Matthew Hardy is the new Executive Vice President of Global Energy of Chubb


The appointment will take effect July 1 and Matt will be under the command of Timothy O Donnell the new chairman of the Division of Commercial Property and General Trade Accidents at l. Chubb's stranger.

Previously, Matt held the position of Product Manager – Energy for Chubb's International Markets Company and Director of International Energy for General Affairs Abroad in Chubb, where he led the development and supply efforts. innovative solutions to meet the complex international risk management requirements of its customers in the field of energy. He joined the company in 1996 as an auxiliary subscriber and then served as director of Terrestrial Energy, before becoming general manager of Chubb's General Energy Business and later director of the Energy division. International

Matt replaces Roger Giddings who will leave Chubb this year. Roger will work closely with Matt to ensure a smooth transition.

Timothy O. Donnell Chairman of the Division of Commercial Property and Accident Trade Abroad Chubb, said: "I am delighted that you have chosen Matt Hay for this important position. He is a highly respected personality within the industry and his experience and knowledge will help us conduct our business in the highly competitive international energy insurance market. I would also like to thank Roger for his contribution to the company. 19659004] Another change within the team is the rise of Riaz Thanduparakkal, who will now assume the position of product manager for the energy sector in Chubb's international markets. The appointment will come into effect on July 1 and Riaz will be under the command of Matthew Shaw Chairman of the Chubb International Markets Business Division and Matthew Hardy Executive Vice President of Global Energy Business. Previously, Riaz held the position of Senior Energy Subscriber. He has 16 years of experience in the sector and started his professional career as a Customer Manager at Oman Insurance Company in Dubai. Riaz moved to London in 2006, where he worked at Marsh as a customer manager in the energy sector, before joining Chubb (then ACE) in 2011 as a subscriber of the company. 39, Energy Generation team.

About Chubb
Chubb is the world's leading property and casualty insurance company. With operations in 54 countries and territories, Chubb offers property and casualty insurance, accident and health insurance, as well as reinsurance and life insurance to various clients. As a subscriber, we advise, assume and manage risk based on data and discipline, in addition to assisting and paying our claims fairly and quickly. The company is also distinguished by its broad range of products and services, extensive distribution capacity, outstanding financial strength, and local operations around the world. The parent company Chubb Limited is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) and is part of the S & P 500 Index. Chubb has executive offices in Zurich, New York London and other places, and has about 31,000 employees worldwide. For more information visit

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