Zahn cancels Nike's controversial ban in Wednesday afternoon press conference | NO. Home


Kenner Mayor Ben Zahn has rescinded his controversial ban on Nike products, citing the city prosecutor's advice, at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Zahn called the brief press conference amid the growing tumult surrounding the city's controversial policy banning the purchase of Nike clothing by the city's booster clubs.

"On the advice of the city prosecutor, I canceled my memorandum," Zahn said. "This memorandum divided the city and put Kenner in a false and unflattering light on the national scene."

"My patriotism will not falter, but I have to focus on Kenner's city and the many projects we have," Zahn said. "Nothing can allow us to distract ourselves from this very important undertaking."

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The press conference comes just hours after the ACLU challenged Zahn's policy, calling it a clear violation of the first amendment. Wednesday was Zahn's first public comment on the controversy since Monday, when he issued a statement defending politics as a way to protect Kenner's taxpayers from using their money in a "political campaign".

This statement came nearly two days after the online publication of the memo outlining the policy, drawing national attention and indignation from Kenner's large African-American community. The city's black city councilor, Gregory Carroll, said he would work for the policy to be canceled.

Nike recently aired a television ad starring NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who protested police brutality and social injustice by kneeling in the national anthem during NFL games.

A rally held Monday night at Kenner's Susan Park Gymnasium attracted hundreds of attendees, including New Orleans City Councilman Jay Banks and three New Orleans Saints.

The ACLU blows up the "anti-constitutional" Nike ban of Kenner Mayor Ben Zahn, demands that he lift his policy

Kenner Mayor Ben Zahn declares Nike's ban on saving taxpayers from the political agenda

Follow Faimon A. Roberts III on Twitter, @faimon.

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