WWE superstars would be uncomfortable performing in Saudi Arabia


WWE has been criticized for its relations with Saudi Arabia, where it plans to hold a wrestling event next month – and superstars would now have doubts about their presence there.

Many members of the WWE Talent List told Sports Illustrated that they were not comfortable with the idea of ​​entertaining the Saudis after the alleged disappearance and murder Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

The country's "poor human rights record" has also been cited as a reason for not wanting to enter the square circle.

Despite the unrest, the WWE seems to stick to its weapons.

"As always, we maintain a line of open communication with our artists as we continue to monitor the situation," the company said in a statement to The Post on Monday.

WWE is less than three weeks away from its controversial Crown Jewel event at King Saud University Stadium in Riyadh.

Some of the company's biggest stars should be attending, including former UFC champion, Brock Lesnar, current Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, and the Temple Member. WWE fame, Shawn Michaels, coming out of retirement.

This will be the second edition of the WWE in Saudi Arabia this year after the "Greatest Royal Rumble" of April. The shows are part of a multi-year, multi-year contract signed between WWE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

They became the target of a staggering 18-minute report on "Last week, tonight with John Oliver" last Sunday – which also covered ongoing political tensions between the United States and Saudi Arabia. , as well as the situation in Khashoggi.

Describing the "Greatest Royal Rumble" event, Oliver said, "Spectators from around the world have been treated with full propaganda on the new Saudi Arabia, including a video showing women driving happily, men dancing and beauty institutes of tourist destinations, as well as enthusiastic compliments throughout the broadcast. "

Oliver, in particular, called on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – also known as MBS – for attempting to paint a picture of a more progressive country.

"The truth is that MBS is far from the political reformer under which he was introduced. In fact, come across any positive story about it and you will discover a much darker truth underneath, "said Oliver, pointing out that the Saudis had ended his ban on driving women just a few weeks after imprisonment. A group of activists who were campaigning for the right. drive.

Several senators came forward and urged WWE to cancel the event – and its agreement with Saudi Arabia – following the disappearance of Khashoggi and his assassination.

"All major private interests should review and revamp their relations with the Saudi Kingdom in the light of its ongoing abuses of violation of civil rights and freedoms, breach of legality and bombings perpetrated" in Yemen using US military equipment and possible intelligence. "We hope that WWE itself will recognize its conscience and conviction if there is evidence that Saudi officials have approved and ordered this type of murder," said Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). the information radio 812 of the WCBS. would first rely on the US government to do its duty to defend private interests like the WWE, and the first place to look is the United States of America. "

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