& # 39; Jurassic World 2 & # 39; and the perfect title


The call "The Fallen Kingdom" and to offer what Jurassic World 2 has given us is a sin of extreme honesty. The one that was once the most profitable franchise of all time has collapsed with this film whose mystic pales before yet another attempt to stretch chewing gum. 2015, all records were broken. The box office was flooded and fans ran to see the resurrection of one of the most beloved franchises of the nineties. Hollywood had yet reached it. As the film's geneticists had taken some of the creature's original DNA – in this case the original 1993 film – they mixed it with external elements – actors like Chriss Pratt – and … Boom! The Jurassic Park dinosaur has been resurrected. It was a success. They called it Jurassic World for the creature to walk again among us.

The first part of the new stage is removed from the original novels written by Michael Crichton and then began a completely different imaginary, a scenario in which are allied dinosaurs and diabolical dinosaurs. The audience was happy and the producers smiled, looking at their coffers full of money, a lot of money …

In other words: everyone was happy!

However, one must admit that keeping a franchise alive for more than five movies is a titanic task. The constant argument of visiting the failed park was becoming an increasingly unlikely excuse, so an update of the story would become necessary, especially if the goal was to produce more movies. It is here that was born the idea of ​​taking part in Jurassic World.

Good. We have the park, we have dinosaurs, someone does something wrong, the dinosaurs flee and devour those they meet, the protagonists will try to survive and they will succeed in avoiding instinct and to understand the premise that says "life always makes its way" … But, and after? How to make a suite?

First, it takes a strong reason for the protagonists to decide to return to the park from where they fled; a compelling reason why any excuse is invalid. In this case, in Jurassic World 2, the excuse is the destruction of the island where the dinosaurs live – because of the eruption of a volcano in Isla Nublar – and the motivation for save these creatures, because they do not deserve to be wiped from the face of the earth (again). It is thus that we find the heroes, Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard), who embark (again) in the adventure with a noble goal in mind, as if the use was not enough clichés – will be betrayed by the mean interests of the villains of history.

In this there are two major problems.

  • The visit to the park is short, too, if you ask me.
  • The park (or rather, the island where it was) is destroyed, which destroys any hope of returning to the original plots.

Where will the dinosaurs live if they are not in their sanctuary? Logically, apart from that, they have at their disposal an entire planet to live, but for that, it must first be that there is the same human imprudence that brought them back to life.

This argument is very similar to the first sequel of the movie "The Lost World". We find dinosaurs in an urban habitat, in the cities, as well as in the fields. Only on this occasion, the action will take place inside a mansion. It turns out then that the plot is detached from the subgenre "adventures / action" to get closer to the "terror / slasher". And that, in my opinion, kills the mystique of the whole movie.

The film, directed by Juan Antonio Bayona, does not stop convincing and looks more like a prelude to something bigger. Being a bit optimistic, we might think that since dinosaurs will continue to exist and could coexist with humans, it would open up many post-apocalyptics that could refresh the franchise and transform the plot, in the style of Resident Evil .

However, it must be admitted that the shirt of his prequel was very large. I doubt that this film exceeds the records that got the delivery led by Colin Trevorrow. We must also analyze that, today, the box office of blockbusters is closer than ever and that super productions are something everyday.

Is this the end of the Jurassic World franchise? For nothing. In fact, there is already a confirmed sequel to this story which, if you know how to make the best use of it, will give us a movie that matches your predecessors. And if we let go of the imagination – and optimism – it could bring us back to the experience of the sensations that this great frankness has given us.

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