5 telltale symptoms of stomach cancer


We know that it is not good to alarm or be too much hypochondriac. Then the the emergencies -especially on vacation- are full of people who have pain in the toe. But it is also true that prevention is very important and that's why you should know your body perfectly to know when you are not well.

According to data from WHO the Cancer it is one of the leading causes of death in the world; in 2012 they were awarded 8.2 million deaths. Those who cause the highest number of deaths per year are thosee lung, liver, stomach, colon and breast. The annual number of cancer cases is expected to increase from 14 million to 22 over the next two decades.

Lung cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer and breast cancer. These are the ones who cause more deaths

Stomach cancer accounts for 10% of all malignancies diagnosed each year worldwide and a family history of gastric cancer, or Helicobacter pylori bacteria which is the cause of stomach ulcers, can predispose to an increased risk of suffering from this type of cancer. Cancer of the stomach is twice as common in men as in women and the risk of developing gastric cancer increases after 50 years.

Héctor G. Barnés. Chicago

The VITAL study presented its latest results this weekend and showed that the usefulness of these supplements is much lower than expected

Stomach cancer is not particularly prevalent, but it is true that it is very important to diagnose it in time to increase life expectancy. So these are the most common symptoms, according to "Women's Health."

You see blood

In your stools Do not worry, it does not necessarily mean that you die. In fact, there are many causes for which we can find blood in these remains, as it says Allyson Oceangastrointestinal oncologist Weill Cornell Medicine and Presbyterian New York. If this happens to you, you should also check if – we regret the eschatological problem – it is bright red or not. From the presence of hemorrhoids For more serious diseases such as cancer we have reported, there is no single cause, so it is best to consult a doctor. doctor.

Your stomach is constantly hurting

Sometimes it's a bit difficult to discern where it really hurts when it comes to the stomach or intestines. When most patients complain abdominal pain, they usually talk about the epigastric pain, which refers to the area just below the lower center of the coast.

Check these pains. (IStock)
Check these pains. (IStock)

The pain in this area can be caused by the growth of a cancerous mass somewhere in your stomach, although there may also be dozens of other causes, such as indigestion, diverticulitis and even kidney stones. Therefore, if in doubt, consult a doctor.

In fact you are not hungry

You eat a little to eat, to tell the truth. Going to a restaurant, which would be a luxury for another person, is more annoying than anything else. Loss of appetite is something that really needs to be controlled, especially if at some point in your life you have I was very hungry and now, suddenly, eating is a test. Either way, you should not worry, even if it would be nice if someone was watching it. Ulcers can also cause this lack of appetite.

A lack of appetite or a feeling of immediate satiety can also be symptoms of something going on

If you also feel full of having eaten too little, it could also be a bad sign. This happens when the muscles of your stomach they can no longer push food through the the intestines correctly.

You have stomach burns

Heartburn is a bit complicated, says Oceanbecause it can be a sign of cancer (it is often linked to abdominal or epigastric pain) and also a risk factor. The people suffering from this disease may have a peptic ulcer, which means that they have more acidic in the stomach and, therefore, a higher risk of cancer. It can manifest as burning, nausea or even chest pain. It is therefore difficult to self-diagnose.

And difficulty swallowing

When you have a tumor that goes down into the esophagus You may have difficulty swallowing. You may notice that it's a feeling that food is stuck in the throat, says Ocean, or that tosas or solutions while you eat or drink In some cases, it may also appear that the food reappears soon after eating (gastric reflux). In any case, swallowing is an essential function of the human being, so it is better to control what happens as quickly as possible.

You lose weight (without trying)

We all like to be told that we have lost weight and are very thin, but you may need to consider this when you are not making a real effort to do it. Losing a little weight is a feat, although we are inclined to do so, so if you suddenly notice that all the pants are perfect, do not let go. Weight loss can be a sign of stomach cancer, partly because of the loss of appetite that often occurs, but it can also be a warning sign regardless of the disease, says Ocean, and is usually one of the first signs that something is wrong; especially in a disease like this that may not have any other noticeable symptoms.

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