Zuckerberg's Facebook page will not be removed on livestream, the hacker moves back: report


A Taiwanese hacker who swore to remove Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page to identify a bug in the security of the social media platform has decided not to follow through on this plan, according to a report released Friday.

Earlier this week, hacker Chang Chi-yuan announced to his 26,000 Facebook subscribers that he would be doing his hacking on Sunday. However, when the news of the planned hacking became very virulent, Chang canceled the plan to avoid "unnecessary problems," reported Bloomberg.

"I'm canceling my live stream, reporting the bug to Facebook, and showing proof when I get bonuses from Facebook," Chang told Bloomberg.

Chang is a leading hacker, a term intended to identify hackers who exploit computer system vulnerabilities for non-malicious reasons. In the case of Chang, hacking is usually done in exchange for a "premium" or a cash payment.

Facebook representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the situation.

The situation has unfolded as Facebook faces persistent questions about data privacy and security practices. The social media giant has been scrutinized by the Congress after UK-based Cambridge Analytica has improperly accessed the personal data of 87 million users.

Zuckerberg's official Facebook page has nearly 120 million followers.

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