Young blood may be the answer to helping older people live longer and healthier, says scientist


Blood taken from a young may help revitalize failing health in the elderly, following studies of young mice.

Professor Linda Partridge of the Institute of Healthy Aging at UCL drew on research on humans and animals and said that humanity is gaining tools to prolong health.

Her argument in the journal Nature comes from a Harvard University company announcing that she would invest millions of dollars to explore a treatment based on the idea that the blood of young animals can help the older ones.

Professor Linda Partridge (above) from the Institute of Healthy Aging at UCL drew on research on humans and animals and said that humanity is in the process of acquiring the necessary tools to prolong health.

Professor Linda Partridge (above) from the Institute of Healthy Aging at UCL drew on research on humans and animals and said that humanity is in the process of acquiring the necessary tools to prolong health.

Professor Linda Partridge (above) from the Institute of Healthy Aging at UCL drew on research on humans and animals and said that humanity is in the process of acquiring the necessary tools to prolong health.

Professor Partridge told the Telegraph, "I would say that aging is the emperor of all diseases.

"There has been all this fantastic research on animals. It's just crazy.

"We are really beginning to understand how aging is malleable. Now, we have to push to translate that into humans.

Research conducted in the region has already shown that when the blood of a young mice is transfused into one of its unhealthy cells, this can help maintain its vitality.

The professor's arguments follow research in the field that has found that the blood of a young mouse can help maintain the vitality of older blood.

The professor's arguments follow research in the field that has found that the blood of a young mouse can help maintain the vitality of older blood.

The professor's arguments follow research in the field that has found that the blood of a young mouse can help maintain the vitality of older blood.

In 2014, researchers at Stanford University, led by neuroscientist Tony Wyss-Coray, discovered that blood infusions of young mice reversed the cognitive and neurological impairments observed in older mice.

This research is now looking at how humans could benefit from animal studies.

A US clinical trial called Ambrosia already offers teenage blood to elderly clients at a cost of $ 8,000 for 2.5 liters and another program called Elvian this week announced an investment of $ 5.5 million for conduct research in this area.

An American clinical trial called Ambrosia already offers teenage blood at $ 8,000 for 2.5 liters. This week also saw another program called Elvian announcing an investment of $ 5.5 million

An American clinical trial called Ambrosia already offers teenage blood at $ 8,000 for 2.5 liters. This week also saw another program called Elvian announcing an investment of $ 5.5 million

An American clinical trial called Ambrosia already offers teenage blood at $ 8,000 for 2.5 liters. This week also saw another program called Elvian announcing an investment of $ 5.5 million

Scientists, Harvard biologists, are asking if a blood protein called GDFII is the key ingredient.

Although it's too early to say if any of these companies could benefit its clients, Professor Partridge said that other forms of intervention were needed in cases of illnesses. aging threatening to bankrupt health services.

However, blood is not the only thing that older people can take to stay healthy, Professor Partridge also suggesting that bacteria taken from a youngster's intestine can help " microbiomes "that work poorly in the elderly.

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