You can not spot the bot? In California, automated accounts must be revealed


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The California governor, Jerry Brown, made headlines on Sunday when he passed the Net Neutrality Bill, an action that was immediately made public by law. a legal action by the Ministry of Justice.

On Friday, he signed another bill that drew less attention – a new law that prohibits automated accounts, more commonly known as bots, from pretending to be real people seeking to sell products or to influence the elections . Automated accounts can still interact with Californians in accordance with the law, but they will have to reveal that they are bots.

The law comes as concerns about the manipulation of social media remain high. Just over a month before the mid-term elections in the United States in 2018, social media companies pledged to crack down on foreign interference.

Much of this effort has been focused on robots spreading misinformation and controversial political rhetoric. Twitter said it removed 9.9 million "potentially spammed or automated accounts per week" in May and placed warnings on suspicious accounts. Dorsey has even publicly implied that Twitter could try to identify the robots and label them as such.

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