6 ways to speed up your metabolism and lose weight with little physical exercise


You certainly do not need a specialist nutrition tell you that you metabolism go more slow as you turn for years Although having a greater or lesser speed depends a lot on the genetics of each and other difficult issues such as sex or age – from 40 he slows down-, you must know that you can accelerate with some tips

A person who has already passed the age of thirty consumes an average of nearly one kilo a year during his adult life, enough to accumulate 20 pounds when he reaches 50 Otherwise, fight the roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss and stress. Do you want to be one of them? Surely not. Getting fat is not inevitable when years go by if you do the right thing.

A. López

Genetics has a lot to do, but you can also change other factors to speed up and lose weight faster.

Developing our muscle mass and decreasing body fat percentage are the two main goals when we want to have a healthy lifestyle. To achieve this, it is necessary that the metabolism be able to treat the calories that enter the body through the food. Balanced nutrition and proper training are the key to achieving this. However, there are shortcuts that you should pay attention to.

Reduce calories and eat well

It's very simple. Follow these tips and you will achieve the goals you want. Know that the pace of your body is no longer as before, but do not despair, you will see little by little results. The first thing to do is to reduce calories, but not too much.

Bodybuilding can help you develop lean muscle, which begins to diminish when you turn 30 years old.

Eat just enough do not be hungry An average of three meals a day of about 430 calories each and a snack of around 150 in the middle of the morning and in the middle of the afternoon will allow you to stay active all day long. If you are one of those who likes to eat, improve it with a good breakfast. It will keep your energy high throughout the day. It's not by chance that women who skip this food are four and a half times more likely to be obese, according to several studies.

Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system, so that your daily intake can accelerate it by 5 to 8%, or about 98 to 174 calories a day. A 2012 study, published in the journal "Obesity," suggests that a high consumption of this alkaloid is associated with weight loss by thermogenesis, the way your body maintains heat and oxidation fats.

More fiber and more water

By incorporating more foods rich in this nutrient into your diet (vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes), you will feel fuller longer and reduce unhealthy cravings. Studies have shown that women who eat more fiber they take less weight over time. It is advisable to obtain 21 to 25 grams a day for them and 30 to 38 grams for them. Raspberries, pears, apples, peas, broccoli and turnips are great for speeding up metabolism. Make sure to balance your protein and fat intake in order to keep your hormone levels under control and avoid taking abdominal fat.

In addition, other research suggests that drink water It can help promote weight loss by reducing caloric intake and speeding up the metabolism. Researchers believe that the reason is that you replace high calorie sweetened beverages with water. They also believe that it can help promote lipolysis, the breakdown of fats and other lipids.

Hiit and bodybuilding

Studies have shown that Workouts with high intensity intervals They are effective at burning belly fat and increase metabolism more than constant cardiovascular exercise. Alternating between brief intense efforts and periods of lower intensity readjusts your body at a faster pace, so you burn more calories several hours after the workout.

Eat just enough to not be hungry. Three meals a day of about 430 calories each and a snack of 150 in the middle of the morning and in the afternoon

In addition, strength training This can help you develop lean muscle, which starts to diminish when you turn 30 years old. Unlike fat, muscles take up less space. According to a study by the Journal of Applied Physiology, weight gain increases your resting metabolic rate, so you burn until you have exercised. The most effective is work several muscles at once and save time in the gym. Compound movements, such as a squat with a weight on a shoulder pressure or an inverted lunge towards a flex of the biceps, activate several muscle groups.

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