7 shots killed a Mormon in Petare


For fleeing the criminals to Dari, Steven Mata Briceño received seven bullets in the back. The victim died at the entrance to the emergency room of the Domingo Luciani Hospital in El Llanito, Tuesday at 20:40

Prior to the event, Mata Briceño was in the l 39; Mormon Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Petare, in which I had been participating for several years. Then he joined a football match with his fellow congregation and at the end of the meeting he called his mother to tell him that he was going back to his home in the La Redoma area, July 5th district in Petare. , Municipality of Sucre in the state Miranda

"She told mom to do two arepas and she asked him to go through the deli in the area where we live and buy cheese," said José Mata , brother of the victim.

Dari Mata worked as a messenger at a fire extinguisher company in Boleíta. On Saturday, he attended high school in a parasistema campus on Montesacro Street in La California.

Mata Briceño was accompanied by her younger brother and when they left the establishment they were attacked by four men who asked for their belongings. The younger brother – whom they did not identify – ran to stay. Mata Briceño did the same, but was hit by a gust of gunfire.

Leave a two-year-old orphan.

Death in Catia . In front of his mother and two shots, Jhorvin José Da Cruz, a 23-year-old motorcycle driver, fell at 2:30 pm on Wednesday at Los Magallanes de Catia.

Da Cruz left with his mother that afternoon. motorcycle to formalize the registration of his three-year-old son in kindergarten Mi Mundo Infantil, located in a residential complex on the straight line of Los Magallanes de Catia. Since he did not meet all the requirements for registration, he had to return to campus two hours later; On the way back to his home in El Cañón Street, in the same area, Da Cruz was attacked by two men who also traveled by motorcycle. The parrillero told him to stop the march, then shot him two bullets; one of the projectiles hit him on the left shoulder and Da Cruz, losing control of the steering wheel, fell with his mother on the sidewalk.

The woman went out for her defense while the criminal opened fire for the third time. The bullet hit her left shoulder, but she pierced her heart and lodged in her right lung. Da Cruz died in the arms of his mother. The offenders did not take the motorcycle or any other personal belongings.

Alis Nieto, godmother to the victim, said that they did not know the reasons for the homicide and said: "There are not enough police to attack the crime in Popular sectors: criminals kill parents, children, brothers and there is no power to attack them, they manage the law of the street ", he said yesterday, pending the delivery of the body at the morgue of Bello Monte.

"There are not enough police to attack crime in the popular areas, criminals kill parents, children, brothers and they do not have the power to attack them."

Alis Nieto, godmother of Jhorvin José Da Cruz

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