Yankees CC Sabathia ejected against Rays, costing $ 500,000


As I said before, it's bad to do hitting strikes. This is dangerous and nobody should do it and there should be more serious consequences to try to discourage throwers from fighting back against the opponent hitters.

Well, losing half a million dollars because you retaliated on behalf of your teammate is probably a sufficient punishment. Also, a very clever way to say that you care more about retaliation than the huge amount of money.

CC Sabathia hit Rays Jesus Sucre receiver in the leg after the Rays rattled the Yankees' Austin Romine attack and inside the home plate.

The only aspect of this type of retaliation was that Sabathia could only get $ 500,000 bonus if she reached a minimum of rounds by placing seventh. What he knew without a doubt and that was not likely to be missed since he had only 55 shots that day with his team of 11 points when he arrived for sixth place.

Absolutely no doubt in the mind of anyone Sabathia was gone after that, but he made sure that his exit from the field was slow and measured just in case someone wanted to start something.

Sabathia also made sure that the Rays canoe knew exactly what he thought of them before returning to the clubhouse.

There was no fighting the next day, even though Aaron Judge was ready to tackle the Tampa Bay burial alone if necessary.

One must answer a question: why did not Sabathia wait? Especially when the need for retaliation was not so great that it had to happen to Sugar specifically for a dirty slide or at that time. It's not like nobody goes before the eighth round.

The Yankees could have retaliated after the seventh inning to secure his bonus, perhaps hitting somebody on his first run in the eighth inning if he really wanted to do it himself or if he did it. one of the guys from the paddock did it.

But "defending" your teammate up to $ 500,000 less on your bank account is certainly a gesture! (It was later say "I guess I do not really take money," Sabathia said. "I just felt like it was the right thing to do.") Romine is better off taking CC at the nicest dinner possible in New York during the day before the Wild Card game to make up for it. Or just cut him a check.

His teammates are on his side with Giancarlo Stanton saying "I'm with CC" and Aaron Judge admitting "He's the kind of guy you want to fight with." Which is true, because if there is anyone you want in your canoe, it's someone who cares about people more than just money. Even if he proved it by participating in one of the most stupid traditions of baseball.

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