WWE Super Show-Down: Comparing Triple H vs. Undertaker Match to Past Showdowns | Bleacher Report


The aftermath of Triple H vs. The Undertaker.

The aftermath of Triple H vs. The Undertaker.Credit: WWE.com

WWE Super Show-Down was headlined by the final match between Triple H and The Undertaker-or at least that's what the promotion wants us to believe.

Since their encounter at WrestleMania has been made to "end up", it is definitely possible to cross paths again in the future.

While the "last time ever" tagline to Saturday's end was a bit of a breeze, the buildup over the past several weeks could have been a part of the most anticipated feuds on the card.

Their story is easy to tell because they have been counted out over the past 22 years, but the inclusion of Shawn Michaels and Kane has given the extra boost it needed.

Since Saturday was possible the last time we will see these two living legends in the ring against one another in singles action, it seemed appropriate to compare this contest to a few of their most memorable showdowns from the past 22 years to see if they still have what it takes to tear the house down.

WrestleMania X-Seven

Their first WrestleMania match happened in 2001, the height of the Attitude Era. They had to compete against ends like The Rock vs. "Cold Stone" Steve Austin, Shane McMahon vs. Vince McMahon and the second Tables, Ladders & Chairs match for attention.

The buildup to this encounter was all over the world.

This was more of a street fight than a wrestling bout, and because of the nature of the product at the time, the fans were invested in every second of the mayhem.

Taker was busted with a sledgehammer at the end, but he still managed to hit The Last Ride to extend his Mania winning streak to 9-0 in a memorable match.

Notes and Highlights

  • The image of Kane holding Stephanie McMahon hostage on a balcony while threatening to throw her over as Taker demanded this match from William Regal is still memorable.
  • Motorhead played Triple H to the ring.
  • Triple H went through a table 30 seconds into the match.
  • The announcers began to recognize the Streak more during this event.
  • The Undertaker chokeslammed Triple H off a scaffold to the end.

King of the Ring 2002

King of the Ring Stopped by an Annual PPV in 2002, and that year's event by Triple H vs. The Undertaker for the WWE Undisputed Championship.

They had already made a difference in their careers, so they had a lot of chemistry.

They never relied on technical wrestling in their matches, and this was no different. They used violence and aggression to pull the crowd into the story.

Taker took the low road and hit a low blow before rolling.

This match was entertaining, but it often gets forgotten.

Notes and Highlights

  • Triple H defeated Hulk Hogan to earn this title shot.
  • The buildup to this match might feature the only time Taker has gotten away from an opponent out of fear.
  • Earl Hebner took shots of both Superstars in this last.
  • The Rock interfered and hit Triple H with a flesh hard enough to make him bleed.

WrestleMania XXVII

Their second WrestleMania showdown took place in 2011. The basis for this match was Triple H's attempt to prove he could beat The Deadman at the worst event of the year after Michaels failed to do it at the previous two 'Mania PPVs.

Like many of their previous encounters, this has been challenged by No Holds Barred rules, which is a fancy way of saying there would be no disqualifications.

The Deadman was starting to show signs of slowing down, but he and Triple H were still in the process of making a show for the WWE Universe.

The Streak was starting to reach legendary status. However, The Cerebral Assassin seemed like it could be done to less than 10 years ago at WrestleMania X-Seven.

Unfortunately for him, The Undertaker was not ready to give up his throne. He threw everything he had at Trips, but it was his Hell's Gate submission that scored him the victory.

Notes and Highlights

  • This might be one of the only times The Undertaker's opponent had a cooler entrance than he did. Triple H looked like Skeletor.
  • Triple H kicked out of one chokeslam, Tombstone Piledriver and Last Ride.
  • This match was almost 30 minutes straight of non-stop action. For two guys who were already in the middle and old to work part-time, it was an impressive performance.

WrestleMania XXVIII

Trips and Taker's third and final WrestleMania match was billed as "the end of an era." Michaels served as a special guest referee inside the room.

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It is a part of the story that makes the story more interesting. Had WWE used a normal ref, this match would not have been nearly as entertaining.

These were the days of flesh shots to the head and intentionally bleeding, but these veterans did not let that stop them as brutal as they were in any of their past fights.

This was the definition of a showstopper. It exceeded expectations and managed their showdown one year earlier. After 30 minutes inside Hell in a Cell, Triple H succumbed to one final Tombstone Piledriver.

Notes and Highlights

  • This was the 25th Hell in a WWE match. Triple H or The Undertaker had appeared in 19 of them, so this stipulation helped define their careers.
  • When Michaels took the chair away from Triple H, he was only one of his friends.
  • At one point, Triple H squared off to crush Taker's head with the hammer in such a way that he would have lost his life to Michaels not taken it away. WWE blacked out the footage when Trips did connect a few moments later with a slightly less violent hammer strike.
  • HBK and The Game hit Sweet Chin Music and the Pedigree. The pop when the deadman kicked out was huge.
  • Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter gave this match 4.75 stars (m / w IWNerd.com).

Super Show-Down

The Undertaker and Triple H face each other in singles competition, but the company made sure to shove that idea down to throats leading up to the game.

Expectations were lower than they were for WrestleMania 28 because The Deadman has been slowed down so much in recent years. To help mask his shortcomings, management made it a No Disqualifications. This allowed Kane and Michaels to get involved quite a bit.

Taker's physical limitations saw everything move a little slower than it should have. Triple H is one of the best, but there is only one way to help the opponent, even when he has two other guys at ringside to draw the crowd's attention.

This may have been a fun match for casual fans, but anyone who has watched WWE regularly for a long time knows this not to be up to their previous battles. With a little help from Sweet Chin Music, The Game defeated The Undertaker with the Pedigree.

The best part of this final showdown was the ending. All four men embraced and seemed to bury the hatchet, only for Kane and the Undertaker to surprise them with an attack.

If this leads to some of the same things as HBK comes out of retirement, the whole "last time ever" selling point will not be necessary.

Notes and Highlights

  • It's a little surprising WWE did not put more effort into the entrances. There were no special sets, gold props and extras dressed up in matching outfits. At least we got to see some pyro again.
  • The announcers mentioned how Taker had 101 PPV victories going into this game.
  • Trips put Kane through a table with an elbow drop from the apron.
  • HBK took a punch right to the nose at one point. It looks like it is legitimately caught off guard.
  • Taker could barely get Triple H up for a chokeslam at the end of the match. His breathing was labored, and he was barely able to keep his balance.

Final Analysis

Triple H and The Undertaker have had some epic fights over the years, but Saturday's will not count among the best when we look back on their careers.

It's understandable why WWE would like to book such a high-profile game for a special event like this. They are still more recognizable around the world than most of the roster.

The problem is The Deadman was not up to the task this time. It's not going to be ruin his legacy, but it's definitely not going to help it. Reactions on social media were mixed, to say the least.

Triple H and The Undertaker is used in their final showdown.

In the end, this game does not matter. It will not affect any other storylines or championships, and most people will have missed it by this time next year.

The Brothers of Destruction and the founding members of D-Generation X end up running this story at the Crown Jewel PPV in Saudi Arabia on November 2. We can have our answer as early as Monday's Raw.

What did you think of Triple H vs. The Undertaker and the Super Show-Down as a whole?

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