15 deaths from HIV and AIDS in Guanare in the first half of 2018


Protest of HIV and AIDS patients promoted by the Renacer Foundation in Guanare two months ago | Photo: Bianile Rivas

Guanare .- The antiretroviral treatments that the Ministry of Health must guarantee to keep alive patients with the acquired immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) Still do not reach Portuguese state. The absence of drugs, declared void by non-governmental organizations fighting for the right to life, caused 15 deaths in Guanare and leaves a balance of six people in a fragile state of health. that goes from 2018.

According to information confirmed by El Pitazo 15 people died in the capital city during the first half of 2018 because they did not have any therapies required, or with financial resources for the control examinations. Nurses from the hospitalization floors of Miguel Oraá Central Hospital reported six cases of hospitalized patients with a confidential diagnosis.

See also: Photos | Nurses take the streets and offices of SaludPortuguesa in Guanare

In Venezuela, NGOs have denounced the fact that more than 80,000 people infected with HIV and AIDS are affected and at risk for 100% of the lack antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of opportunistic infections associated with AIDS, and other drugs for the treatment of cancer, hemophilia, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurological, dialysis, transplants, Parkinson's, lymphoma, myeloma, hematological problems, mental health, among other.

Esteban Colina, of the Venezuelan Positive People Network, publicly emphasized that the constitutional mandate of the Supreme Court of Justice, dated July 15, 1999, which orders the Venezuelan State through the Ministry of People's Power , was ignored. for health, to provide antiretroviral drugs, medicines for other infections, laboratory tests and all comprehensive care to Venezuelans and foreigners residing with HIV and AIDS in Venezuela all in order to to guarantee the rights to life, health and access to progress in science and technology.

these moments hundreds of people die because of AIDS, most are young people who do not reach 35 but the government does not react, does not, n & # 39; Is not bothered by these situations that should have been avoided, says a statement by the network in April this year.

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