Zika epidemic in India affects 22 people in Jaipur, Rajasthan – Quartz India


An outbreak of zika has been reported in India, the third time in less than two years.

In recent weeks, the virus has been detected in 22 people in Jaipur, capital of the state of Rajasthan, in the west of the country. The state of Bihar is also on the alert as a person diagnosed in Jaipur hails from the Siwan district of Northern Province and recently visited her home.

The Indian Ministry of Health is now closely monitoring the epidemic. "All pregnant women in the area are under surveillance," the government said in a statement of 08 October.

Zika had made its debut in the state of Gujarat (west) and Tamil Nadu (south) in 2017. This year, the first case in Jaipur was reported on September 22nd.

The Zika virus, transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, caused the 2015 epidemic in Brazil and then spread to South America and North America. Incidentally, the Aedes mosquito is also the vector of dengue and chikungunya.

Most people who come into contact with the Zika virus have no symptoms, although in some cases this can cause paralysis. The virus can also be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy, causing birth defects in the baby.

Unlike 2017, Indian scientists this time detected the virus not only in infected people, but also in mosquitoes in the region, increasing the risk of spread.

The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks India in category 2 of the Zika prevalence classification, indicating ongoing transmission of the virus.

"People traveling to high-risk areas, especially pregnant women, should take basic precautions to protect themselves from mosquito bites," said WHO. "These include the use of repellents, the wearing of light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and pants, and the assurance that the premises are equipped with mosquito nets to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

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