Zoo Miami organizes wellness exams on resident pink flamingos


MIAMI (WFLA) – The 25 Flemish flamands of the Miami Zoo have been gathered in their exhibition to be able to pass their annual wellness exams on Thursday.

The zoo staff used a long net to bring the flock to a small area where they could be separated individually for their exams.

The animal health team set up a mobile clinic in a waiting area and one by one each animal was brought in to be checked by veterinarians.

Each flamingo was weighed and a blood sample was taken.

The condition of each animal's body has been verified, paying particular attention to his feet, which may be subject to certain problems, depending on the zoo.

All flamingos were vaccinated against West Nile virus.

All animals, except for a 31-year-old man, passed their medical examination and were returned to the show as a result of the procedure.

The male was taken to the Zoo Animal Hospital for respiratory problems.

He is resting at the clinic while veterinarians assess his condition.

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