5,000 Apple employees work on autonomous vehicle projects


According to a US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation, Apple has approximately 5,000 employees or has access to a self-driving vehicle project.

This information is part of a lawsuit against a former employee of Apple (Xiaolang Zhang) who is accused of stealing trade secrets and intellectual property from the company's technology.

The lawsuit was filed Monday in federal court in San Jose (California, USA). He appeared today to respond to FBI accusations on this case.

As part of the investigation to support the lawsuit against Zhang, the FBI assured that Apple had about 5,000 employees with security permits to manage the information of a project. develop software and hardware for use in autonomous automobiles. "

Considering that Apple has about 135,000 full-time workers, 3.7% of Apple employees would have access to this project.

The FBI investigation states that about 2 700 of these 5,000 workers have additional authorization to enter the project databases. 19659004] It has been known for several years in Silicon Valley that Apple is working in the field of autonomous automobiles, although the giant of the technology did not detail their plans in this regard.

Zhang, the defendant in this case, He began working for Apple in December 2015.

On April 30, he announced to the company he wanted to resign from his post and that he was planning to join XMotors, a Chinese company dedicated to automotive research Authors.

According to the researchers, Zhang has uploaded a large amount of information from Apple in the days preceding the communication of his departure.

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