Young scientists develop ecological bricks with urine


Scientists have still not developed a cure for colds, but who cares? Young scientists around the world are focusing their attention on the essentials: piss bricks.

A group of South African students recently developed a brick of human urine. This is a breakthrough for those of us long accustomed to clay, concrete and metaphorical bricks.

They call them "bio-bricks".

"In this example, you take something that is considered a waste and you make several of them.You can use the same process for any waste stream.This is to rethink things", said Dr. Dyllon Randall, who oversaw the student project at the University of Cape Town, said The Guardian.

It is thought that brick is the first in the world made of urine. He needs at least 30 liters of urine to grow.

Seeing how an average human urine averages 300 ml per pee, this represents, um, a lot of visits to the bathroom.

Unused urine to produce the bricks can be treated again as fertilizer. Even better: the organic bricks in the urine do not need to be baked like ordinary bricks, which release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during their treatment. Scientists consider them effectively zero waste.

Climate change is here and is accelerating. We must rebuild this world, a brick of piss at a time if it is necessary.

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