Zain Jaffer: Charges of criminal abuse were brought against the former CEO of Vungle


A San Mateo County judge in California dismissed charges of sexual assault and abuse against Zain Jaffer, former founder and CEO of the mobile advertising company Vungle

Jaffer was fired last October. area. He has been charged with criminal assault, battery against a police officer, and an obscene act on a child, among other charges. At the time, many members of the industry were shocked by the accusations

. The case has been a big setback not only for Jaffer, but also for Vungle, the maker of a San Francisco-based video advertising platform. Jaffer was replaced by Rick Tallman, who was the chief of Vungle Operations, and he continued to launch products and services in the video advertising industry.

At the request of the San Mateo Jaffer County Attorney's Office maintained his innocence throughout this traumatic ordeal and is grateful to the District Attorney's Office of San Mateo for having examined more closely the Jaffer's deeds and actions. facts and evidence and dismiss all charges. The statement goes on to say that Jaffer has never abused his children, sexually or otherwise, and has never committed crimes.

"Being falsely accused of these crimes was a terrible experience, which had a profound and lasting impact on my family and the employees of my company.The people closest to me knew that I was innocent and I was confident that all the charges against me would eventually be dismissed, "said Jaffer in a statement." I want to thank the San Mateo County District Attorney's Office for having carefully reviewed and examined all the information and all the evidence in this case and dropped all the charges. I am also incredibly grateful for the continued and unwavering support of my wife and family, and look forward to spending quality time with them. "

Jaffer added that he appreciated that justice be done in his case and that he would like to help other people who find themselves in similar situations.

" J & # 39; I have been incredibly lucky to have been able to defend myself through the justice system, but I am aware that many others are not. To go forward, I plan to look at ways to help others who are innocent and seeking justice, "said Jaffer.

It will be up to the Vungle Board of Directors to decide if Jaffer will be accepted to his former position. job at Vungle.

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