Valve removes the video section of the Steam store


Because it was the section that needed cleaning …

Do you remember when Valve launched the video section of Steam to host streaming movies? Yeah, me either, but it's been around for a few years now with a growing library of hit versions. Instead of getting digital copies that users can download and view via the Steam client, they basically rented streaming links that would take you to a low-resolution version of the movie that you could watch while connected to Steam. Everything was considered nil, but it was probably a placeholder until Valve knew what to do with this feature.

In order to clean the storefront (ha!), Valve decided that it was high time to remove the video section from the Steam storefront. In an article on the Steam forums, Valve writes: "In recent years, we have expanded Steam's reach beyond games and software by building a video platform that supports free and paid video content. has become clear that we should focus our efforts on providing content that is either directly game-related or incidental to games or software sold on Steam. "

If you have purchased movies or documentaries on Steam, you still have access to them. In the future, currently available movies will be removed from the list and transferred from the Steam store to make room for more shovel to focus more on the game aspects of the service. As Valve says, the content is being deleted "in the hope that the video content will be discovered via the associated game store or software page".

Hope this pressure for cleanliness is not limited to movies.

Changes to video content on Steam [Steam Forums]

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