Your Christmas tree could cost a bit more this year


ST. LOUIS – It's a busy weekend to pick your Christmas tree, but you may be paying more for your favorite Christmas tree this year. The National Christmas Tree Association says there is a shortage of trees and this has an impact on local stocks.

The cold and rain did not stop people from buying their Christmas trees on Friday night at Ted Drewes on Chippewa. Most of the trees that were found came from Nova Scotia, but staff said that a major frost that occurred during the summer had ruined many of them. So they had to get trees from here in the States.

But the main reason for the scarcity of trees is the Great Recession; yes, the economic downturn of ten years ago.

It turned out that there was an oversupply of trees after the Great Recession, forcing many farmers to leave the company. Since it takes about 10 years to a Christmas tree, the buying season in 2018 is marked by a limited supply.

Fortunately, staff at Ted Drewes said the shortage of Christmas trees would not drive down their prices.

Meanwhile, Sullivan Farms employees, who sell trees off Watson Road in Crestwood, said they had no problem getting their stocks and that they would have a minor impact on price.

"Some prices have gone up about $ 5, but … pretty decent prices, that's for sure," said Nick Elwood, Sullivan Farms.

The National Christmas Tree Association said the prices could be higher than the average retail price of about $ 75 last year.

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