Young children in class are at risk of getting ADHD etiquette


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According to one study, younger children in classes are more likely to suffer attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by mistake than their older classmates.

ADHD is a chronic condition that includes difficulty with attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Around the world, some teachers are confusing the immaturity of younger children in their class with ADHD. Although teachers do not diagnose it, they are often the first to suggest that a child may be suffering from ADHD, Xinhua researcher Martin Whitely, quoted by the Xinhua News Agency as saying. Xinhua news agency.

The results highlighted the importance for teachers, physicians and parents to become aware of the relative age impact and to give younger children the extra time they need to mature, said Jon Jureidini, a professor at the University of Adelaide in Australia.

For the study, published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, researchers examined more than 14 million American, German, Israeli, Norwegian and Australian children, and discovered that it was more that younger children in a classroom are diagnosed and cared for. with ADHD.

"Confusing ADHD with perfectly normal age-related immaturity is only one of the many problems that etiquette poses." Children deprived of sleep, victims of bullying, Abuse victims or many other problems are often labeled ADHD, "said Jureidini.

"Not only does this allow them to obtain potentially harmful drugs that they do not need, but their real problems are not identified and resolved."

There are no biological markers or physical tests for ADHD and teacher reports can form the basis of diagnoses, it was noted.


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