WWW Results Monday Night RAW – Kurt Angle's Main Events, New Crowned Champions, Ronda Rousey, More


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE Monday Night RAW See the part. Tonight's show comes from the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England.

– Tonight's WWE RAW will be recorded live from Manchester, England, while Michael Cole would welcome us. He is accompanied by Renee Young and Corey Graves.

– The whole list of RAW is on the scene. Security keeps the ring. Baron Corbin, Acting Managing Director of RAW, speaks as JoJo introduces. Cole brings us to a video package with the highlights of WWE Jewel of the crown and the victory of new WWE Champion Brock Lesnar on Braun Strowman, thanks to Corbin.

Corbin welcomes us to RAW and mentions the need for safety because it is very much in view. Corbin surfs the WWE Survivor Series like the only time a year when RAW and SmackDown face each other. Corbin plugs Lesnar's dominant performance on Strowman and his Survivor Series match with AJ Styles champion of the WWE. He also associates RAW champion Ronda Rousey with SmackDowns champion Becky Lynch and traditional 5 – on – 5 elimination matches. Every game is an opportunity for RAW to show that it 's a good match. he is superior. Corbin says they also have an account to settle after SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon stole the world's best title from RAW and Dolph Ziggler. Corbin says RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon will talk about it next week. Corbin says that RAW will dominate at Survivor Series and when they do, he will move from GM to GM full-time. Corbin himself is chosen as captain of the men's team because that's what they need. Corbin said his management duties would not allow him to play the match, so he will be the most dominant team possible. He announces Ziggler and Drew McIntyre as the first two members. Strowman is also in the team.

Corbin says that Strowman may be angry with him, but he'll realize Corbin just gave him a lesson at Crown Jewel. Corbin says that when Strowman understands that he must respect the authority, he will be the team member he needs for Survivor Series. As for the women's team, he needed a woman with excellent skills. So it will be the captain of the team, Alexa Bliss, who will choose the members. The music strikes and Bliss comes out from behind, just after Natalya and Sasha Banks on the stage. Banks goes to the ring. Bliss thanks Corbin and calls him the future permanent general manager. She talks about the RAW Women's Team member selection and says she's a natural leader. She says she's going to watch the women's matches very closely and she wants them to show their killer instinct, as they will not lose in the B series, not under her watch. She says everything starts tonight with a Evolution return match – The Riott Squad vs. Natalya, Banks and Bayley. Corbin likes what Bliss thinks. Bliss says she could get used to it. She starts the first game, but the music stops and Kurt Angle, a member of WWE's Hall of Famer, is dubbed "You suck!" the songs begin. Angle says that the competition in the World Cup has lit a fire under him and he wants to compete again at Survivor Series this year after leading last year. Corbin says it was last year and that he is making the decisions this year. Corbin wants Angle to take a permanent vacation. Angle explains how we decided things on the ring when he was around. He is proposing a match with Corbin for tonight and if he wins, he will be the captain of the team. The fans are unleashed. After having resisted, Corbin is embarrassed by RAW. Corbin gives him the match and says Angle will get what he wants he wins, but the only way he sees Angle go Survivor Series is he? s buying a ticket. Angle says that Corbin is the only way Survivor Series is on crutches after being broken ankle. Angle goes in and his music goes on, but Corbin demands his cut. The songs "you fear" begin in Corbin.

Corbin says it's his show. Corbin demands that they respect Bliss while she was about to speak. Bliss will start the game again but the music stops and Braun goes out. Strowman goes to the ring and begins to drop the security team near the ring. Corbin is waiting for the fight but he withdraws when Braun enters the ring. Braun pursues Corbin by the ramp and from behind. He drops Jinder Mahal as he approaches. Strowman gets into a fight with The Pain Writers, The Ascension and others on the ramp. Other superstars join us and the training goes well. Strowman crosses and walks in the back in search of Corbin. Strowman tells a staff member to tell Corbin that he will have those hands tonight. We go to the commercial while Strowman continues to look for Corbin.

– Back from the game, Charly Caruso is behind the scenes with Natalya, Sasha Banks and Bayley. They believe tonight's game will see them win, like at WWE Evolution. Natalya dedicates the match to her father, the late WWE legend Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, and says she's wearing her glasses in the ring to bring good luck.

Riott's team against Sasha Banks, Bayley and Natalya

We go on the ring and first comes Natalya. She is wearing the glasses of the anvil. Sasha Banks is next, followed by Bayley. They are all heading to the ring together. Then comes the Riott team: Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan and Ruby Riott.

The bell rings and a fight breaks out when the Riott team attacks immediately. Ruby misses a Riott kick as the ring clears, but Natalya drops her in an early Sharpshooter. Liv and Logan provide aids, allowing Ruby to turn around for a total of 2. Natalya goes to the ground while Logan arrives. Logan discharges herself on the apron and sends Natalya to the gate when the referee counts. Logan brings him back to 2. Liv arrives and ends up having 2 points after a kick. Liv throws Natalya on the floor while we go to the commercial.

Back from the break, Liv keeps control of Natalya. Liv takes him around the corner and unloads him while the umpire warns him. Liv misses the corner but prevents Natalya from tagging. Sasha takes the plate and places the others on the apron. Banks with a dropkick to Liv and more offensive. Banks with a knee to Liv's apron and double knees to Logan on the floor of the apron. Banks enters and strikes the double knee of the top rope at Liv. Banks with a stab in Banks' statement, but Ruby rushes to hit her in the face.

Bayley arrives but Ruby takes her out of the ring. Banks and Riott are now occupying it. Banks with a knee in the face. Bayley kneels Ruby in the corner. Banks follows with knees in the corner while they double the Riott team. Bayley strikes the turnbuckles but still throws Riott to the deck to hang over the second rope. Bayley runs the ropes and takes Liv and Logan down on the ground. Ruby just arrives with a STO in Bayley on the floor. Riott brings him back to the ring for a 2 on Bayley. Natalya now gathers the crowd for Bayley.

Bayley against a suplex and rolls Riott for an account of 2. Riott returns immediately to turn around. Riott keeps Bayley on the ground now. Bayley tries to defend himself but can not do anything. Logan enters and continues the attack. Bayley fights but Logan throws her into the second rope face to face with his arm. Logan with 2 other counts. Ruby screams in Bayley to stay back. Liv returns and works Bayley. Liv with a dropkick for an account of 2. Liv throws Bayley out of the ring while we go back to advertising.

Back from the break and Logan Bayley dropkicks for a 2. Logan goes for Bayley and the Narwhal. Natalya and Banks are trying to gather the crowd. Logan pushes Banks off the apron but Natalya avoids the shot. Natalya takes the hot tag, runs on Logan and drops the others off the apron. Natalya with a German suplex in Logan. Logan nudges Natalya, but Natalya thwarts and slaps her face in the front row for a score of 2 as Ruby separates him. Banks enters and leaves Ruby but Liv the spell. Natalya with the lariat to Liv. Natalya goes to get the Sharpshooter on Logan and locks him in the middle of the ring. Ruby appears at the edge of the ring with The Anvil sunglasses in her hands, threatening to break them. Natalya looks at her and drops the Sharpshooter. Ruby breaks the glasses and Natalya is moved. The Riot Squad bursts out laughing and leaves at the same time as the fans are booing them. Natalya cries and picks up the pieces while Banks and Bayley console her.

– Coming soon, Angle vs Corbin. In addition, a look at DX vs. The Brothers of Destruction of Crown Jewel.

– We see Braun Strowman behind the scenes in search of Baron Corbin. Back to commercial.

Apollo Crews vs. Jinder Mahal

Back from the break, Jinder Mahal with Sunil Singh. Cole brings us to the highlights of Shawn Michaels, Triple H and the WWE Hall of Famer, who defeated Kane and The Undertaker at Crown Jewel. Cole confirms the operation of Triple H for tomorrow. Then come the Apollo crews. We receive a side video of Crews, who says that he will start piling up his victories tonight and showing everyone why he is the most striking man in RAW.

The bell rings and they go there. Jinder takes control, but Crews turns around, despite an attempt by Singh to interfere. Jinder cuts Crews and covers for a close count. Jinder keeps the crews down to earth now. The crews are fighting and trading with Jinder now. Jinder avoids the shots and rolls Crews for 2. The crews come back with the enziguri. The teams press Jinder and slap him. Crews with the moonsault standing for the pin to win.

Winner: Apollo Crews

– After the match, Crews turns to the sound of his music. We are going to replay.

– We see Seth Rollins wandering backstage with the WWE Intercontinental Title and the two RAW Team Titles. Cole says that Dean Ambrose was in the area today. We go to the commercial.

– Seth Rollins, WWE Intercontinental Champion & RAW Tag Team, returns from the break. He wears both title belts. We see how Dean Ambrose turned Rollins after his title win on October 22nd.

Fans sing "Burn it" while Rollins takes the microphone. Rollins announced that he planned to win three titles and a giant trophy, but that nothing happened to him at the WWE World Cup. Rollins also thanks Baron Corbin for helping Brock Lesnar recover the WWE title. He is excited when he tells how Roman Reigns has beaten to win the Lesnar title and with all that he's fought up to now, what Corbin did was a slap for Reigns. Fans are singing "Roman" now. Rollins says it was a slap to everyone, including the fans. Rollins says he'd say this in Lesnar's face but he's not here tonight. Shock, Rollins says. Rollins says that a person is here tonight – Dean Ambrose. Rollins says The Shield was at the top of the world just a few weeks ago. Rollins had already tried to get Ambrose to come talk to him like a man but he would not do it and Rollins will not waste our time trying again. He's here tonight because of RAW team titles.

It looks like Rollins is about to give up the titles but Corbin interrupts the big screen and talks about the backstage. Corbin says Rollins and his partner will have to defend the titles now. Against these guys … the music comes in and out The authors of Pain, Akam and Rezar, with the WWE 205 live General Manager Drake Maverick.

2-in-1 Handicap Match for RAW Tag Team Titles: Painters Against Seth Rollins

Pain's writers hit the ring with Maverick as the bell rings and JoJo makes the presentations.

Akam starts and starts with Rollins. Rollins is fighting soon but the double team is too strong while Rezar levels Rollins with a clothesline. Rezar talks garbage while Rollins is down. We go to the commercial.

Back from the break and Akam covers Rollins for 2 points. Akam keeps control and places Rollins in the middle of the ring. Rollins breaks it with a puzzle. Akam whips Rollins in the corner and goes down. Rollins starts at 2 o'clock. Rezar returns and keeps Rollins on the ground. Akam is back and they go for a double team but Rollins blocks him with boots. Rollins Rezar clotheslines above the floor. Rollins lands on Akam now.

Rollins nails a suicide dive on Rezar on the floor. Akam is sent through the ropes now. Rollins puts the ropes back in place and nails a suicide dive on both opponents, making them fall to the ground. Fans sing "Burn it!" while Rollins brings back Akam. Rollins makes a springboard and pulls him down. Rezar is now in the ring, but Rollins drops him with a Slingblade. Rollins with a blockbuster on Akam, but he scores at 2 o'clock. Drake encourages AOP while Rollins struggles to get back on his feet. Rollins launches for Stomp while fans sing "Burn it!" again.

Rollins kicks Akam but Drake puts the apron on the apron to distract the referee, allowing Rezar to get involved. They double the Rollins team but he fights them both with kicks in the face. Rollins drops Rezar with a kick and goes to the top. Rollins nails a Frogsplash on Rezar for a total of 2 points. Rollins drops Akam off the apron. Rezar blocks a Stomp and nails a powerbomb. Akam identifies for the dual team windbreak combo – powerbomb. Rezar makes the pin to win the titles.

Winners and new team champions RAW: the authors of the pain

– After the match, Drake goes to the ring to celebrate Akam and Rezar while the titles are given to them. They leave as the music stops and we see Dean Ambrose come and walk in the crowd. Ambrose slowly enters the ring as the "you've sold the vocals begin." Ambroise falls on one knee in front of Rollins picks up a microphone. "Do you want to know why I did what I did?" Ambrose As Rollins asks why, Ambrose lays it down and drops it with Dirty Deeds while the fans are booing Ambrose walks on the ramp and stops at the top while Rollins recovers on the carpet Ambrose continues to walk towards Back .. Cole asks Renee if she can shed light on what's going on and she says that she tried to talk to her about it, but there's no reasoning with him there For the moment, we see Rollins struggling to get back on his feet while the "burns!" songs continue.

– Let's go back to Becky Lynch's promo on Ronda Rousey from SmackDown last week. Still coming tonight, Rousey will answer. Back to commercial.

– We see how Braun Strowman destroyed security by trying to join Baron Corbin earlier in the evening. Corbin is now behind the scenes with Charly Caruso. She asks him if he is afraid of the consequences that he will suffer if Strowman catches him. Corbin says that he did not run and that he was not afraid of Strowman. Corbin will be there if Strowman wants a match, but Strowman wants to destroy him, not to fight, and he will not allow it. Caruso reveals that Corbin has set up a makeshift studio in a storage room for this interview. Corbin says that she just told the world where he is. Strowman appears and removes more members of the security team while Corbin retires safely. Strowman goes in search of Corbin.

– We're going into the ring and Dolph Ziggler is coming.

Ziggler says Shane McMahon is not the best in the world, despite the end of the WWE World Cup tournament. Ziggler says we are looking for the best in the world. He continues on the fact that he once again dominated and proved that he was the best, but what happened? The plots started. It tells how Drew McIntyre was kicked out of the ring, how a SmackDown referee allowed the Miz to attack him from behind and how Shane plunged into a tournament in which he was not even … Ziggler is interrupted by the sound of Elias' guitar.

Elias begins to play in the spotlight as the arena unleashes itself for him. Elias says that the reaction of the crowd is the respect it deserves. Elias responds to Ziggler's complaints and will summarize the situation very quickly – Ziggler is a loser. Elias mentions Oasis and how the Gallaghers said that they would meet because of his song. Ziggler interrupts him but Elias tells him to shut up and let him sing. Elias plays his last song and takes Ziggler's clichés with the lyrics. Ziggler challenges Elias to come face to face with him and joins him. We go to the mall while Elias heads to the ring.

– Back from the break, we take a look at the Lucha House party. We went on a behind-the-scenes promo for The Revival, which hit The Lucha House Party for kicking and reversing RAW. They say the RAW team division no longer has room for The Loser House Party and will send them back to 205 live where they belong.

Dolph Ziggler against Elias

We go to the ring and this match begins. Come and go to start. Ziggler connects with a dropkick and talks about the trash. Elias turns around and drops Ziggler with an elbow for a count of 2. Elias brings Ziggler back to the mat and keeps him on the ground.

Ziggler turns around with a cheap uppercut. Ziggler with a neckbreaker for a 2 heads. Ziggler is holding Elias with a bodyscissors now. They entangle a little more on the carpet. Ziggler with strikes after they work standing up. Elias with a mule kick from the corner. Elias goes to the top and fetches a big elbow, but Ziggler escapes. Both men are down as we go to the mall.

Back from the break, Ziggler has Elias in the middle of the ring. They fight and Elias blocks a choker with a backslide for 2 points. Ziggler with an uppercut and another spit attempt for 2. Ziggler tells garbage and pushes Elias. Elias attack at Ziggler and hogwash. Ziggler gets up and hits the knee. Ziggler scratches Elias' face on the top rope while the referee warns him. Ziggler with shots in the corner now. Elias fights the corner and Ziggler defends himself. Ziggler with a neckbreaker.

Ziggler stands over Elias and shows some of them. Ziggler drops an elbow on his chest for a total of 2. Ziggler keeps Elias on the ground with another submission, asking the referee to ask him if he leaves. They get up and exchange their shots in the middle of the ring. Elias drops Ziggler in the shoulder. Elias lands in the corner. Elias keeps control but Ziggler misses a meter after an electric chair and they scramble back and forth. Elias drops Ziggler with a jumping knee for a total of 2. Ziggler against a move, but misses a start. Elias counters and nails the sitdown powerbomb for a close count. They get up and exchange more strikes. Ziggler unloads and throws Elias for a score of 2. Elias blocks the Zig Zag. Ziggler dodges a knee and hits the Zig Zag for a close count while Elias puts his foot on the bottom rope.

Ziggler argues with the referee about the fan count. Ziggler shows his frustration as the crowd mobilizes for Elias. Elias catches Ziggler and Drift Away nails for victory.

Winner: Elias

– After the match, Elias stands tall and has his arm raised to the sound of music. We are seeing reruns as Ziggler watches Elias make his way out.

– Coming soon, Ronda Rousey will address her Survivor Series opponent. Back to commercial.

– Charly Caruso is behind the scenes with Kurt Angle to talk about tonight's game with Baron Corrbin. Angle says that he knows Corbin's weaknesses and that he knows how to beat him.

– We go to the ring and the champion of the first woman, Ronda Rousey, is heard by advertisers Survivor Series match with SmackDown Women's Champion Becky Lynch.

Fans sing Rousey's name before she picks up the mic. Ronda tells how Becky said she would tear her arm out of Survivor Series. Ronda gives some accessories to Becky and the fans sing her name briefly. Rousey congratulates Becky on WWE performance Evolution and says that Becky has her respect but Becky should not confuse her respect with weakness. Rousey says she's the last woman Becky wants to disrespect. Ronda hits Becky for going to college clowns and becoming a flight attendant. Rousey says that she loves the new Becky and the new attitude, but that it will take a lot more than a new attitude to beat her. Rousey says that she is a born murderer and that in two weeks she will want Becky to bring her all her anguish, her rage, her suppressed resentment, all she's got because Ronda wants a challenge. Becky can say that she is the man but Ronda is the meanest on the planet, she says. Rouse drops the microphone and his music hits.

Rousey is about to leave the ring when Nia Jax's music interrupts and she goes out. Jax says that Ronda is all burned and pushed her in the back. Jax says Survivor Series it's like Evolution, she's fighting for the entire RAW locker room, not just for herself. Jax knows that Ronda will not let them down, but after she hires Becky to Survivor Series, Jax will wait for him. Field They look at each other and Rousey laughs. The music interrupts and Ember Moon arrives in the ring. Cole leads us to a video package on WWE's new partnership with Girl Up.

Nia Jax vs. Ember Moon

We come back from the video while Nia Jax and Ember Moon look in the ring. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we have the bell. They go there and Moon seeks to mount the offensive. Jax throws her out of the ring. Jax brings him back to the ring but Moon kicks. More back and forth now that Moon is looking to gain momentum. Jax catches him in the middle of the body to flip him over. Jax dominates Moon now and throws it through the ring. Jax works on Moon while she is lying down and covering herself for 2 points. Jax binds Moon in a submission now, asking the referee to ask her if she leaves. Moon begins to erase in the hold.

Moon ends up fighting and dodging a clothesline. Jax wins but Moon hits her several times. Jax leads Moon on the carpet to cut it. Jax picks up Moon and sends his face first into the top curtain. Jax again levels Moon and pulls the strings for a big leg drop, but Moon shies away. Jax gets up first but Moon hits her in the head. Moon with another counter and other shots as she makes her comeback. Moonpacks with a crossbody for a count of 2 when Jax starts. Moon howls and scales Jax with a big forearm. Jax still hits at 2, sending Moon flying into the ring with the send shot.

Jax shoves Moon into the corner, but misses a splash as Moon emerges. Moon opts for the DDT tornado but Jax blocks it. Moon with an enziguri but Jax is still standing. Jax catches Moon with a Samoan Drop to win.

Winner: Nia Jax

– After the match, Jax recovers and raises his arms until the music stops and Tamina Snuka arrives. Tamina goes to the ring under Jax's gaze. They look at each other, standing above Moon. Tamina looks down at Moon, just like Jax. Tamina catches Moon and nails a Samoan Drop, right in front of Jax. Some boo fans. Jax looks confused but she tells Tamina to return Moon. Tamina turns Moon into a Boston crab. Jax begins to drop his elbow on Moon while boo fans. Jax leaves another big blow to Moon while Snuka keeps it on the ground. Jax and Tamina kiss in the middle of the ring and raise their arms to the sound of Jax's music. Snuka and Jax leave together.

– Kayla Braxton is behind the scenes with Finn Balor. Balor said that Bobby Lashley was the most powerful and explosive man with whom he was in the ring and that he was intensifying each week. Balor calls Lio Rush a bit perverse when he refers to his recent interference. Balor said that Manchester was a divided city, but tonight the town called Balor Club and Balor Club 's address to everyone. Balor is all smiles while he's going away. Stay ahead, Lashley vs. Balor. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and the advertisers' hype, WrestleMania 35 travel packages, on sale now.

– Charly Caruso catches Baron Corbin behind the scenes and blames him for the way Braun Strowman does not stop finding him. Corbin says that he has an emergency appointment tonight and will not face Kurt Angle. Drew McIntyre is his replacement. Corbin hops in a car and goes away just as Strowman rushes to try and catch him. Corbin moves away quickly.

Bobby Lashley against Finn Balor

We go on the ring and Bobby Lashley arrives with Lio Rush, who does not speak to the microphone yet. They enter the ring and Rush takes the microphone. Rush praises Lashley and tries his luck in Manchester. Rush talks about Lashley's physique. Some fans sing "boring!" and Rush tells them to get over it. Rush says the crowd has upset Lashley and he will now face Finn Balor. Balor's music arrives and he goes out. Balor makes his entrance and we go back to advertising.

Back from the break and the match begins. Lashley dominates and takes control during the first minutes. Lashley with a big suplex for 2 counts. Balor defends himself but Lashley kicks him in the stomach. Balor sends Lashley out of the ring with a dropkick. Balor runs the ropes for a dive, but Rush pushes him to the mad. Lashley climbs Balor's right hand for a total of 2. Lashley keeps Balor on the ground now while Rush smiles.

Lashley comes out of the hold and slams Balor for a score of 2. Lashley keeps Balor on the ground again in the middle of the ring. Lashley with a neckbreaker for another tight pin attempt. Lashley keeps Balor in the corner while the referee counts. Rush barks commands from the ring, but he no longer uses the mic like the previous weeks. Balor is looking to ride the offensive now. Balor launches Lashley for an account of 2. Balor keeps control and takes a double step while the fans encourage him. Balor with a big chop in the corner. Lashley grabs Balor on his shoulder but slips and hits a Slingblade for a pop.

Balor charges for the dropkick from the corner but Lashley explodes with a large clothesline. Lashley charges in the corner but Balor moves. Lashley nudges Balor. Balor falls on the apron now. Lashley surprises Balor from the apron and holds him high in the air before dropping him. Balor starts at 2 o'clock. Lashley looks a little frustrated now. Balor with a counter for 2 counts. Balor drops Lashley in the corner and climbs to the top. Rush runs the interferences of the apron. Balor goes back to the top but has to roll as Lashley gets up. Balor sends Lashley out of the ring. Balor gets Rush out of the ring for a pop. Balor loads Rush's dropkick into the fence but Lashley takes him into the air. Lashley brings Balor back into the ring and knocks the gutwrench face-up into the carpet for the pin.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

– After the match, Lashley stands proudly on Balor while the music sounds. Rush enters the ring to support him. The music interrupts and Drew McIntyre gets to pop. Drew goes to the ring and looks at everyone. Lashley watches Drew enter the ring. Drew comes in and stares straight into Lashley's eyes, standing in front of him and challenging him to swing. Lashley steps back and leaves the ring with Rush. Drew watches Lashley leave and then turns to Balor to help him get up off the mat. The fans cheer. Drew turns and looks at Balor, then pushes him into the ropes to level him with a Claymore kick. Drew stands above Balor as his music picks up. Drew stands proudly as we return to the advertisement.

Kurt Angle against Drew McIntyre

Back from the break, Drew looks, while Kurt Angle, a member of the WWE Hall of Famer, makes himself a place, wishing to become the captain of the men's team. Survivor Series team. Angle attack early to start but the referee reinstates the order and we get the ringtone.

They go there and exchange shots. Drew turns him around and connects with a stiff head. McIntyre is now empty in the corner. Drew drops Angle again and works on the arm while holding him down in the middle of the ring. Les fans essaient de se rassembler pour Angle alors qu'il se relève. Angle bascule Drew mais Drew le laisse tomber avec un coude pour une tentative de goupille rapide. A dessiné avec un neckbreaker pendant que les fans chantaient pour Angle. Drew se remet au travail au bras.

Drew avec une grosse côtelette dans le coin. Angle revient et frappe Angle Slam de nulle part. Angle cherche à capitaliser mais Drew quitte le ring pour reprendre son souffle. Nous retournons au commercial.

De retour de la pause et Drew cloue un neckbreaker pour 2 chefs d'accusation. Nous voyons comment Drew a envoyé Angle dans les marches en acier pendant la pause. A dessiné avec un suplex et plus d'offensive alors qu'il maintient Angle au sol. Angle se défend mais Drew l'attrape dans un lancer ventre contre ventre pour un compte de 2. Drew débarque dans le coin et bat Angle lorsque l'arbitre le prévient. Drew reprend Angle par le bras et le maintient là tandis que les fans tentent de se rallier.

Angle se bat à nouveau mais Drew le récupère. Angle glisse et frappe un suplex allemand. Angle la maintient pour deux autres Allemands. Angle laisse tomber les sangles pour un pop. Angle opte pour un autre Angle Slam mais Drew finit par frapper un gros Claymore Kick. Drew regarde Angle alors qu'il est en baisse. Angle tente de se mettre en marche alors que Drew parle trash, se moquant de lui. Les fans chantent pour Angle. Il va pour la jambe mais a l'air abasourdi et s'en tire alors que Drew le redescend. Angle se débat maintenant sur les deux genoux alors que Drew lui offre sa jambe, se moquant de lui. Angle va pour la jambe mais Drew résiste. Drew le recule et lui martèle le dos. Angle semble devenir émotif alors que Drew rigole.

Drew considère Angle comme un lâche et un embarras pour lui-même, sa famille. Drew saisit Angle par le visage et continue à le rabaisser d'insultes. Angle se déclenche et attrape la jambe, allant chercher le verrou de la cheville. L'angle est appliqué au milieu de l'anneau. Drew sortit ses pouvoirs et repoussa Angle, mais sa jambe lui crispa de douleur. A attiré les pouvoirs avec le propre mouvement d'Angle, l'Angle Slam. Drew utilise un autre angle maintenant et applique le blocage de la cheville. Angle pointe finalement pour la finition.

Gagnant: Drew McIntyre

– Après la sonnerie, Drew garde le verrou de la cheville appliqué pendant quelques secondes supplémentaires, à la demande de l'arbitre. Drew se tient grand pendant que sa musique joue et nous allons aux replays. Angle est toujours sur le tapis alors que Drew raille et rit de plus belle en sortant du ring. Certains fans huent alors que McIntyre monte la rampe. RAW quitte les airs avec Angle qui se relève sur le ring sous le regard de Drew.

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