Zoo accused of painting a donkey and passing it like a zebra 'CBS Denver


(CNN) – It gives a new meaning to the phrase "a wolf in sheep's clothing". Or in this case, a zebra donkey.

A zoo in Cairo, Egypt, was accused of trying to deceive visitors by painting strips of zebras on a donkey, but the zoo's director insists that the animal is the real thing.

Mahmoud Sarhan, 18, said he was visiting a newly opened animal park at the International Garden Municipal Park. spotted a strange looking animal.

Sarhan said several things about the animal being detached and made him suspicious. The black paint had melted on the donkey's face and the ears did not look like the size of a zebra, he said.

He posted a photo on his Facebook page, which quickly became viral.

In the photo, he poses next to the animal, puzzled look. He wrote in Arabic: "Stupidity happened in the country that they brought a local donkey and painted it to look like a zebra."

The director of Gardens Project in Cairo denied reports that they had tried to pass the donkey like a zebra.

"The zebra is real and unpainted," Mohammed Sultan told the Egyptian channel Youm 7.

Sultan added that the animals are well looked after and inspected regularly to ensure their well-being.

After reviewing the images, a leader of the PETA group, a group of animal activists, disagreed that this animal was well cared for

"No reputable animal would subject a nerve animal as a stress ass PETA hopes that the Cairo authorities will conduct a thorough investigation into this case, "said Delcianna Winders, PETA Foundation vice president, to CNN in a statement.

This isn & # 39; The first time a zoo tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the visitor.

In 2013, a zoo in China irritated the guests by trying to get a hairy dog ​​like a lion. And the "lion" even barked.

(The-CNN-Wire ™ and © 2018 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.)

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