"You do not see that no one is listening to you?


TALLINN, Estonia – As the Catholic Church prepares in October for a Bishops Summit on Youth and Vocations in the broader context of sexual exploitation scandals around the world, Pope Francis called for the conversion of the Church and change.

"When we adults refuse to acknowledge an obvious reality, you tell us frankly," Do not you see that? Some of you who are a little more direct might even say, "Do not you see that no one is listening? to you, or what do you have to say? Acknowledged the Pope at an ecumenical meeting with young people in Tallinn, Estonia.

"We must be converted ourselves," added Francis, "we must realize that to be by your side, we must change many situations that will ultimately discourage you."

Pope Francis is currently at the last stop of his four-day pastoral visit to the Baltic States from 22 to 25 September. Until now, the pope's speeches focused on the faithful's call to openness and mercy, but on Tuesday he spoke for the first time of the crisis of sexual abuse.

Young people "are upset by sexual and economic scandals that are not clearly condemned, by our lack of preparation to truly appreciate the lives and sensibilities of young people, and simply by the passive role we attribute to them. These are just a few of your complaints, "said the pope.

"We want to answer it; as you say yourself, we want to be a community that is "transparent, welcoming, honest, welcoming, communicative, accessible, fun and interactive," he added.

Francis met young people from different denominations and ethnicities in the Lutheran Church of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. He was joined by the Evangelical Lutheran Archbishop of Estonia, Urmas Viilma, the President of the Estonian Council of Churches, Archbishop Andres Põder and the Apostolic Administrator in Estonia, Msgr. Philippe Jourdan. Representatives of other Christian communities in the country were also present.

At the ecumenical event, three young people – a Catholic, an Estonian Orthodox and a Lutheran – relayed their personal stories of faith, finding faith and losing it, feeling lost and rediscovered.

The testimonies were interrupted by songs sung by local choirs. Music is an important form of expression in the Baltic countries and the second song was Russian, devoted to the small Russian minority that still exists in the country. These countries, located on the northern outskirts of the East and West, have historically hosted many religions, traditions and ethnic groups.

"If we try to think of ourselves as pilgrims traveling together, we will learn to trust our fellow travelers without fear and without suspicion, looking only at what we all seek: peace in the presence of the one God," Pope said in his speech. "This trip should not be only with believers, but with everyone. Everyone has something to say to us.

A true Christian community, he adds, "does not proselytize" but listens, accompanies and walks without ever imposing one's beliefs.

Prior to the bishop's youth summit this fall, the Vatican hosted an event where young people were asked about their questions and concerns about the Catholic faith. The document from the gathering will be part of the material used at the Synod of Bishops. In his speech, Francis cited the document in which he cited the thirst of young men as guides to accompany them without judgment and open to all questions.

"Today, I am here to tell you that we want to cry with you when you cry, to accompany and support you, to share your joys and to help you be disciples of the Lord," said the Pope. .

Addressing the group, he acknowledged that for many young people who are growing up today, the concept of love may seem like a thing of the past. The growing number of divorces, the feeling of abandonment generated by having to be uprooted and looking for work elsewhere, adds the pope, contribute to this feeling.

The Baltic countries have experienced a large youth diaspora with better opportunities in Europe, which, combined with declining birth rates and a longer lifespan, threatens the very survival of these countries.

"It may seem that love is dead, but we know that it is not the case, and that we have a word to say, a message to bring, with few words and many actions. Because you are a generation of images and action, more than speculation and theory, "Francis said. "And that's how Jesus loves him, because he did good, and by dying, he preferred the striking message of the cross to words."

The pope concluded his speech by insisting that "love is not dead" and by inviting Christians not to become "a museum of memory", but rather to spread the word. ; Gospel. "The Lord surprises us because life always surprises us," he said. "Let's move towards these surprises."

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