400 adult students graduating from the Robinson, Ribas and Inces missions – Correo del Orinoco


On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the Robinson mission, this Wednesday, the graduation ceremony of 400 students in adult education was held at the National House of Letters andres Bello, as part of the achievements of inclusive politics of the Bolivarian Revolution in the education of young people, adults and adults.

Graduates belong to four important initiatives that provide adult education: the National Institute of Training and Socialist Education (INCES), the Robinson mission, the Ribas mission and the modality of the youth, adults and adults of MPPE

The event was attended by the Minister of People's Power for Education Elias Jaua Milano, Aristóbulo Istúriz, Minister of People's Power for Municipalities and Movements Social, Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of People's Power for Education, President of the Samuel Robinson Foundation Lilian Oropeza and the President of the Institute N Training and Socialist Education (Inces) Wuilkelman Ángel

"Today More than ever the slogan "I can", is more valuable than ever, you demonstrate that you can, you are graduating in one of the most complex years of the life of our Republic, when l & rsquo; # 39; agre foreign union against our country, the de facto financial blockade has strongly affected the basic elements of the life of our people, although there is economic war and foreign interference, the Venezuelan people has the right to live in dignity and regain its stability, we must get there, "said Minister Jaua Milano.

Minister Jaua informed that through this diploma the graduation cycle begins throughout the country in the adult modality, adding that Venezuelans will show the world that Venezuela will become a prosperous nation.


e educational portfolio, announced that in this month will graduate in secondary and technical education more than 494,000 high school graduates, with a growth of 4% during the 2016-2017 school year.

Similarly, enter the 535 thousand high school 841 girls, boys and adults across the country, an increase of 3% over last year. In the modality of adult education (primary), 92 thousand 445 will graduate this year, increasing by 5 percent.

As for the Ribas mission, graduated 32 thousand 292 high school students, a figure that has been increased by 28% over last year.

Also, detailed that next week will begin the graduations of technical education, adding that these institutions are given a boost.

Jaua called to feel proud to be Venezuelan, for being the Venezuelans with Bolívar forth who contributed with courage and courage to the South American continent's Liberty.

"We always find in high school, at school, at the teacher, at the teacher, at the students who they put it every day to do Venezuelan public education a reference of solidarity, love, patriotism, identity Every day, I feel more proud of Venezuelan public education, its teachers, its teachers, its educators, its workers and their students, "concluded Jaua

Text and photo / MPPE
Video / VTV
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