth again, tightly clutching it in the rug. Joe applies the Coquina Pouch for easy victory.

Winner: Samoa Joe

– After the game, Joe stands straight as we go to the replays.

– Still to come, The New Day vs. SAnitY in a Tag Team Tournament Match

– Asuka is backstage when Dasha Fuentes approaches him for pay-per-session commentary of the WWE Evolution . Asuka says she's ready and so excited but tonight Billie Kay is not ready for her. We return to advertising

Asuka vs. Billie Kay

Back from the break, Asuka comes in first. Billie Kay goes out with Peyton Royce. We get a behind the scenes video of The IIconics with commentary on Evolution à la carte and on Asuka

The bell rings and Billie talks about something. Asuka connects but Billie takes control early on for an account. Asuka is barely able to support Asuka as she lands on Billie and hits a Shining Magician for an account of 2 while Peyton watches him.

Asuka opts for the ankle lock but Billie resists. Peyton is knocked out of the apron. Billie avoids a German suplex but Asuka continues to fight and connects to kicks. Asuka picks up a third bigger shot and covers for easy victory

Winner: Asuka

– After the match, Asuka stands as Billie checks out Peyton on the outside.

– WWE US Champion Shinsuke Nakamura is backstage with words for Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton. Nakamura nargies Hardy for nearly winning last week and says Hardy has now been bitten by The Viper. Nakamura warns Orton to be careful because he's biting.

– Still to come, Becky Lynch versus Carmella with SummerSlam implications. In addition, Paige will reveal the opponent SummerSlam for AJ Styles and there will be a contract signing.

– Back from the break and The Miz is backstage with his family while the paparazzi take pictures of them

– Let 's go to the Ring and SmackDown General Manager Paige is in the ring for a contract signing.

Paige says that she likes to be the GM here on SmackDown but she is excited to see her daughters shooting her at Evolution pay-per-view. Paige says, but now we are heading to the biggest show of the summer, SummerSlam. She's here to announce the challenger for WWE Champion AJ Styles. Paige introduces Styles and comes out as music hits.

AJ hits the ring and fans sing his name for a minute or two. Styles thanks the fans and says that he's a husband and a father, and the first person he thought about when he heard Evolution being announced was his granddaughter. AJ continues and says Evolution is just another reason to be proud of the company for which he works. He is also proud to defend his title at SummerSlam, where he laid the foundation stone for what was to be known as The House That AJ Styles Built. He remembers SummerSlam games with Kevin Owens and John Cena, and says SummerSlam is just like WrestleMania for him but they are going to heat up a bit more. AJ signs the contract SummerSlam and says that all he needs now is Paige's opponent.

Paige calls for a drum roll but the music interrupts and James Ellsworth comes on stage. Ellsworth introduces himself and says Mella Is Money but Ellsworth is exquisite. Ellsworth says the real reason he came back to WWE is the title of the WWE. Ellsworth says that no one is as worthy as him because he has defeated AJ three times and you know what they say – a fourth time is the charm. AJ says nobody says it. Ellsworth goes on to say that AJ is shocked and scared. Ellsworth comments on how he will quickly defeat AJ for the title at SummerSlam. Paige says she has that. She tells Ellsworth to stop him. Paige leaves the ring and tells Ellsworth that he's just kidding. Ellsworth corrects her and says she's joking. He strikes his accent and says we can not even understand it half the time. He chooses his look and Paige says that we do not make fun of people around her. Ellsworth says he's doing it and he's trying to see how pale she is. Paige approaches Ellsworth and says she's tired of him. She has two words for him … you're fired! Paige calls for safety and takes out two guys to take her away.

Fans sing for AJ while Paige walks backwards with Ellsworth and security. He was expelled from the arena and the guards make sure he does not come back. Cameras move back into the ring as Samoa Joe attacks Styles and destroys it. Joe applies the Coquina clutch and breaks it to sign the contract. Joe makes his exit while AJ is down and warns AJ that the clock is running. Back to advertising

– Back from the break and we see what just happened to AJ Styles. Paige approaches Samoa Joe behind the scenes and she's not happy. Paige says that she chose Joe to be AJ 's opponent because he' s unpredictable and has a killer instinct, but that 's not what it' s about. she had in mind. Joe pulls back and says that what she had planned was pedestrian, but what he just did was phenomenal. Joe is moving away. Carmella, the women's champion of SmackDown, arrives and announces the dismissal of Ellsworth. Paige tells her to go buy a new boyfriend because she is money. Carmella continues on how she will be champion until Evolution because Paige's match with Carmella and Becky Lynch at SummerSlam is nothing. Carmella continues about everyone she has defeated twice and says she's going to beat Becky now.

Carmella vs. Becky Lynch

We go to the ring and Becky Lynch comes out first. Carmella, the women's champion of SmackDown, is the next one for this untitled game. Becky will win a title SummerSlam if she can win this match.

The bell rings and they go there. Becky opts for an early Dis-Arm-Her but Carmella resists. Becky goes back for submission but Carmella turns her into a pin attempt. Carmella takes control and drops Becky. They run the ropes and Becky nails a flying forearm. Carmella rolls on the floor for a break. Becky follows her and drops her with a straight line. Becky brings him back to the ring but Carmella rolls. Becky follows but Carmella launches her into the barrier. We go to advertising.

Back from the break and Carmella is talking about the chore in Becky's face. This return turns around when Becky takes control and overwrites it. Carmella finally turns around and hits a Flatliner for an account of 2 close. Carmella takes him to the corner for a DDT tornado but Becky cons. Becky hits suplex Bexploder for a pop. More back and forth now. Becky goes to the top but Carmella cuts her. Carmella brings Becky to the carpet with a pair of scissors, but Becky is always on the spot. Carmella with more attack and a tight 2 counts while her feet are on the ropes.

Becky blocks a shot and drops Carmella with a kick on the side of the head. They both go down. Becky gets up first and climbs to the top. Becky goes for the leg but Carmella moves away. Carmella drops Becky for a tight 2 points. Becky blocks movement and fires Carmella in Dis-Arm-Her for victory and title shot SummerSlam

Winner and new candidate # 1: Becky Lynch

– After the match, Becky celebrates as Carmella goes to the floor and throws a fit. Becky will face Carmella with the title on the line in Brooklyn. We go to replays. Commentators argue over whether the umpire has made a bad move at one point. Carmella looks from the stage and elevates the title as the famous Becky

– Still to come, a first for the new USA Network series of The Miz and Maryse. In addition, SAnitY against the new day in a tournament match.

– We go behind the scenes of SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Bludgeon Brothers. Harper says that 4 teams will fight but there will be no winner, only a punishment. Rowan says that no matter who survives because the same fate awaits the winner at SummerSlam – a hype.

Tag Team Tournament Match: The New Day Against SAnitY [19659003] We go to the ring and go out first The New Day – Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. Back to the advertisement.

Back from the break and Les Usos are in comment. They will face the Bar next week in a tournament match. Greg Hamilton makes the presentations as SAnitY is next – Eric Young, Alexander Wolfe and Killian Dain.

Woods and Big E are in their team as Dain and Wolfe represent SAnitY. Wolfe starts with Woods and drops him with one shoulder. Woods drops Wolfe with a big right hand next. Wood with a 2 count. More back and forth. Wolfe blocks the board of honor and hits a German suplex. Dain beats in the next and works Woods more than the fans are trying to rally for him. Dain slams Woods and hits a big sentinel to prevent Big E's etiquette. Back to advertising

Back from the break and Woods finally takes Dain to get an opening. Big E gets the hot mark when Wolfe arrives. Big E with big suplexes in Wolfe. Big E dances Wolfe and runs the ropes but brakes when Young gets on the apron. Kofi runs but Dain catches him in the air. Dain is out. Young tries to interfere again but Kofi pushes him off the top. The chaos leads to a midnight hour on Wolfe for the pin

Winners: The New Day

– After the match, The New Day celebrates as the music hits. They will face the winners of The Bar vs The Usos in the final. Usos stand up comments and hit the ring but Sheamus & Cesaro go out too. The bar talks about the scene and announces that they are back. They have not missed the fans but they lack to be champions. They promised to win the tournament, then the titles of SummerSlam

– Paige is behind the scenes with The Miz, Maryse and their daughter. Miz asks where is the babysitter and Paige says they're watching him – Sin Cara. Miz changes her mind and puts a baby carrier instead. Miz, Maryse and their daughter head for the ring. Back to the advertisement.

– Back from the break and Hamilton presents the stars of "Miz & Mrs." on the American network – The Miz, Maryse and Monroe Sky. The music hits and they come for the first part of tonight 's show, which airs after SmackDown goes off.

The ring is set up for MizTV. Miz welcomes us to their first party. He says we cried the end of Team Hell No's and Daniel Bryan's career last week, but it's an old news because we're here to celebrate Miz and his wife tonight. Miz praises his wife and she takes the microphone. Maryse talks about the pay-per-view Evolution and says: let's be honest, the evolution started with it. They both plug in their new show. Miz asks fans to give up for her daughter and fans do Monroe Sky singing. Miz says the only mention of Daniel Bryan has made Monroe Sky sleep, so he needs everyone to use their quiet voice. Miz leads us to a glimpse of their "Miz & Mrs." series.

The preview is interrupted by Daniel Bryan, who is now on the big screen. Bryan apologizes but says that he should not be here in the back to apologize, he should be at the party to apologize in person. Fans sing "yes!" and Bryan comes out in the ring as his music starts. Security meets Bryan at the edge of the ring and stops him but he attacks them. Bryan unloads and takes security. Miz and Maryse are watching. Bryan enters the ring and Maryse tells him to go out. Miz launches Monroe Sky to Bryan and he catches it but we see that it was just a baby doll all along. Miz takes the opportunity and drops Bryan with a Finale Skull Crushing Finale while Boo fans. Miz talks about rubbish and says he's fooled everyone. It's a doll and the baby behind the scenes was an actor. Miz says that he would never bring his precious baby to a city like this. The fans the boo again. Miz now says that Bryan's face is in the mat and if we want to see Monroe Sky, we should tap on "Miz & Mrs." on the US network right now. Miz guarantees that it will be great. Miz's music hits as we go to replays. Bryan recovers in the ring and looks at the doll on the carpet. Miz and Maryse walk towards the stage and are all smiling while SmackDown goes off

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