5 Reasons Why WhatsApp Ruins Your Relationship


At the moment, it is impossible to get rid of social networks and instant messaging applications. The more technological innovations there are, the more we become dependent on our cell phones and while it is a very useful tool, it can also become a deadly weapon for our interpersonal relationships.

The reason? We want to provide text for verbal communication and this can not be good. We all use it regularly WhatsApp either as a quick way to communicate with friends, family and co-workers at work, just to share videos and same ] every hour.

Photo: Unsplash

However, its abuse can affect you in more ways than you think, for example in your relationship; Therefore, we share 5 reasons why using WhatsApp could ruin your relationship.

1.- You are obsessed with blue popcorn

Know if your partner reads your message or no more than a mere doubt, but a total obsession. The worst comes from the fact that thanks to the update of the application we can know when the other person has read the message.

Not receiving an immediate response makes us think that we are not taken seriously, that we do not want to respond or even another person is talking to someone who is d & # 39; 39; another. Two blue popcorn were enough to cause big fights in more than one couple.

2.- You misinterpret the tone

Through the texts it is difficult to know for sure what the other feels, because the messages lack emotion and often the intention is confused

That's why the use of whatsapp as the most common way of talking to your partner is stressful because you do not know for sure if "Ok" or a "Haha" is simply a sign that you are in a hurry or if you are not interested in what you are saying.

Learn more: How to read WhatsApp messages without leaving a trace and without opening the application

3.- See it online causes distrust [19659004] How many times have you said goodbye to your partner before going to sleep or because he says he's busy, but you see that he's still logged. This simple and seemingly insignificant detail is the reason why many couples develop mistrust.

4.- You are writing indirectly in your status

The problem is that you prefer to "prove" your anger towards your partner vague messages instead of saying it directly and to try to solve whatever the problem.

Also, keep in mind that if you write your problems on social networks, everyone will know that something is not going well. it does not mean anything, "just by doing that, you are already causing a crack in your relationship.

For more: Whatsapp: How to know when your partner is lying to you

5.- You read their conversations when they are neglected [19659004] If you secretly read your messages, it's because you do not trust your partner and if you do not do trust the person you "love", what is the purpose? WhatsApp generated a wave of mistrust towards the couple, doing everything possible to gain access to what he does , says or sees through the application.

  • whatsapp
  • how whatsapp affects your relationship
  • couple love
  • couple relationships

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