10 "Bachaqueros" captured Carro e Drácula in San Diego


Consolidating the implementation of actions to fight economic war, speculation and hoarding, the Carro e Drácula captured 10 people dedicated to the speculative resale of basic basket products outside the supermarket HyperLíder located in the municipality of San Diego

The information was provided by the Secretary of Public Security, Commissioner José Domínguez, who stated that in responding to complaints from users and residents of the area, which alert the authorities to this harmful practice. by 0800-Dracula, they discovered in a previous intelligence work that a group of subjects queued daily to buy regulated products at the supermarket, items that they then resold at exorbitant prices in the neighborhoods of said store

 Commissioner General José Domínguez Photo: Press Gobernación Carabobo
Cretario de Seguridad Ciudadana, Commissioner General José Domínguez Photo: Gobernación Carabobo Press

"The modus operandi of these subjects is that they pass at night in the vicinity of the supermarket and in the morning they line up, enter the supermarket, buy the products at a regulated price and once they leave the same thing resell these products to people who are on the outskirts of the supermarket supermarket.For example, Pan flour, with a price of PVP 54 thousand bolivars, was sold to 1,200,000 bolivars. "

Foreign municipalities

It has that officials assigned to the Directorate of Intelligence and Preventive Strategies (Diep), discovered that the inmates who devote themselves to Bachaqueo in the municipality of San Diego, do not live in this area but belong to foreign municipalities like Carlos Arvelo, Bejuma, Juan José Mora and Valencia, among others.

This reason, Domínguez pointed out that "we will continue to attack the bachaquero, we will continue to attack the speculator in a relentless and more and more powerful way, we will not rest, we will continue to follow the instructions from Governor Rafael Lacava to the denunciations made by people through the 0800- Dracula and through social networks. "

Governorate of Official Information of Carabobo [194] 59011]

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