Young planet in formation spotted near a dwarf star – AT THE SCHOOL


At first, scientists captured a spectacular image of a planet being formed – cleaving a path through the cosmic material around a young dwarf star called PDS 70.

Using the SPHERE instrument on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), one of the most powerful search instruments on the planet, was the first robust detector of the young planet, called PDS 70b, by Astronomers led by a team from the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy in Germany.

The SPHERE instrument also allowed the team to measure the brightness of the planet at different wavelengths, which allowed to deduce properties of its atmosphere.

The planet stands out clearly from the new sightings, visible as a bright spot to the right of the blackened center of the image It is located about three billion kilometers from the central star. The analysis shows that PDS 70b is a giant gaseous planet with a mass several times greater than that of Jupiter.PTI

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