WWE Super Show-Down 2018: Reactions and critics


WWE Super Showdown


Here are my last thoughts on WWE Super Show-Down 2018 from Raw and SmackDown Live!

The new day (Big E, Kofi Kingston and / or Xavier Woods) (c) against Cesaro and Sheamus (WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship)

reactions: WWE made the right choice by choosing two tandems that could kick off the show. The New Day and The Bar evolved at a frantic pace during this lively meeting. The hot crowd was receptive to everything they did in the ring, making all its minor and major moments just as exciting. It was almost awesome, but the match unfortunately ended even before arriving at this point. Still, this opening team match was very entertaining.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Becky Lynch (c) against Charlotte Flair (WWE SmackDown Women's Championship)

reactions: The intense rivalry of Becky and Charlotte has allowed another great exit here. The two women were not long in tearing their friendship even more. Becky's much tougher personality resulted in an even more entertaining style in the ring, which was presented here thoroughly. Charlotte has always lived up to her "ruthless aggression" and was even more offended this time around. The last moments of this fight were becoming something special, but unfortunately it ended with disqualification. This return match was obviously cut short in order to prolong the quarrel and to silence it correctly in Evolution. In the end, Becky and Charlotte made a solid outing hampered by a disappointing finish.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

John Cena and Bobby Lashley against Kevin Owens and Elias

reactions: Cena looks torn! The man carved himself into a leaner and meaner superstar who worked hard in China to work on films. As for the match that marked his return, he was tied with your usual house show or your main event on Raw. It was passable at best and even a bit rough in places due to poor communication visible between Lashley and the other team. Once Cena received the shortcut, everything was finished in a few unique gestures. Welp, that's it! He wrapped himself up quickly enough and was clearly designed to give a piece of Cena to the Australian crowd. He did his job and … yeah, that's it.

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

Asuka and Naomi against the IIconics (Billie Kay and Peyton Royce)

reactions: Congratulations to WWE for allowing the heroines of their country to get their fair share! Billie and Peyton received a warm welcome from the crowd during the women's duel. The match as a whole is nothing special, it's a numbers contest that looks more like a time killer than a hot fight. At least that allowed The IIconics to win the big win that their Australian fans claimed.

Rating: 1 and a half out of 5 stars

AJ Styles (c) against Samoa Joe (WWE Championship)

reactions: The immensely personal war between AJ and Joe has officially ended. And I'm happy to say that the match ended after the third and best match between the two Superstars. He introduced everything: hot start, vicious work of the members, hard-hitting maneuvers, interested crowd, hardcore elements and biting finish. AJ tapped into every part of his arsenal throwing everything he had on Joe.

Joe was his usual killer (we even had a rare sighting from Emerald Flowsion!). After the crash of the big table, this fight began with a second speed full of brutal kicks, round-trip submissions and many signing moves. I wanted Joe to win his first WWE title here, but I'm not sorry for the final result. AJ and Joe lit a barn burner during a title game that is the highlight of this show.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Ronda Rousey and the Bella Twins (Nikki Bella and Brie Bella) against Riott's team (Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan) (Team match of 6 women)

reactions: It was a little better than expected. I am usually excluded from any match involving the Bella Twins, but they did not bother me until tears, as they usually do. Team Riott was at the rendezvous with his intelligent team work and his assaults without stopping. They continually cut the Ronda twins and seemed to have everything under control.

That is to say until Ronda finally arrives in the ring. Ronda's excellent performances in the ring continued here as she ripped Ruby, Liv and Sarah. Watching her force Sarah and Liv to surrender with her brutal armband was quite unique! It was good for what it was. Ronda's work has earned a little more. Side note – the start of this match seems to have been towards a fight by Ronda Rousey against Nikki Bella at Evolution. I do not want any part of that …

Rating: 2 and a half out of 5 stars

Cedric Alexander (c) against Buddy Murphy (WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

reactions: THREE FOR THREE! Another Australian superstar came home and won in front of a very receptive crowd. Buddy Murphy finally got his hands on the Cruiserweight Championship after a crazy fight with Cedric Alexander. The two pillars of 205 Live have made every effort to fight at a fast pace.

The pendulum wavered several times – when it seemed like Cedric was about to defend his title successfully, Buddy was coming back and giving the crowd even more hope of victory. He maintained a fast pace throughout his career and ended on a positive note. Congratulations to both men for correctly representing their brand. And congratulations to Buddy for the final capture of this precious purple strap.

Rating: 3 and a half out of 5 stars

The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) against Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre (6-player team match)

reactions: We arrived here at what everyone should have expected – a chaotic brawl full of memorable moments. Strowman, Ziggler and McIntyre worked as a well-oiled machine for most of the early parts of this contest. Rollins was relegated to the threatened face for several minutes before finally wearing the hot-tag to Ambrose. Once this moment has arrived, this match has become even more exciting.

The six men collided with each other with their most debilitating movements. In addition, we saw Reigns beat Ambrose for a moment of confusion. It looks like the wheels are turning to heel for Ambrose. Ambrose even teased a sudden turning when he got up, but he eventually maintained his loyalty to his Shield brothers after all. After Braun's offense was committed against a freight train, Ambrose eventually nailed Ziggler with a Dirty Deed for victory. He was savage in all good manners.

Rating: 3 and a half out of 5 stars

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz (No. 1 WWE Championship World Contest)

reactions: Uh … okay, I guess. I was ready to watch DB and The Miz play a match that would surpass their fight against SummerSlam. It certainly looked like that. Both men gave stiff kicks and other assorted strikes for a few minutes. But all of a sudden, Bryan became Bret's "Hitman" Hart on The Miz, winning a quick victory thanks to a sudden little package. As for the surprises, this one is the most distinguished during the duration of this event.


The Undertaker (with Kane) vs. Triple H (with Shawn Michaels) (no disqualification)

reactions: With regard to the last chapters, this climatic encounter between Taker and HHH was a slow show. The four men played their part well during this return to the WWE Attitude era. "The Deadman" and "The King of Kings" have built great moments involving their allies. There were fights, brawls, shenanigans outside, bumps in the background and a large crowd to understand everything.

The traps of smoke and mirrors have obviously been put in place to hide the fact that "Taker is moving a little more slowly these days. This element of the match prevented him from being a step up from their last encounter at WrestleMania 28. Still, the four men involved showed their mastery of fairy tales on the ring and slow combustion. Embark on all this with a shocking ending and you will have a very nice and rich main event in WWE legends.

Rating: 3 and a half out of 5 stars

Match of the night

AJ Styles against Samoa Joe!

Final verdict

WWE Super Show-Down turned out to be a much better show than the company's last international release. Each of the title matches for this card is delivered, including AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe. Two of the team matches for this show were disappointing, but the six-person games were fun. The shocking victory of Daniel Bryan provided a moment worthy of mention. Plus, the main event was a cool nod to a bygone era. All in all, Australian fans and those watching at home were treated to a pleasant evening / morning filled with pleasant wrestling.

Final score: 3 and a half out of 5 stars

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