XXXTentacion confessed to domestic violence and other violent crimes in a recently obtained secret registration


Note: This article contains references to domestic violence, assault and rape that some readers may find disturbing.

When he was shot in June, the Florida rapper, XXXTentacion, was awaiting trial for a spousal abuse case in 2016 involving a former girlfriend. He was indicted by the Miami-Dade County Attorney's Office of aggravated assault, of a domestic battery by strangulation, imprisonment and falsification of witnesses , charges detailed by the alleged victim in a January 2017 statement. He pleaded not guilty and maintained his innocence until his death.

At present, Pitchfork has obtained a secret tape recorded from XXXTentacion, speaking with acquaintances at the time of his arrest on October 8, 2016. Speaking of his ex-girlfriend, whom he believed to have cheated, one can hear XXXTentacion say: "I put my source of happiness in another person, which was a mistake at first, right? But she has failed on every occasion until now. Until I start fucking her, Bruh. I started to fuck her because she made a mistake. And from there, the whole cycle has gone down. Now she's scared. This girl is scared for her life. What I understand. He did not detail what he had done to the alleged victim. Earlier in the recording, he said, "I will kill this bitch if she plays with me." (Listen to an excerpt from the recording below.)

Pitchfork acquired the 27-minute tape from the Miami-Dade County Attorney General's Office. According to the bureau, the prosecution and the defense of XXXTentacion considered the tape as an admission. (The criminal case against XXXTentacion, whose real name is Jahseh Onfroy, was closed after his death and his last defense attorney did not return the emails or phone calls from Pitchfork before the deadline.) , an acquaintance of XXXTentacion; the person declined to comment on Pitchfork. The prosecutor's office has not indicated the identity of other people on the band and their identity is unclear. In the recording, one can hear XXXTentacion's knowledge telling him that he can not have "private time" with the alleged victim and try to dissuade him from thinking about suicide.

On the tape, XXXTentacion not only uttered threats against his ex-girlfriend, but he also spoke of a stabbing at Deerfield Beach, Florida. [Miami] New times to stab, how many people did they put in the news? They said three, they were eight. (On January 21, 2016, a local Florida newspaper reported that the police were "looking for the person who stabbed three people during a fight in Deerfield Beach." The report from the Broward County Sheriff's Office states that The incident says that a witness "saw an unknown black man tattooed on his face wielding a knife in several directions." XXXTentacion also admitted to stabbing a former director was arrested on July 14, 2016 in Orange County In Florida, before being released on bail soon after, these abuses were mentioned on the tape to explain why her ex-girlfriend was scared for her life. "She saw this shit," said XXXTentacion. "She knows."

After being imprisoned for these charges in October 2016, XXXTentacion continued its efforts. Display panel albums and he continued to galvanize the debate even after his death, beating a record of streaming previously held by Taylor Swift. His comments on the band also hinted at some of the dark themes of his music. "Have you ever seen someone cut their tongue?" … Have you ever seen someone get raped? … Have you ever seen someone trying to kill your mother in front of you? He asked an unidentified man, explaining how the events he witnessed had affected his own violent behavior. "Every night you go to sleep and you remember what you saw and you remember what you felt and you remember that horrible feeling in your soul. Nobody can comfort you. It's something that I have to adjust. "

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