Zimbabwe disperses vendors to fight the cholera epidemic


The Zimbabwean police clashed with vendors Sunday who resisted eviction as part of the country's efforts to fight the cholera outbreak, which has claimed more than two dozen lives in the past two weeks.

The vendors alerted each other to riot police and municipal officials who confiscated their goods on Sunday in Harare. As soon as the police left, the sellers would resume their activities.

One of them is Maria Mange, 34, a mother of three who says that unless she is employed, she will continue to sell vegetables and fruit in the Harare business center.

"I refuse to leave the streets because we cause the spread of cholera," she said. "Our products are cleaned or boiled before being consumed, dirty water that causes cholera, their inability to collect garbage, sewage in the streets and sewage pipes. providers and not about criminals?

Vendors in Harare claim they do not leave their businesses because they have no other sources of income, Zimbabwe's unemployment rate being around 85%.

Vendors in Harare claim they do not leave their businesses because they have no other sources of income, Zimbabwe's unemployment rate being around 85%.

Another seller is Ronald Takura, who says he has to find a way to make a living.

"No, sellers do not cause cholera. You disturb [our] look for money in our country, he said. I do not have a job and I do not have work to do. So do not send us. I do not understand what is happening in this city. E.D.Mnangagwa, we argued, we do not see what he does for us.

He adds that in the Shona language, Zimbabweans voted for President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the July 30 elections, but he does not support the sellers.

But Zimbabwean Health Minister Obediah Moyo said there was no possible return.

Zimbabwe's Health Minister Obediah Moyo says there is no turning back on the streets in Harare in September 2018.

Zimbabwe's Health Minister Obediah Moyo says there is no turning back on the streets in Harare in September 2018.

"The issue of food distribution is another problem, we all agreed that this must stop, especially in the field of the epicenter [of the epidemic], that the police help us stop the sale of food, "he said.

The epidemic of cholera in Zimbabwe has since spread to several parts of the country since its epicenter in the densely populated suburbs of Harare.

In Zimbabwe, waste can last days or weeks without being collected, which is one of the factors driving the spread of the cholera outbreak in Harare on September 16, 2018.

In Zimbabwe, waste can last days or weeks without being collected, which is one of the factors driving the spread of the cholera outbreak in Harare on September 16, 2018.

International organizations such as UNICEF, WHO and MSF have since moved in with help. But critics say the long-term solution is to improve water supply, sanitation and regular garbage collection by Zimbabwean authorities.

A cholera outbreak is the second since the 2008-2009 epidemic has killed nearly 5,000 people.

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