Yankees drop out of blockbuster, get left-handed James Paxton at Mariners for Justus Sheffield and two prospects


The Yankees have acquired starting pitcher James Paxton of the Mariners, the team announced Monday. Best pitching hopeful Justus Sheffield, outfielder Don Thompson-Williams and right-handed pitcher Erik Swanson were returned to the Mariners under the contract.

Paxton, 30, is a very talented pitcher with a history of injuries. Since 2014, Paxton has made 13, 13, 20, 24 and 28 starts per season, respectively. Last season was close to his first full-time campaign, at least. He threw an ERA of 3.76, 1.10 WHIP and 208 strikeout shots in 160 1/3. He also had two full games and one white game, who was a non-hitter.

I do not think we can call Paxton an ace, but the Yankees already have one to Luis Severino. Paxton in the Yankee Stadium as a southpaw fits well here. He joins Masahiro Tanaka to give the Yankees a good 2-3 kick in the rotation before CC Sabathia comes in as four. They're probably not finished with the rotation, otherwise Sonny Gray is the fifth starter and it's a marriage that must end for everyone involved.

As for the return, Sheffield was ranked in August 22nd as the best baseball prospect by the Baseball Prospectus. In 88 Triple-A heats last season, Sheffield had an ERA of 2.56, 1.16 WHIP and 84 strikeouts in 88 innings. He had a cup of coffee in the majors and did not have good results, but he is 22 years old and it was a 2 2/3 sample. If there is a problem here, it is with walks. Sheffield competed in 50 of 116 innings at the end of last season.

Thompson-Williams, 23, hit .299 / .363 / .546 with 17 doubles, 22 homers and 74 RBIs in 100 games between two A-class stops.

Swanson, 25, earned an average of 3.86, 1.07 points from WHIP and 78 strikeouts in 72 1/3 of the Triple-A heats last season. MLB.com ranked Swanson 22nd among the best prospects for the Yankees system prior to this trade.

It looks like a trade that could benefit both sides. The Yankees are obviously in win-win mode and would love to defeat the Red Sox. Paxton has a lot of potential, matches the stage and meets a current need. He is under the control of the team for two more seasons. The sailors will probably start rebuilding and Paxton was one of the most sensible pieces in a deal. If Sheffield is what many expect of him, it will be a good comeback.

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