WWE superstar Elias hears crowd after Supersonics joke


WWE Superstar Elias was the target of a group of Seattle crowd choirs on Monday night after the city's former basketball team, the Supersonics.

During his usual musical segment, Elias was joined by his Super Show-Down partner, Kevin Owens, to talk about their match when the Drifter spoke intelligently about the Seattle Supersonics. Owens started the conversation by saying how good he and Elias were. So it makes sense that they team up, but not John Cena with Bobby Lashley.

Elias added, "It makes no sense. It's like having a basketball team in Seattle. The crowd did not like this comment and let the duo know.

Watch the Monday evening RAW crowd at Seattle booer Elias and Kevin Owens below.

The scandals would continue for a while and only get stronger when Elias evoked the Thunder of Oklahoma City. Kevin Owens and Elias would eventually walk the segment despite the noise of the crowd. Even Lio Rush was not spared by the noise of the crowd while the fanatic fans continued to express their dissatisfaction with Elias when the babyface tried to pass through his promo.

Elias is one of the best WWE promotions in terms of getting the "heat of the heel" of the crowd through the city in which it is located. He usually creates a sports team and Seattle was a prime target for his last segment.

For those who do not know, the Seattle Supersonics were created in 1967 before the team's purchase and moved them to Oklahoma City in 2008. The team's name has been changed to the Thunder and Seattle. has had more NBA team since.

What did you think of the Elias segment in Seattle? Did he have the right amount of heat in the heel or too much? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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