USC football resumes practice, confirms further positive test


The USC football team was allowed to resume training on Wednesday after it closed its facilities the day before due to a positive COVID-19 test. In its statement on Wednesday, the USC Sports Department revealed that another soccer player has tested positive and asymptomatic. In addition, five Trojans are now in quarantine due to contact tracing.

The player who tested positive is symptomatic and remains isolated. An additional player has since tested positive and is in isolation, but is asymptomatic. Five other players have been quarantined after being identified through the contact tracing process. The decision to resume practice was made in consultation with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and USC Student Health. USC will continue to test and monitor its players and staff on a daily basis, as it has been doing throughout the season, ”the USC statement read in part.

USC’s game against Colorado on Saturday remains scheduled for the time being, according to the USC statement. Additional tests will be carried out throughout the week.

Trojan Head Coach Clay helton announced the football team’s first positive test at the start of Tuesday’s USC press conference.

“We were informed last night that only one football player tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday November 23,” Helton said in a prepared statement. “This individual had traveled with us to Utah for Saturday’s soccer game, and had tested negative three times within 36 hours of travel and again on game day. All other Monday test results were negative and the individual was not in the facility. or at training on Sunday or Monday. The individual is showing symptoms and has been quarantined. USC Student Health, Utah Athletics and the Pac-12 have been notified; the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health will be notified today. When more information becomes available, including additional test results, contact tracing and public health advice, we will provide them.

In light of the first positive test, USC’s football program temporarily shut down its facilities and put its activities online on Tuesday. The decision was made while USC awaited the results of a series of PCR tests carried out on the same day.

The developments of the week are a dark note for the USC football team, which has had a relatively low number of positive cases since returning to campus at the end of June. Helton shared his take on the situation on Tuesday.

“I am so proud of [the team]. I mean, we’ve been here since July 6th, and I have to recognize both, their discipline and the sacrifices they’ve made. And in addition to thanking the university, and our leadership, our athletic and university leaders, for the resources they have given us, “Helton said.” I mean, from housing, to food, to protocols, you know, how we travel, the hotels, everything is so first class and done the right way. And then you know, we test so many times, but it provides the most accurate and current information and is able to keep us as safe as possible. So I thank the leaders of the university for what they are doing, and I thank the children for their sacrifice and their discipline that we have had during this long time. ”


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