Zack Snyder confirms Batman's death in his initial DCEU plans


Batman was going to die in Zack Snyder's original five-part plan for DC Extended Universe. The DCEU is moving in a new direction and most of Zack Snyder's projects concerning characters after the events of Batman v Superman: The Dawn of Justice, including a significant part of Justice League, were abandoned after being forced to leave the project and many times were led by Joss Whedon.

Over time, the details of Snyder's plan for Justice League continued to flee, including a number of details for his plans beyond this first big team, and Screen Rant pieced together a good idea of ​​Snyder's initial plan for Justice League 2, and now, thanks to a comment on the Vero social media platform, we have confirmation of an important part of this plan: Batman was going to die.

Related: What was the original DCEU plan of 5 Zack Snyder movies?

Ramesh De Silva recently published a picture of Superman holding Batman's body, inspired by a similar image of Grant Morrison's Final Crisis event, suggesting that it was so "what we could see in [Zack Snyder’s] 5 arc story … " The thought was confirmed when Zack Snyder himself commented to simply say "of course." Snyder had already mentioned the possibility of additional deaths in the main character when a fan is aware of the nature of 3 different crosses at the end of the year. Batman v Superman, saying that it was a montage for Justice League 2.

This new revelation is not only a confirmation of Batman's death, it also gives us an important clue to Snyder's plan. Justice League 2 in general. We had already suggested Final crisis would be a major influence on Justice League 2, and this new confirmation gives us another main ingredient for this story. First and foremost, Snyder planned to include Darkseid in Justice League as set up for Justice League 2. Secondly, the Anti – Life equation had to be introduced in the old battle with Steppenwolf. Thirdly, Batman was supposed to die, presumably with the Final crisis The iconography that Ramesh De Silva posted to Vero, indicating that Batman has sacrificed himself against Darkseid.

Related: What deaths were the 3 crosses representing Batman v Superman?

This revelation not only highlights Snyder's original intent for the story, but also gives a more complete picture of what happened behind the scenes of the CESD during Justice League production. This is the version of the story that Ben Affleck would have signed, which means that his Batman solo movie would have been created with this ending in mind for the caped crusader. Looking at the timeline of Ben Affleck's departure, it's very clear that he's lining up with time for Justice League that Snyder was in conflict with Warner Bros. before its release. It is therefore more than likely that Affleck's lack of commitment to the director's presidency is directly related to the fact that his Batman script was heavily influenced by decisions such as the removal of Darkseid – and he specifically stated that he would not run if he did not like the scenario. .

In the end, Affleck resigned, Snyder was deported, Justice League bombed, and now the future of Affleck with the character is in doubt that Matt Reeves tells a story that has nothing to do with the role initially signed by Affleck. Even if he really wanted to play Batman, it may not be an option, because Reeves should tell the story of a young Batman. The involvement of Affleck would therefore be limited at most to a potential narrator or a modern book. Whatever the case may be, given the new direction of the CUSD and the confusion surrounding the future of Cavill and Affleck in question, we will probably not see that moment in the future. Screen, if ever.

Related: Zack Snyder's Justice Cup was more complete than you realize

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