WWE SmackDown Results: winners, ratings, reactions and highlights from October 30 | Bleacher's report


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    Credit: WWE.com

    An unexpected match of the WWE Championship kicked off Tuesday's show and set the tone for the final stage on Crown Jewel's road this Friday.

    This highly publicized fight, associated with scenario developments and a last effort in favor of the Saudi event, highlighted a show devoted to the eve of Halloween.

    What has fallen, who emerged with momentum on his side and was a new WWE Champion crowned on the episode of October 30th?

    Find out now with this summary of USA Network's presentation.

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    WWE Champion AJ Styles hit the ring to kick off this week 's show, sparking a huge ovation from Atlanta' s fans. He lost little time calling his opponent, Crown Jewel Daniel Bryan, into the ring.

    Bryan admitted that, although he respects Styles as a wrestler and as a man, he does not see any of these things when he is watching The Phenomenal One for the moment. He only sees the WWE title, which he has been watching since he was forced to stay out because of an injury.

    Styles responded, admitting that last week's Pele kick was not an accident. It was on purpose and, he said, he can not wait to do it again on Friday. Bryan responded, saying that he would like to hit Express Styles, to whom Styles offered to defend the title tonight.

    Commissioner Shane McMahon appeared and formalized the match.




    Bryan insists on the importance of the WWE title. The rise of tensions leading Styles to voluntarily put his title into play has only added to the story told.

    That said, it seemed like an economical way out of their match with Crown Jewel, with Barstool Sports & # 39; Robbie Fox originally related to Bryan's refusal to participate in the show.

    Let's hope that the game lives up to expectations here at SmackDown, especially with the addition at the last minute of a fight that could have been the subject of a major note with more notice.

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    Two of the best wrestlers on the planet clashed Tuesday night with the first prize in professional wrestling.

    Styles took control of the fight as the first commercial break approached, targeting his opponent's knee. Bryan defended himself however and rolled while he was looking for his second reign with gold. As the Superstars attempted a great attempt on Bryan's side, Styles countered and landed directly on the challenger's head as the show headed for the second time.

    Returning from the ad, Bryan surprised Styles in "Yes!" Lock and almost scored a bid victory. The styles, however, reached the bottom rope and required the break.

    Bryan threw himself to Styles in the corner, catching him with a corner dropkick and hoisted the champion to the top rope. He tried to use a headset, but the styles were reversed. Bryan, however, shifted his weight and performed the scissors, grounding styles.

    He then made a series of kicks using his injured knee, and the champion made him pay for it, whipping him over the middle rope.

    Styles tried the phenomenal forearm, but Bryan countered and applied an armband. He made the transition into the Kimura, but Styles retaliated in the Clash Styles and applied the calf crusher for the win.

    After the match, the Superstars kissed respectfully and Samoa Joe hit the ring, attacking Styles from behind. He applied Coquina Clutch.


    Styles defeated Bryan




    It's a match that took place on free TV, and fans should be grateful to have seen it.

    Styles and Bryan had a great wrestling match, a rare face-to-face fight that stayed true to the characters. The champion continued his monumental race at the top of the blue mark with another convincing win that raises not only his star but also the meaning of the title.

    Joe's attack is likely to set up a WWE title match for the Friday show, now that Bryan is momentarily out of the picture. The question is whether management changes its name or risks to damage Joe's credibility with another loss.

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    After The New Day cleverly went into the ring dressed in Gangrel, Edge and Christian from The Brood, Big E faced Cesaro from The Bar in a traditional trick or street fight.

    Big E battled his opponent out of the break, hitting him with a candy sugar kendo stick in his back. At the edge of the ring, Sheamus flattens Kofi Kingston with a plate of pancakes before continuing with a sentinel on the floor.

    Back inside the square circle, Cesaro sent Big E into a pile of pumpkins-lanterns, but scored only two goals.

    The fight was interrupted when Xavier Woods and Kingston took the fight at the Big Show, avoiding asphyxiation by spraying it on the face with a red blood-like substance that was once a trademark of Gangrel.

    Big E capitalized on the distraction and scored the victory.


    Big E defeated Cesaro




    It was a harmless holiday pleasure that brought to light the two teams that will compete for the SmackDown team championships at Crown Jewel.

    The only negative was the representation of Big Show. So close to his return, where he made his way to the ring and turned on his heels by hitting The New Day, he was treated like the clumsy fat man Woods and Kingston had foiled.

    It was a disappointing use of him at a time when management should attempt to restore him as an unstoppable force.

4 out of 6

    Credit: WWE.com

    R-Truth was playing with US Champion Shinsuke Nakamura as the commercial approached, challenging him with his own poses before stopping the match for a dance break with Carmella. As the game progressed, Nakamura took control and worked for the popular babyface.

    "The president of Nakamerica", nicknamed as such by Corey Graves, worked on Truth.

    A hip blow allowed Truth to make a comeback and kick the crooked heel that anchored the champion.

    His spinning forearm earned him two points, Nakamura pulling his shoulder off the mat just before the three.

    Nakamura survived the attack and won with Kinshasa.


    Nakamura has conquered the truth




    Nakamura is so lost in her role on SmackDown.

    The US champion has not done anything important or important for months and his matches have hardly been what one would think of why he was one of the best free agents in the world. fight in 2015.

    Much of this can be attributed to his booking over the last 18 months, but he lacked the spark that he sometimes had during his NXT run, especially during his maiden match with Sami. Zayn.

    Unfortunately, it does not seem like it will change soon.

5 out of 6

    Credit: WWE.com

    SmackDown's women's champion, Becky Lynch, wearing a great t-shirt "I'm The Man," hit the ring to address the WWE's universe.

    "I won," she said, attracting a huge fan ovation, followed by "Becky, Becky, Becky!"

    Lynch asked what would be the next step for the biggest WWE star? The answer: an appointment with the female champion Raw, Ronda Rousey.

    Lynch said she was not there to do cosplay or become a reality TV star. She's going to tear Rousey's arm out of Survivor Series. She threw the microphone on the carpet and stood up to close the short and sweet promo.




    Lynch is not only the best thing to do at WWE today, but can also be the most talented speaker. She speaks with such an attitude and such conviction that believing in every word that comes out of her mouth is not a leap at all.

    She is so sweet and natural at the microphone that it's hard to remember that her words were probably created at a meeting earlier in the afternoon. At a time when some of the mike performances are only for that reason alone, it continues to flourish, and much of that can be attributed to the performer herself.

    It was not different.

    A quality promo that properly puts on a match that should not have many face-to-face construction problems before the Survivor series.

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    Credit: WWE.com

    Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio have teamed up for the first time since 2009 night at SmackDown, while they were fighting The Miz and Randy Orton in a preview of Friday's quarter-finals matches of the World Cup.

    The story of Hardy and Mysterio as partners allowed them to succeed quickly, but a timely distraction from The Miz allowed the heels to capitalize and take control of the fight.

    Orton and Miz isolated Hardy, working his head and neck. The Viper, always aware of its surroundings, prevented Hardy from passing the label to Mysterio. He trapped The Charismatic Enigma in a crisis that continued to drain the energy of the former WWE Champion, but Hardy was making his way. A murmur in the wind allowed him to create a separation.

    Hardy finally managed the shot, and Mysterio exploded in the match, taking the fight to La Miz. A delay in DDT earned him a brace, but Miz reversed the trend with a well-timed backbreaker, followed by a neck breeze that nearly knocked him down.

    Miz attempted the final, but Mysterio carried the tag to Hardy. The dynamic duo took the gunpowder before Mysterio delivered the 619 and Hardy grabbed the Swanton bomb for an impressive win.

    As Hardy celebrated his victory, he ate a RKO from Orton. Moments later, the Viper hit a Mysterio in flight with his finishing unit and then defeated Miz with a third, sending out the message loud and clear that there was not any. friends coming from Crown Jewel.


    Hardy and Mysterio have defeated Orton and Miz


    B +


    With four players performing as well as Orton, Miz, Mysterio and Hardy, this has always been meant to be a fun sprint. Mysterio and Hardy have incredible chemistry between the strings and have been thrilling fans for almost 10 years, when they have the opportunity to team up.

    Orton established his dominion with his trio of RKO. It was a good idea and it showed how he could abruptly end the aspirations of the other World Cup Superstars' victory.

    A good final for a very good show that started with a fantastic match for the WWE title and is over with four pros doing what they do best.

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