Younger consumers are ready to lead the charge to stock this Thanksgiving weekend

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We are getting closer to the biggest shopping weekend of the year. Our latest consumer study published by the National Retail Federation revealed that younger buyers will lead the Black Friday bargain hunt and create in-store traffic this Thanksgiving weekend. The survey, which surveyed 7,516 consumers on their purchase plans, was conducted from October 29 to November 7 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.2 percentage points. The results suggest that the Millennials and Gen Zers will be disproportionately represented among Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday buyers, as they are likely to remain focused on the days that reward them with the biggest promotions.

Overall, about 69% of US adults said they would buy or could buy this Thanksgiving weekend (Thursday through Monday), a level comparable to last year. However, for those aged 18 to 24, this rate rises to about 87%, and for those aged 25 to 34, it rises to 83%, giving us a first idea of ​​the importance that young buyers will have for retailers. the weekend ahead.

Source: NRF / Prosper Insights & Analytics

Black Friday remains the best shopping day for the long weekend, and savvy young shoppers are generating high turnout rates: more than three-quarters of 18-24 and 25- to 34-year-olds are waiting to go their purchases on Black Friday, compared to an average of 70.7% for shoppers of all age groups.

These young shoppers are showing below-average interest in shopping on Saturday and Sunday for the Thanksgiving weekend, but plan to go online to shop again on Cyber ​​Monday. . While older age groups are spreading their purchases more evenly over the weekend, younger shoppers looking for bargains seem sensitive to the pace of retail sales and many of them have the # The intention to reserve their participation for the most important days of the promotional calendar.

Source: NRF / Prosper Insights & Analytics

Dissolving the myth that Generation Z and Generation Z are not looking beyond their smartphone or laptop, the youngest are about to lead the charge to physical stores this weekend. Almost half of 18-24 year olds expect physical stores to be their first destination for shopping (although this does not imply that physical stores will be their only or main destination). This compares to just under 45% for all adults. Other groups under 45 plan to shop in stores at prices close to this average.

By associating these numbers with the daily participation figures shown above, the youngest adult buyers are ready to go to the stores to experience the Black Friday experience and then check out the websites for the best Monday deals. Cyber.

Deborah Weinswig, CEO and founder of research and consulting firm Coresight Research, said: "These latest figures from NRF / Prosper confirm that young buyers will prove the dynamism of traditional stores during this holiday period. But they also confirm the sophisticated and agnostic approach to channels adopted by these savvy young buyers: they can start their shopping journey in physical stores, but they are ready to switch to digital channels in no time when they see opportunities for savings. . "

Source: NRF / Prosper Insights & Analytics

Weinswig concludes: "This weekend, retailers must be ready to meet the demand of younger and blind consumers on the channel. These budget-conscious buyers understand the rhythms of the promotional calendar and seem ready to embrace the channel that promises the products they want at the price they are willing to pay. The NRF / Prosper data suggests that these shoppers will start their trips to physical stores – but we think they will be ready to quickly turn away from the online channel if they find the shopping trip frustrating or unsatisfactory. "


We are getting closer to the biggest shopping weekend of the year. Our latest consumer study published by the National Retail Federation revealed that younger buyers will lead the Black Friday bargain hunt and create in-store traffic this Thanksgiving weekend. The survey, which surveyed 7,516 consumers on their purchase plans, was conducted from October 29 to November 7 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.2 percentage points. The results suggest that the Millennials and Gen Zers will be disproportionately represented among Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday buyers, as they are likely to remain focused on the days that reward them with the biggest promotions.

Overall, about 69% of US adults said they would buy or could buy this Thanksgiving weekend (Thursday through Monday), a level comparable to last year. However, for those aged 18 to 24, this rate rises to about 87%, and for those aged 25 to 34, it rises to 83%, giving us a first idea of ​​the importance that young buyers will have for retailers. the weekend ahead.

Source: NRF / Prosper Insights & Analytics

Black Friday remains the best shopping day for the long weekend, and savvy young shoppers are generating high turnout rates: more than three-quarters of 18-24 and 25- to 34-year-olds are waiting to go their purchases on Black Friday, compared to an average of 70.7% for shoppers of all age groups.

These young shoppers are showing below-average interest in shopping on Saturday and Sunday for the Thanksgiving weekend, but plan to go online to shop again on Cyber ​​Monday. . While older age groups are spreading their purchases more evenly over the weekend, younger shoppers looking for bargains seem sensitive to the pace of retail sales and many of them have the # The intention to reserve their participation for the most important days of the promotional calendar.

Source: NRF / Prosper Insights & Analytics

Dissolving the myth that Generation Z and Generation Z are not looking beyond their smartphone or laptop, the youngest are about to lead the charge to physical stores this weekend. Almost half of 18-24 year olds expect physical stores to be their first destination for shopping (although this does not imply that physical stores will be their only or main destination). This compares to just under 45% for all adults. Other groups under 45 plan to shop in stores at prices close to this average.

By associating these numbers with the daily participation figures shown above, the youngest adult buyers are ready to go to the stores to experience the Black Friday experience and then check out the websites for the best Monday deals. Cyber.

Deborah Weinswig, CEO and founder of research and consulting firm Coresight Research, said: "These latest figures from NRF / Prosper confirm that young buyers will prove the dynamism of traditional stores during this holiday period. But they also confirm the sophisticated and agnostic approach to channels adopted by these savvy young buyers: they can start their shopping journey in physical stores, but they are ready to switch to digital channels in no time when they see opportunities for savings. . "

Source: NRF / Prosper Insights & Analytics

Weinswig concludes: "This weekend, retailers must be ready to meet the demand of younger and blind consumers on the channel. These budget-conscious buyers understand the rhythms of the promotional calendar and seem ready to embrace the channel that promises the products they want at the price they are willing to pay. The NRF / Prosper data suggests that these shoppers will start their trips to physical stores – but we think they will be ready to quickly turn away from the online channel if they find the shopping trip frustrating or unsatisfactory. "

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