Yeoh, from Star Trek Discovery, under discussion to regain his role in the spin-off series


Michelle Yeoh is in talks to resume her role of Emperor Georgiou for his Star Trek series. CBS All Access launched Star Trek: Discovery last year and move quickly to expand the universe. If an agreement can be reached, the first spin-off will be led by Yeoh.

Yeoh was an important member of the distribution of Star Trek: Discovery in the first season alongside Sonequa Martin-Green, Jason Isaacs and Anthony Rapp. As Commander of the USS Shenzhou, Captain Philippa Georgiou steered the ship with a steady hand until he was killed. However, Yeoh was able to stay in the series because of his dual role. It was revealed during the first season of the show that the Emperor of Mirror Universe was Georgiou, which allowed Yeoh to play a completely different version of his character. It's this version of Georgiou that will come back for the second season of Star Trek: Discoverybut the universe is now seeking to further expand Yeoh's role.

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Deadline revealed that Michelle Yeoh was in preliminary discussion with CBS All Access to play in an independent series of Georgiou. Such a fallout is still in its infancy and its involvement is mainly based on the fact that Yeoh's program will allow it or not to be the star. In addition to a number of projects, Yeoh is currently being implemented, as well as the continuation of Crazy Rich Asians, calendar constraints may prevent you from playing a leading role in a brand new series. That said, if an agreement can be reached quickly, this spin-off could actually occur.

As revealed in a deleted scene from season 1 of Star Trek: DiscoveryEmperor Georgiou has received an invitation to join the mysterious organization Section 31. This secret division of Starfleet is their operation at the level of black operations. Star Trek: Discovery. According to the report, a spin-off company run by Yeoh would likely focus on the events related to Section 31 after the second season of Discovery has in reserve for them.

Even though the fallout has not yet been officially confirmed, CBS All Access at confirmed before this news that he will consider benefits for each Star Trek: Discovery character. That said, even if the streaming service does not follow Yeoh's split with Georgiou and Section 31, the Star Trek The return of Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard for his new series will allow him to continue to develop. Although his fallout has no release date for the moment, Stewart is currently preparing the series. In the meantime, while CBS All Access is trying to involve Yeoh in a new series, fans will have to log in for the new season of Star Trek: Discovery to see how he could create a spin-off.

MORE: Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Reveals Klingon's Design

Season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery released on January 17, 2019 on CBS All Access

Source: Deadline

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