Zlatan on 500th remarkable goal: "It's instinct"


TORONTO – Judging by the number of shirts from all points of view of the crowd at BMO Field on Saturday night, more than one group was hoping to get a glimpse of what Zlatan Ibrahimovic can do.

He did not disappoint.

With the LA Galaxy 3-0 as the first half approached, Jonathan dos Santos threw a ball into the area, closest to Ibrahimovic, who followed his approach flight.

Rather than reversing the human tendency, Ibrahimovic instead took the opposite direction, relieving his right foot to elegantly round the ball at the back of the Toronto net, kissing him on the post, leaving Alex Bono and Michael Bradley unable. to watch and reflect.

Not a bad way to score the 500th goal of your career.

"Instinct," smiles Ibrahimovic after the match. "What you do not plan for, it's impossible. In my way, I just tried to get it. I'm just happy for Toronto fans to see something they've never seen before.

Even Bono, who will forever be remembered as a goalkeeper for this purpose, could only shake his head.

"You never want to give passes to yourself for any purpose, but it was a pretty unique finale," he said. "I've never had a goal scored on me like that before. He took it well.

Jay Chapman added the 5-3 win in Toronto in stoppage time: "It was the first time I heard our fans cheering when the other team scored. I did not like him to score, but if he did, it was a pretty cool way to do it.

Ibrahimovic appreciated the wink of the local fans.

"It's good, everywhere I play in the MLS, the supporters of the outside become like my fans, I see them excited when they see me play," he said. I miss it, they pretend to whistle, but they do not really do it.They do it because they want to show that they are loyal to their team.In the bottom of me, I know that these are my fans.

Jonathan Osorio, who beat the winner of the match after the LA Galaxy with two more goals in the first 15 minutes of the second period, did not like.

"It was an excellent goal, do not get me wrong," admitted Osorio. It's like they wanted it to mark. I did not like it, but he did what great players do … an incredible goal.

In his first game at the helm of the galaxy, interim coach Dominic Kinnear was clear about what makes Zlatan, Zlatan.

"He's ultra competitive, wants to win all the time, every minute of every game," said Kinnear. "Throw in the fact that he's a wonderful soccer player and that sometimes it's really fun to watch."

Of his 500 goals, 17 were scored for the Galaxy. While his striking shot was the whole conversation on Saturday night, Kinnear is biased towards the first Ibrahimovic in the MLS.

"The first goal that he scored for us was something that completely took your breath away," Kinnear said. "It was an incredible goal tonight, but the first, the experience and the feel for it, was something you can not describe."

And for all that it was, it was not unique in the purposes of Ibrahimovic's pantheon.

"It's not the first time," smiles Ibrahimovic. "In Ajax, my goal was more or less the same. This one was more beautiful. If I want to be positive, I'm happy for the fans, it shows; saw eight goals.

"This one was nice," continued Ibrahimovic. "[But] I do not want to be too positive because I lost the match; I hate to lose. I have not checked the video yet, but I have received a lot of messages saying, "I am completely crazy! That means I've done something crazy. "

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