Yes, you should get a flu shot in 2018. Here's all you need to know.


The 2017-2018 influenza season was bad. The dominant viral strain, H3N2, was a particularly severe form of influenza, resulting in a widespread and serious disease throughout the country. The flu and its complications killed an estimated 80,000 people last year, according to CDC estimates, including 180 children. This is the largest number of deaths due to influenza for four decades.

Early experts suggest that early indications suggest that this year's influenza season will be milder, but last winter's memory should nonetheless be used as a motivation to get the flu shot this fall. Here's what you need to know about the 2018 flu shot.

When should I get the flu shot?

The CDC recommends getting a flu shot before the end of October, before the start of the 2018-19 season, as it takes about two weeks for the flu vaccine to be effective. But do not give up if you miss this window: you can still get flu shots in the fall or winter, says Dr. Tanaya Bhowmick, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Rutgers . "It's never too late to get a flu shot," says Bhowmick.

What is the effectiveness of the flu shot?

The influenza vaccine formulation is refined each year to target specific influenza strains that may circulate during the influenza season. But without knowing exactly which strains will cause the disease, it is impossible to predict its effectiveness in a given year.

During the brutal influenza season 2017-2018, the CDC reported that the vaccine was only effective at about 36%, with particularly low efficacy against the H3N2 strain. Nevertheless, the CDC points out that even a small increase in immunity can make a big difference, both at the individual level and at the population level. If fewer people get sick, the flu virus spreads less and the wave effect continues. In addition, vaccinated individuals who become ill tend to have less serious illnesses, says Bhowmick. "Maybe you're not in bed for a week," she says. "Maybe it's only two, three or four days and it will not be as bad as if you had the flu."

Influenza vaccines also tend to be more effective for children – and as children and the elderly are susceptible to the complications of the disease, it is especially important that they be vaccinated.

Which influenza vaccine is the best?

Although some injections are approved for specific age ranges (you can ask your doctor what is the best solution for you), the CDC does not recommend any version of the injection rather than another one. . "The most important thing," says the agency, "is that all people six months of age and older are vaccinated against the flu each year."

You can however have an additional choice this season of the flu. The CDC is once again recommending the inhaled influenza vaccine, FluMist nasal spray, as an alternative to conventional vaccines this year, after efficiency problems that prevented it from staying with the doctor for two years. The formulation of the nasal spray flu vaccine has been adjusted to address these issues, which has led the CDC to return to the list of recommended options. (Bhowmick says she personally prefers the traditional vaccine, although the nasal spray may be a good option for needle opponents who would not get vaccinated otherwise.)

Where can you get free flu shots?

Many doctors and employers offer free flu vaccines and a number of national retail chains also offer the free 2018 flu vaccine. In most health insurance plans, you can get free vaccinations against channels like Walgreens, CVS (including many Target stores), Publix, Costco, Walmart and Rite Aid. Some places, including Publix and CVS, even offer in-store discounts if you get the flu shot. If you choose to pay out of pocket, the flu vaccine usually costs $ 40 or less in places like this.

Can you get sick of influenza vaccine?

Influenza vaccines are made from inactivated or weakened versions of the influenza virus. They therefore help the body to produce anti-disease antibodies, but do not cause infection. You will not be completely seized after being vaccinated, but you may experience mild symptoms of flu-like symptoms as your body strengthens its immune response. Side effects of influenza vaccine may include pain or redness of the arm at the shooting site, body aches and mild fever, the CDC says. If you get the nasal spray, you may experience a runny nose, headache, sore throat or cough.

Do not worry if you see these symptoms, says Bhowmick. "It gives you an idea that the vaccine is actually working," she says. "So, it's not necessarily a bad thing that you can feel that way."

Who should not be vaccinated against the flu?

With very few exceptions, the CDC recommends influenza vaccine to all people over six months of age, including pregnant women and people with chronic conditions.

If you are severely allergic to influenza vaccine or any of its components, you should not be vaccinated, says the CDC. Egg-allergic people can still be vaccinated against influenza, even though eggs are involved in the manufacturing process; Tell your doctor if you have severe allergies and wish to be vaccinated. Talk to your doctor before you get the flu shot if you've ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome, an immune disorder.

If you're sick the day you're planning to get the flu shot, wait, maybe, says Bhowmick. Getting shot when you have a cold or a minor illness will not hurt, but "if you have a fever, get sick and cough and sneeze, it's probably not the best time to get it "Bhowmick said, since side effects could make your symptoms worse. Just be sure to come back when you feel better.

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