Your horoscope for the week of October 1st – October Horoscopes


Do not do the truth this week! With a balance of compassion, Tuesday's Mercury / Pluto square gives us the impetus to speak honestly. If you have something to say, it's someone who has to hear it. Then, on Friday, Venus retrograde to Scorpio will begin and relationships will be examined by the universe for 40 days. Lovers of the past and present will help you redefine romance for the future.

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~ * ~ Aries ~ * ~

Aries horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

Is this really just office politics, Aries? The limits could have been broken. You have every right to speak on Tuesday. Say: "I have experienced …" for your reflection to be recognized. Venus Retrograde Friday examines your area of ​​intimacy and sexual health. Try to make decisions a little more than pleasure and pleasure.

~ * ~ Taurus ~ * ~

Taurus horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

The battle of the big and the small painting goes on, Bull! Determine whether a joy or proactive responsibility could be the helpful solution to Tuesday's possible stress. The old lovers are back on Friday, thanks to Venus retrograde, offering the closure where you need it or to help you deepen the links you have with your current partners.

~ * ~ Gemini ~ * ~

Gemini horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

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Share it nicely with others, Gemini! Tuesday could make you more overprotective of what belongs to you. If it's irrational, exhale it, but talk about whether the limits might be exceeded. Venus retrograde Friday, focus on nutrition, well-being and mental health. Make an appointment with the doctor, the therapist or even the dentist to make the most of this useful transit.

~ * ~ Cancer ~ * ~

Cancer horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

Do romantic partners cherish your feelings, Cancer? Do you feel the feelings of your romantic partner too? Tuesday's transit requires a balance between understanding and understanding. Venus retrograde from Friday encourages you to gain your trust and your security with more passion. You will learn to love yourself more deeply so that you can love others.

~ * ~ Leo ~ * ~

Leo horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

How are you in the verbal communication department, Leo? On Tuesday, choose your words carefully and listen carefully to avoid communication problems. Venus Retrograde Friday helps you express your sensitivity, empathy and compassion. Try to see your vulnerabilities and imperfections as your greatest gifts of love and belonging for the rewards of this transit.

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~ * ~ Virgo ~ * ~

Virgo Horoscopes

Katie Buckleitner

You create an external agitation when you want to do the job, Virgo. Tuesday asks the internal power. Ask yourself: What are the values ​​that inspire my confidence? Venus retrograde Friday is at the heart of relational concerns: communication. This will strengthen your verbal skills and listening skills.

~ * ~ Balance ~ * ~

Horoscope of the scales

Katie Buckleitner

Happy birthday, Libra! If you consider vulnerability as a weakness, be prepared to change your mind on Tuesday: tell the story of your heart, even if it is scary and messy. Venus retrograde starting on Friday wants you to save money for your birthday. Book your vacation and let yourself go after November!

~ * ~ Scorpion ~ * ~

Scorpio horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

You have one foot in this world but one foot out of it, Scorpio – your intuition and your dreams are so powerful. You may need to talk about it on Tuesday. Venus becomes retrograde in your sign this Friday, and your value and your love life will be put to the test. Be willing to change your mind to receive lessons in a positive way.

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~ * ~ Sagittarius ~ * ~

Sagittarius Horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

Do you introduce yourself so that your friends maintain strong relationships? Do they show up for you? Tuesday's place could help you see mutuality. Venus becomes retrograde in your terminations and healing area on Friday and could help you if you need to close or let go of the lover you have now.

~ * ~ Capricorn ~ * ~

Capricorn horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

The balance of professional justice leans in your favor Tuesday, Capricorn. If you fight for a professional result, it happens. Venus becomes retrograde Friday, which will blur the lines between lover and friend. Is it a crush and a connection or is it comfort? You will know soon.

~ * ~ Aquarius ~ * ~

Aquarius horoscopes

Katie Buckleitner

Are you optimistic about closing, Aquarius? Tuesday asks you to break with the devil you know. So let go of the certainty of the present and adopt the optimism of what will happen. Venus becomes retrograde in your career area, which could involve mentors and support to help you achieve your goals.

~ * ~ Fish ~ ~ ~

Pisces horoscopes.

Katie Buckleitner

On Tuesday, your friends will show you their true identity so you can believe them. Venus becomes retrograde in your optimistic sector on Friday. Ask yourself: "Am I optimistic about love and belonging?" Ask the universe to inspire a change of heart.

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