Vanguard fans unhappy with controversial gameplay feature


Ahead of its release, there is a fair amount of hype and anticipation for Call of Duty: The Vanguard PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S gamers, similar to the hype and anticipation of 2019 Modern war generated before its release. That said, while developer Sledgehammer Games has shown and said all the right things, a new report has COD fans are pushing back on this hype. According to a prominent Call of Duty Insider and Leaker, there is an in-game perk called “Radar” that causes enemies to appear on the minimap if they fire a non-silent weapon. In other words, the classic COD mini-card is locked behind a perk.

The report comes from the path of MW2 OG, which unfortunately does not disclose much else, but what is disclosed is enough to have COD fans are sensing feelings ranging from disappointed to angry, or at least some fans of the first person shooter series.

If you haven’t seen COD fans talking about it, it’s probably because a lot of the anger towards the game right now has been directed at SBMM and the three-second onset timer. Having said that, you can still find a lot going on about it, and most of these threads are negative.

“In my opinion, this is a terrible idea,” writes the streamer. KRNG ProReborn on Twitter for the feature. “This will be the game’s most popular perk for obvious reasons. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. COD has been on top for over 10 years. I just don’t understand why we need to move further away from some of the key elements of his identity. “

” But why ? Why couldn’t they make the minimap normal? ” writes another fan. “Are a developer’s feelings hurt every time a red dot appears on the minimap?” “

As you know, this isn’t the first time the series has experimented with the minimap, and every time it has, it hasn’t gone well. In other words, don’t be surprised if it’s reversed, assuming it’s true, to begin with.

Call of Duty: The Vanguard is slated for release worldwide on November 5, 2021 via PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. For more coverage on Avant-garde and all things COD, Click here.


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